Chief Corwin on KCPD Local Control

KCPD Chief Corwin starts off this week by attempting to dispel outcry over local control.

Here are some money quotes from his post:

There are a bunch of great quotes that I somewhat agree with but I thought Chief Corwin speaking to the issue of corruption was the most interesting . . .
"Another common argument is that the Board of Police Commissioners was put in place during a time of rampant corruption – the Tom Pendergast era – and that it is no longer necessary because no such corruption exists today. I beg to differ. Since 1990, five Kansas City Council members have been federally indicted while in office on charges such as taking bribes, violating campaign finance laws, and most recently, mortgage fraud. No Kansas City police commissioner ever has been charged with any criminal wrongdoing."
The reference against Saundra McFadden Weaver was a nice touch along with including a nod to 90's era corruption . . . It's not the strongest argument but it is certainly effective in noting that any and all complaints against how the KCPD is run could certainly get a lot worse.


  1. Well, fuck me, I didn't know they walked on water!

  2. So, the Police Chief is making an argument why he and his people should not directly report to the people that pay them (IE no responsibility to their REAL bosses---the taxpayers). Its a great gig if you can get it.

  3. It doesn't much matter who they report to the do nothing culture is ingrained in the KCPD.

  4. 8:50 speaks the truth. The culture inside the department is 'me first'.

    They don't want local control so they can continue to be unaccountable.

  5. Corwin makes weak arguments. The KCPD must answer to Kansas City.

  6. Actually, 8:50 and 8:57, if you actually took the time to read the Chief's blog, he explains that the police department is accountable to the citizen oversight committee known as the Board of Police Commissioners. This is a body made up of ordinary citizens (err...lawyers). They are not however politicians who are prone to micromanagement and corruption.
    Again, until I call 911 and a City Council member shows up to handle my call, I will support our local police.

  7. The truth about local control is this . . . it actually REMOVES state control. The Board of Police Commissioners is local.
    I personally don't want Wayne Cauthen, the mayor and City Council running the police department.
    They're crying about the small amount of funding they're not getting now . . . what do you think would happen if/when the police budget was rolled into the city budget?
    I tried to check on cities of similar sizes to see what their police departments cost, can't be done, cars become part of the city fleets, administration is no longer identifiable, etc.
    As it is now, we at least know what we're paying and when they're underfunded.

  8. Whoever thinks that the Board of Police Commissioners are not politicians is turly naive. They're appointed by the Governor and unless they're known to Gov. Nixon (e.g., through campaign contirubtuions, fund-raising, etc.) why would he have any reason to know them much less appoint them. The problem is that our stupid Mayor, who is supposed to be the ad hoc representative for KCMO, has bought Corwin's BS completely. Corwin's strategy is to point out how badly everyone else behaves without taking any responsibility for himself and his troops. Since the 90's how many police officers have been discharged or suspended for inappropriate behavior? How many discretions by police officers go unreported or get soft-pedaled to the public? How is it that the laws apply to the rest of us one way and the 'borhterhood' of police officers another? Before you get your knicers is a twist, JC, it doesn't matter if there's truth in the allegation or not. Perception is reality and the perception of the KCPD is that they're a bunch of selfish whiney asses who feel they're entitled to more than any one else in this community. Come on, boys, man up!

  9. What about Gov. Blunt?

  10. The lawyers on the Board of Commissioners haven't been busted for corruption?

    surprise surprise

    It's almost like they're skilled at making insider arrangements appear proper to avoid legal trouble, unlike the (normally) less sophisticated people on city council.

  11. The Missouri State Auditor Office in KC told me the KCPD had planns to remove them self from their oversight but they must go on a buying spree before the move takes place for the KCPD to have the city provide final and total control over opperations for them. Removing the state form having control and oversight!


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