Circle Jerks: CCP Ethics Forum

Gone Mild blogs an excellent and comprehensive round-up of the Democrats that run Kansas City politics.

A few observations in order to set the record straight . . .

"Paul Levota is funny" . . . When his brothers aren't choking out old dudes I'm sure he's hilarious.

"Jason Kander is funny, too." . . . I like Kander, but he's not funny. He's earnest and honest and has a kind of silly Jimmy Stewart-like confidence in his ideas . . . But he ain't funny. Kander supports the Troops and Ethics Reform and Apple Pie and The American Flag I'm sure . . . But real comedy needs a level of meanness and edge that Kander just hasn't attained yet (see: Levota justifications for choking out an old dude.)

"The candidates are out to see and be seen." This statement from Gone Mild is 100% correct and sadly it's the only kind of superficial function at which the CCP excels given that they don't stand for much besides phony middle-class ideas that mistakenly believe the word "progressive" is something besides a branding gimmick.

Something to look for . . . Gone Mild still clandestinely sticks up for Mayor Funky. Some people just can't help themselves.


  1. Has Seen Knife Play1/29/10, 8:38 AM

    Kander leaves the meanness and edge to Diana, who enjoys both way too much for a sane individual.

  2. I cannot get this Jimmy Stewart allusion out of my head.

    It is like Kander is not Mr. Smith, but Elwood P. Dowd from Harvey, only in this version Harvey is not a 6' 1 and 1/2 inch tall, friendly, White Rabbit. This Mr. Dowd is accompanied by a 5' 1" Wolverine with a taste for slander and blood named Diana.

    What the hell do those two have to do with the topic of ethics anyway?

  3. The Kool Aid is Tainted Tony!1/29/10, 10:28 AM

    You really need to drop the Man Crush you have on Kander the Pander-bear, Tony.

    He is not funny for the same reason that Dick Cheney isn't funny.

    He is not funny for the same reason that Dick Nixon never earned the nickname "Laugh Riot." (He could not even get the intonation right when he said "Sock it to me?" on Laugh-In.)

    Kander lives for ambition. He has no interest in human needs or human levity. He is a little shit who wants to be a big shit someday.

    Kander is dangerous. Diana is unspeakably dangerous.

    But Tony, you give Kander and The Beast a free-ride just like Dan gives Gloria and her Consort a free-ride.

  4. Jason Kander lives and breathes blind ambition. He is using public service to further his goal of being important. Stepping on everyone is always an option for this misanthrope. And his wife???? What a freak show!!!!

  5. He was the one that said combat tax was going down also so i like you comments, he should stay to drinking his beer.His endorsement means you pretty much will lose.

  6. What a jerk Gone Mild his personal blog for nuts.

  7. Anonymous 3:32 - I never said the COMBAT tax was going down - I said I opposed it. I'm pretty sure I have the most accurate streak of election predictions of anyone who doesn't have polls to rely on. I don't always agree with the crowd, though.

  8. Stick to your beer ,NUT

  9. Gone Mild has a personal interest in bashing the County Legislature, his wife was on the ethics commission and didnt get what she wanted so she who wears the pants has her husband bash them everytime he gets a chance . Of course not Garza because she flirts and rubs on him.

  10. Garza flirts and rubs on him?

    I think I threw up in my mouth a little bit.

  11. As noted on another post, Garza might be the spawn of Tiger Cardarella, so who would spend any time with her?

  12. Dan has wandering eyes, doesn't he? He flirts at Costco, too.


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