So what did Roy Blunt know?

In a (small) way, the sexy scandal of the moment comes back on the Show Me state. However, in the photo shown above it's good to see Representative Roy Blunt keeping his distance from the nasty e-mail sending to a 16 year-old boy Florida Rep. Mark Foley. Talking Points Memo reports: "If I'm understanding this correctly, that means that the leaders of the House Republican caucus have known for almost a year that a member of their caucus was having cybersex with an underage congressional page. And apparently they did nothing about it."

KCTV 5 has taught us well, Democrat or Republican, a perv is perv. And while this kind of thing is going to make great partisan fodder, I think the more important lesson here is that (for the most part) politicians are the ghey . . . Along with an increasing number of dudes on the downlow.

Actually, this kind of thing scares me because you might remember that 9/11 basically saved Gary Condit's ass. And any other suspects in the Chandra Levy murder have been as hard to find as the wreckage of the plane that hit the Pentagon. Also, I know a terrorist attack in KC would only be yet another reason to build condos . . . So I'll keep my tinfoil hat close.

Still, I don't believe in conspiracies, I just know that there is something about D.C. that makes quite a few (pervy and powerful) people feel like they can get away with anything.
