Kansas City Dirty Secret: Local News Only Offers In-depth Crime Coverage When Young, Attractive, White Women Are Missing Or Killed

As the homicide and rate of violence in Kansas City continue to soar it's clear that the media struggles to accurately report on a town recently ranked as one of the most dangerous cities in America.

Local news outlets dutifully report constant stream urban core violence, shooting and murder but when we look at the crime stories over the past week that have really resonated and captured the focus and resources of local mainstream media . . . They have one thing in common.

Take a look . . .

A recent suspected road rage killing dominated local crime news across the metro.

While the story was captivating and provides the public with warning about getting into fights with strangers on local streets . . . Confrontation betwixt drivers is actually quite common and urban core beef between two combatants is rarely covered so extensively.

Over the past few weeks, Missing white woman syndrome has been evident in the tragic case of a local lady who might have had horrible judgement in the company she kept.

Again, we hope this young woman is found and the media interest is understandable given the scary history of a suspect in her disappearance . . .

Moreover, this story's connection to another long ago missing person's cold case reminds us that local mainstream media is committed to providing far-reaching and sometimes exhaustive coverage of young, attractive white women who disappear . . . Let's not make this totally racial either . . . Any old lady over the ripe age of 35 who goes missing doesn't really earn this same kind of reporting.

Finally, Kansas City media are so captivated by missing and/or killed attractive white women that they're willing to give top billing to long ago cold cases with very little news value and/or public interest.

This week a 30-year-old cold case garnered more coverage than most deadly drive-bys in the Kansas City urban core.

In a perfect world, every Kansas City crime story would earn an appropriate attention based on its merit.

In the midst of this silly election season, there's more than enough blame for misplaced priorities to go around.

Still, there's no denying that Kansas City mainstream news is more apt to focus on the pretty faces of white women who are missing and/or killed despite a surge of violence throughout the nation that impacts an increasingly broad cross-section of Americans.


  1. I don't know that I'd necessarily blame the media here. You have to blame consumers of the news for what they want and what they're tuning into. The news wouldn't constantly report if, if the public didn't demand it. It's a two way street.

  2. Compare all crime news with sports and weather coverage, the news by and large is becoming less important to people.

  3. ^^^

    Absolutely agree.

    We are social media nation and the only thing people reallyw want to see is selfies in neat places.

    To bad. We once considered ourselves a great civilization.

  4. This proves white women are the only ones worth a darn.

    "Hey, where are the white women at?"

  5. Face it, a drive by in the urban core is just about as news worthy as a Glazer piece on the state of the Presidential race.

  6. So what, get over it. So let it be written let it be done.

  7. I think this could be a function of so many white sexy models reading the news. It's all bitches, all of the time.

  8. It's no secret, TV audience don't give a shit about any thing but themselves.

  9. Women will always be sex objects no matter what people profess. Call it what you will, paint it however you wish, but no one get their panties in a bunch over ugly fat chicks, dead or alive. Fox news did not becoine number one becasue of news or polutical slant. They hit the air waves with plenty of great looking ass. The idea that a 20's somthing, know noting, journalist rates an anchor spot next to a 55-60 year old experienced man is complete bullshit and the entire world knows it. That wont stop your local libtard TV station from continuing the formula of great bodies next to old fart news MEN. Just go through the channels and you'll get it. Same can be said for the Trump situation. As long as the broads are all a bunch of mediocre old maids the only people who give a shit are those who stir the shit. American doesn't care. They want their eye candy.

  10. Nice b8 Tony , a black shooting happens every nite, just give us the where, if it's an East address then we can fill in the blank of who, n they don't know the why part... repeat 100x every year.

    1. Dayton nails it. It is because of frequency that the media doesn't offer that kind of coverage that is equal. Shame that we have so many killings in the news from all over the metro.

  11. KC Loves?


    KC Kills.

  12. Yeah who cares about nogs? They kill each other at a much higher rate than is reported anyway since it's well known nigmericans are cannibalistic in nature.

    Why do you think they barbecue so much?

    Can't get that kind of eating on EBT alone.

    They're not even humans anyway so stop talking about them as such. It's disgusting.

  13. 12:50---I'm curious as to where you have your robes cleaned and do you use stiff or moderate starch on the point of your hood. I hear Home Depot will be having a special on crosses Nov. 9th.

  14. Most people want to see pretty people. Pretty people make ratings.

  15. 3:17 We get our robes taken care of through a minority small business grant at a back laundry.They love us and hate the rest of you blacks who are always getting your shit cleaned and then accusing them of putting a spot on your starched shorts to try to get free laundry. That's how African'ts work man.

  16. Wisdom @3:24

  17. Anyone who depends on local TV stations for news is a fucking moron. Pure and simple. These stations, except for the public television stations, are all providing nothing but shit for news. It's all about tits and hairspray and nothing else.

  18. Yep. I remember not hearing a thing about Precious Doe

  19. ^^^ How many years ago was that? All these stories are from this week.

  20. 12:50/4:17---I'M 3:17 and I'm Caucasian.

  21. ...naw you aren't. You just wish you were. Must be a mud shark.


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