Prez Trump Team Kansas GOP Takeover???

Good luck to Red State voters in their attempt to distinguish between slightly different brands of Republicans. Take a look: Trump ties put to test in Kansas race


  1. Should be a landslide victory for him. The broke, rural, stupid, fudgepackin' Brownbackin' Trump-daddy snowflakes that make up that god forsaking shithole will propel him to victory. #boycotthamilton #boycottnordstrom #boycottcoke #boycottbudweiser

  2. Sounds like granny's ^^^ wayz tahred, dizzy, and short circuited. Guzzle that hot sauce you keep in your purse and put your blue lenses on. Also, you best get a bigger pussyhat, since that one you've incessantly cried into has shrunk. ¥boycottphilanderbillyenabler ¥boycottsniperfireliar ¥boycottpandererinapantsuit ¥boycottfamfoundationscam

  3. ^^^^^^. Says the metrosexual barista with $50k in student debt for a degree in Communications that still lives in his parents' basement in shithole Kansas City.


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