Blogger Backtalk: Devil Inside

I knew that local bloggers would have a lot of more interesting things to say about recent talk of El Diablo, much more heartfelt than anything in the MSM:

  • The Chatterbox Chronicles asks: "How much of this crap do we have to put up with on our own soil?"


  • Worst Weather Ever celebrates with the following statement: "It will NEVER get any better than that folks. Plus he was recommending we all read a Chomsky book? The Ultimate. Thank you for making my month Mr. Awesome."

    In other news around the local blogosphere:

  • "Sure, Green Tea is better, but is it $4.00 better?"

  • A customer review worthy of TKC: "Time Warner can eat a dick too."

  • One blogger's take on the Talent-Nelson amendment. It's pretty thorough and informative, which means that you won't find that kind of analysis on the front page of The Star or anywhere on TV news. Also, I have a theory that in the future, all banks will be pretty much like payday lenders.

  • "A few random thoughts on moving south"

  • Really great Royals game pics!!! A losing effort but still nice to look at, just like Royals baseball for nearly two decades.
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