Maybe Alex Jones is right

A couple of years ago my cousin sent me a link to Infowars and we both thought it was good for a laugh with a few occasionally interesting points.

Generally, I think people are too loud mouthed and dumb to put together a decent conspiracy. I've been interrogated by grade school nuns and that has taught me one fundamental truth: Everybody talks.

However, I have to agree that this country is definitely taking many steps toward becoming a police state.

Here's a local example: The Lawrence Journal World recently reported that expensive hidden cameras were used to bust pot heads at the recent Wakarusa Festival.
A new article in a trade journal, Government Security News, describes the roughly $250,000 worth of hidden-camera, night-vision and thermal-imaging equipment used by police throughout the festival grounds. The equipment was courtesy of a California company that agreed to give a free demonstration of its wares for marketing purposes.

The company estimated that they were able to cover 85 percent of the festival grounds with about a half dozen hidden cameras.
Someone please tell me how preventing a bunch of stoner douche bags from eating pizza and listening to music is protecting the public interest?

Most of the reaction to the security crackdown at the festival has been overwhelmingly negative. Put simply, the police (state) presence ruined the festival.

Thing, local government has a right to crack down on whoever they want, they also have a right to lose income because of prude policy. Downtown KC anyone? If the organizers of this event were smart (read: not stoned) they might want to consider moving the thing. Let the local fuzz enjoy their pot free community while some other place might welcome (read: not harass) a group of people who might purchase a ton of junk food and lots of shiny things.

In the end, whether it's state funded prisons, drug dealers or Phish . . . Somebody always finds a way to make money off of drug addicts.


  1. I've been a subscriber to Infowars for some time now. Alex Jones may be a little looney but I love the documentaries he features on the website. The latest one is fantastic but I think you have to be a member to watch it; only like 6 bucks a month and you can download all the documentaries available. As far as hidden cameras go; welcome to the future of America.

  2. Alex is the only radio personality that has the balls to tell the truth.he can back everything he says with facts.ten years ago people thought he was crazy, everything he said has come true! people who criticize him, don't listen to him, , people that do, are the only informed people on the planet. people that dont are just sheeple.

  3. Yeah, Alex isn't necessarily my style, but unfortunately his core message is pretty accurate. For me it's worth it to put up with his rants to get the truth. Can't say I blame him for being so passionate about the problems we face today, and the powerful delivery is probably what some folks need to wake up. I sure wish we'd get him back on a radio station in KC.


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