Didn't you know the Accardos own the Crossroads?

I make a habit of not listening to anyone's problems but driving home last night at around 8 p.m. I saw some white guy on the Boulevard with a sandwich board and a sardonic grin. He was shouting something and I was too far away to read his sign but the fact that he was directly in front of the Accardo real estate office gave me a clue as to what he was upset about . . . Despite the glowing coverage from The Star, apparently more than a few nearby residents are none to pleased about a 17-story residential condominium tower planned for the Crossroads District.

I felt bad because I didn't shake the guy's hand but I make it policy never to touch anyone I meet on the street after dark. However, after talking to him for a few minutes it was clear that he's an intelligent guy who simply doesn't like what's going on in his neighborhood. Later, after a few Google searches I found that Bill Drummond is an active member in the Crossroads Community and (unlike me) he isn't completely negative about new real estate development in this town. In fact, he seems to be a strong proponent of the Performing Arts Center but feels that the Accardo real estate company is unfairly benefiting from the hard work of his community. Apparently, he's not the only one who is mad about the thing and he told me that others plan to protest as well. He makes an interesting case about the company's lack of support for the Crossroads and their feeble attempt to rename the district, check out what he has to say for yourself.


  1. It's good to see some downtown development that isn't taxpayer funded. When folks actually live in a community, they will demand action to make it safe.

  2. i thought no one (julia irene kauffman) wanted the accardo tower because it would block peoples' view of the performing arts center.

    i like the quote in the star article where chris accardo implies that no one lives in crossroads ("in order to grow and prosper, the crossroads must become a 24/7 community," etc.)

    also, hmm, if you are the accardos and owned everything in that area and founded custom color and renovated buildings and whatnot all these years, how can bill drummond say they have "done nothing" for artists and the area?

    they are taking advantage of what they helped create. sure, that means they had money, made more money and stand to continue to do so.

    however, as tony always says (paraphrase): how many condos can kc support? these are to be priced in the "under $500,000 range," after all. artists already can hardly afford to live in crossroads as it is.

    and me: towers are stupid. the san francisco tower is ugly. i guess people live there, and apparently, they are nothing like me. takes all kinds. is the view on admiral filled up yet? what about the cadillac building dealy on gillham?


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