Support from "viewers like you" powers this divisive, acerbic and racially charged Kansas City Public TV column.

Most of the drivel from KCPT's news magazine goes unchecked and largely unnoticed but quite a few denizens of our blog community are PISSED regarding this writing from the partially taxpayer funded media outlet.

Here's the premise and the money line . . .

Michelle T. Johnson: "Am I incredibly nervous about what a Donald J. Trump Presidency will look like? Yes, and I get more nervous with each cabinet appointment.

"But what I’m in full-fledged annoyance about is how people are mostly concerned with what I call WPPR – White People Public Relations."

Personal aside . . .

Some of our spammer trolls followed TKC when he made an ever-so-brief appearance on Ruckus awhile back and the KCPT jerks got so scared that they didn't even invite me to the after-party. Harrumph! Also, we'll never forget that Mary Sanchez's boycott threat got us kicked off Week In Review long, long ago. Sniffle . . .


But I digress . . .

I'm pretty sure this broad wants us to take her "seriously" which is a mistake for anyone working in media amid the Trump era.

Like it or not and despite the fact that a little part of me dies whenever I have to defend ANYBODY but a big booty white woman, the writing we've called out is a truculent bit of partisan rhetoric that would be rebuffed if it was directed at anybody but all the white people who voted for Trump.

You decide . . .


  1. Anti-white.

    That's the strategy for the Democrats to win back offices and the white house?


    It's not going to work.

  2. She's a talented writer and a playwright. She is actually quite a brilliant woman and she could have done better than this. I like her writing and I think KCPT is right to give her a platform.

    But obviously even their editors wanted to downplay the column.

  3. Trump voters shouldn't all be tagged as racist considering a lot of different people voted for him. A far more diverse cross section than hillary's votes that excluded Bernie Sanders supporters.

  4. Trump is going for competence instead of BS diversity garbage. Substance over style.

  5. The irony of this woman's ability to pen her screed on whites from a platform funded by tax payers escapes her and most of the public. NPR is close to violently Progressive and pumps out agitprop and the usual leftist cant, just as reliably as the New York Times. No doubt Michelle Johnson, takes her "objectivity" seriously and subjectively with a fatal dose of sanctimony and drinks her coffee straight black.

    These bootless cries from still another Progressive/Fascist echo chamber, drenched in victimization and self righteous recrimination coupled with the usual "Puppy Dog" sale assumption that any decent human being in any electorate should think "just like I do" is wearing thin. In fact, Ms. Johnson's presumptions are a thin patina covering the malevolent bedrock of black racism that infects our Media, Academia, Politicians, Entertainment Industry and the entirety of the American Zeitgeist.

    The mortal sins of whites, who now face the prospect of not only ingrained and cellularly imbued hatred from the Manchurian Candidate whites on the left, but the Black Panther like intimidation and violence from Blacks, are no more, than the EXACT sins, racist sins, that they have endured in silence for 40 years.

    What is good for the goose, is good for the Goose Stepping Gander. Let us all hope, that the whites on the right, have learned valuable lessons from their Saul Alinsky Progressive/Fascist enemies on the Left. Lies, violence, intimidation, legerdemain, co-opting any and all organizations by way of threats and character assassination, the entire panoply of weaponized rhetoric that can destroy lives, careers, families and reputations, now turned against those enemies of Free Speech, the Right to Assemble, the Constitution and traditional, historic American values can and SHOULD be wielded to inflict mortal damage.

    After eight years of a Marxist/Cutluralist/Black-Panther wanna be in the White House, who, with his Attorney General, NEVER, NEVER missed an opportunity to gin up the racial hatred for the express purpose of winning at the ballot box and diminishing by any way possible those folks who voted for Trump, there should be no succor, no diminishment of antipathy, vitriol and hatred.

    Politics is war, by other means. This war must be prosecuted to the end, the very end.

  6. all I can say is: Harrumph for Trump!

  7. Apparently "talented" and "brilliant" don't come with a little bit of common sense, appropriateness, relevance, and just a pinch of humility.
    Her impact on public discourse is ZERO.
    Hope her plays are good enough to earn her a living.

  8. Chuck well said! This could indeed lead to a hot war unless the lefties wake up and remember who has the guns and know how to use them. I hope it doesn't come to that.

  9. Good for her. Yes, she is brilliant, and if these words make you uncomfortable, that's exactly what she's talking about.

  10. Black kill over a third of their unborn children before they even get a chance.

    It enable Planned Parenthood...founded by the atheist Margaret eliminate more BLACK LIVES every MONTH than the KKK did in its entire existence.

    White people aren't their worst problem.

    As DAVID DUKE pointed out...thanks to abortion there are at least 20 MILLION less Blacks than there would have been without Roe v Wade.


  11. Emmanuel Cleaver Clay ChasANALstrain Toy Train Michael Mahoney Bologna Clay AssStain raul Iva Baez instuff turkey is the target for a new job of a beer or possibly the new website that is not going on the way to work on a small town where they have a new website that has no one more on their website or anything from the other app or the other than the other one app that I have used on app but this app has been to the app since I was a new one

  12. Awww, Dems and dames of color are in deep depression over Donny John's demolishing of D.C.'s Hate Whitey House.

    HER won't be making any of those "hot sauce I keep in my purse" appointments.

    HER won't be "no wayz tahred" constantly pulled by Huma's Muz Bro puppet strings while piling up those foundation funds.

    HER won't making more promises like handing out free college to the "super-predators" she hoped to appease.

  13. Just drink beer and watch sports like white people.

    It's a wonderful life!

  14. Seems Ms. Johnson is a little racist in her comments

  15. There is NO LAW or ORDINENCE that says that any group of people that work on a project MUST be a rainbow of peoples colours. Just fkng get over it. I have hated at jobs I've had to have to have a nig, towel head, and a taco work in the group just to have "diversity". The white person ends up doing all the work because of their incompetence or they are just not there because of "special circumstance" and have everyone take credit for the job done except the person who actually did the work.

  16. You have to be very careful about who you qualify as professional journalists. Some has been shit for brains loser at a public broadcasting outlet is nothing more than a wannabee who can not cut the mustard in the real broadcasting world. No different than those community radio ghetto hermits who sound like they couldn't read the back of a Quaker Oats box without fucking it up. A dork with a microphone in front of him does not a broadcaster make.


    Yeah, because racism is hilarious.

    Tony, you really are a dumbshit. A dumbshit and an asshole. And apparently, a racist.

    And a sexist, both, yourself.

    You then go on in the story to refer to the author as a "broad."

    No wonder you let your ignorant, racist commenters post.

    You're as bad as they are.

    And you don't know it. And so, you have no shame.

    1. Shuddup. Take your rants to the real racist, Sharpton at MSNBC. Better yet, send them to his best bud, Barry's Hate On Whitey House. That's where race-hustling, homophobe ranter Al spends much of his time.

  18. Hey 10:09, take a prozac and calm down. What an angry twit. I bet you didn't even find 9:16's post funny. Go screw yourself.

    1. Emmanuel Cleaver Clay ChasANALstrain Toy Train Michael Mahoney Bologna Clay AssStain raul Iva Baez instuff turkey is the target for a new job of a beer or possibly the new website that is not going on the way to work on a small town where they have a new website that has no one more on their website or anything from the other app or the other than the other one app that I have used on app but this app has been to the app since I was a new one

  19. just looked at michelle t johnsons search results, she has BLACK OUT, a black persons guide to business, more I AM BLACK AND PROUD self help books,,,, thats fine, but what if somebody wrote a WHITE OUT, a po whites guide to business. see, the democratic drivel that has become today, fascism draped in equality, unequal moveable goal posts, different rules for different people. anyways, look you had your RAINBOW president, and his RAINBOW CABINET, new black panther party sympatheizer ERIC HOLDER as the D.A.,, and what happened, AFRO AMERICANS WERE SAYING THAT THIS COUNTRY WAS THE MOST EVIL IT'D EVER BEEN,,,, after that,,, TAKE A SEAT AND SHUT UP,,,,,,, so now, when the lower and middle whites get their shot, you cry foul.

  20. Deplorable Joe11/26/16, 12:45 PM

    Another reason why Trump won. These idiot libs actually believe in their moral superiority and as a result the electorate gave them the big fuck you.

  21. Come on Honey, it is not like Trump is going to repeal the Thirteenth Amendment of the Constitution. You should be glad that Hillary did't get elected considering all the wonderful things the Democrat party has done for African-Americans beginning with Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society and the Welfare State that has turned the inner cities of America into urban equivalent of Indian reservations. The Democrats have supported Roe v. Wade to the hilt and abortion will insure that African-Americans remain a minority. How has President Obama help African-Americans with his free trade policies and his open immigration policies? Sister, President Trump might be a blessing in disguise for Black America.

  22. The relationship between black America and the Democratic Party must be a type of Stockholm syndrome.

  23. The real useful-idiot shills are the editors and hacks paid by the Washington Post, who are busy penning articles such as "Why the electoral college should choose Hillary Clinton". Isn't this fundamentally a call to over-ride the Constitutional framework of the republic's democracy?

  24. none of this is true and none of it is common sense, and, better yet, it just lost and will in the future lose elections.

  25. @8:39am
    It doesn't make a lot of sense that saying or doing something that makes others "uncomfortable" make those words or actions meaningful, important, or even acceptable.
    Yelling in church would fit the bill, but it's hard to find the meaning.
    Having the dog take a dump on the living room rug would probably make people uncomfortable too.
    Opinions from people who have no responsibilities whatsoever and are mostly interested in calling attention to themselves make others uncomfortable only because they reflect so poorly on the speaker and their inflated sense of self.
    She should stick to Twitter with the rest of the twits.

  26. A November 22, 2016 investment report is predicting Johnson & Johnson’s stock is going to rapidly increase in value. Johnson & Johnson baby products are flying off the shelves and the vast majority of retailers are sold out of most of Johnson & Johnson baby products. The back order lead time is approaching 4 months as the supply chain is drained of all available merchandise.

    Research analysts speculate grief counselors, college campuses, and safe spaces are purchasing Johnson & Johnson baby products so they will have something to distribute to all of the crybabies that have overwhelmed these systems. Pacifiers, safety pins, powder, nipple bottles, butt wipes, diapers and nose tissues are among the items that ordinary people are having a difficult time locating.

    Buy Johnson & Johnson stock now while the hysteria is approaching an all-time high.

  27. We dodged the bullet this time with Trump's victory. All Trump voters can't rest on our laurels. The wall will built; the 1965 "Immigration Act" will be repealed; illegal aliens and useless legal migrants will be sent packing; high IQ citizens will be given all necessary moral and economic support to reproduce; and the black criminal cancer will be excised from the body politic. These items will only happen when the deplorables continue to take action to control our own destiny. More specifically: 1. Return all fundraising letters with letters of protest via free Business Reply envelopes. 2. Support immigration restriction groups like Numbersusa. 3. Support candidates who will fight on our behalf. 4. Eschew the MSM and find sites the will give us the truth. Keep fighting.

    One day we will be free people in our own land.

  28. Fuck 'em. Trump is president. Life's a bitch if you are a libtard. Better luck next time.

  29. First things first. At the very bottom of this article, we see that Michelle Johnson was with The Kansas City Star for nine years, so that already tells us a lot, and it's not positive. Secondly, Ms. Johnson has a very large photo of herself inserted within the article, so I think it's safe to assume that she has an inflated sense of self-worth. Because she insisted on everyone seeing her photo, readers are forced to note Ms. Johnson's race before reading her words. Now, let's dive into the article.

    Right there in the third sentence, plain as day, Michelle Johnson lets us know that she's likely a bigot. ("...what I call WPPR – White People Public Relations.") And by that I mean that she's not embracing the words of MLK Jr. ("I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.") but that she pre-judges people based upon attributes like race. I pulled out the MLK Jr. quote because Johnson notes that people love to quote him when "they want to silence and corral the unruly masses." She just doesn't ascribe guilt to herself when doing the same thing.

    And as if she didn't out herself quite flagrantly enough already, she goes further --- "We still have too many whites who voted for Trump more concerned with distinguishing themselves from the people who had racist motivations for voting for Trump." And then, yet flows more racist rhetoric --- "Then there are the whites..", "white guilt", "Magical Negro", "the hurting, distraught white people", "a well-meaning white friend", "I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate", "the Negro’s", " the White Citizen’s Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner". Clearly, Michelle T. Johnson views life primarily through a racial lens. When a pre-President Obama spoke in 2004 at the DNC, he said -- "There is not a black America and a white America and latino America and asian America - there's the United States of America." -- sadly, I don't think Ms. Johnson was paying attention to his speech.

    In what must be the most ignorant comment within this article, Michelle Johnson states that -- "The two demographics where Trump got the majority of votes were white men and white’s a racial thang." Do you suppose that Ms. Johnson realizes that according to recent U.S. Census data, our national population consists of:
    Non-Hispanic whites make up 63 percent of the U.S.
    Hispanics, 17 percent
    Blacks, 12.3 percent
    Asians, 5 percent
    and multiracial Americans, 2.4 percent
    So, the fact that Trump received a majority of votes from white men and white women is NOT a "racial thang"'s a statistical thing! A mind is a terrible thing to waste, Ms. Johnson.

  30. It's the end of neoliberalism. Welcome to the Trumpocalypse, Hilary's glad she's not in the office for this one. In North Carolina the liberals are offering safety pins telling the Klansman they began are in a safe space.

  31. 5:46 Thank you for your willingness to school fools who may be at risk, or already gobbling this garbage served by the "Johnsons" in our midst. Clarke, Sowell, West, and other blacks, endeavoring for a Great America, have charged that promotion of race discord is a passion for a list of known baiters and haters. Calling out those bitter color clingers is what strengthens discourse to get to lowered levels or complete elimination of divisiveness. Of course, there are black racists who will career in fostering contempt between the races. It pays in obvious monetary measures for certain familiar politicos, preachers, and plaintiffs to cash in on being a victim based on race. Using race to pander for power and payola...not GREAT!


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