A place for propaganda

Union Station's Science City hasn't had much luck attracting visitors but a new exhibit may (probably won't) turn the tide.

The Star reports that a new four-sided kiosk in the lobby of Union Station, offers a five minute multi-media presentation explaining the science behind research on early stem cells.

I'm not sure that telling families that their offspring are better put to use as a medical byproduct is a smart way to attract more visitors but I guess it's educational at least.

Of course I'm mischaracterizing stem cell research but it's only because I haven't seen the Union Station presentation yet. Previously, I thought that they just stuck a straw into the head of a fetus in order harvest the life giving goodness . . . Thus the term "stem." I'm sure it's a lot more complicated than that . . . There's probably a blender involved at some point.

Some of you might have a problem with using a public space to propagandize the citizenry but that's far less important than finding paying customers for this city's biggest abortion of a public improvement project. And clearly, warping the minds of kids who are visiting Science City isn't a problem when those precious brain cells are better put to use in order to save the life of any one of the super rich people who can afford these procedures. While I'm sure the benefits of these "life saving cures" will one day "trickle down" (like pee) on the rest of us . . . From what I've seen (like organ transplants) only rich people benefit from the early scientific breakthroughs. Poor people in need of advanced medical treatment usually end up marveling only at the leaps and bounds that cremation technology has recently underwent.

Anyway, I guess it's a good thing that the public and families visiting Science City have a chance to examine the issue. Educating and caring for children takes a lot of time and patience, whereas spewing out propaganda in every place imaginable only takes money.


  1. Some of the worst (or best) propaganda Union Station has spewed is getting Kansas Citians to believe that Science City is losing money. It is the only attraction at Union Station that has consistently made money since the building's renovation. It seems as if the Board's top dogs have their eyes on that prime piece of real estate (hence some of it being sacrificed for the new bridge)and will go to any lengths to take it under (see firing most of the staff needed to run the place.) Fuzzy math, fumbled accounting and promoting inept leadership can make anything look like a disaster.


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