Making it easier to be the ghey at City Hall

The Kansas City Council will vote today on a measure to make it easier for city employees to get domestic partner benefits . . . The measure tentatively approved Wednesday by the Finance Committee eases the eligibility requirements imposed on employees applying for health benefits and sick and funeral leave benefits associated with their domestic partners.


  1. In other words, make it easier for people who are more inclined to sleep around a lot to get these benefits, the very people who shouldn't be allowed to exploit this system and cost me more money in taxes.

    But they have an auditor. Now I feel better. The first time some homosexual couple is questioned about their arrangement, they'll scream homophobia. Blah blah blah.

    Endorse immorality, you get more of it.

  2. As if hetero's don't sleep around? Get off the high horse.

  3. Gimme a break anon, it's like supermarket sweep out there for them.

  4. Obviously you haven't looked on craigslist under the men seeking men page and seen all the so called “Str8 Married Guy” looking for a hot guy to suck, fuck or what ever to get their jolly’s off... Unless you too are a married bible thumper who's still getting sucked off in the closet by your pool man as your Betty Crocker wife is down stairs raising your three kids who you spend no time with because your so unhappy with your life now so you end up having affair after affair with your recently replaced secretary.... Yeah that's the heart warming family values that homophobic hetero men portray... Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy about how a relationship is supposed to be... So how about this... Before you make assumptions that are based on empty facts, years of discrimination and self-righteous views, why don't you actually try to get to know a gay couple and open your mind to the fact that people are people and yes the relationship is the same...


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