Apologies in politics are rare amid election season so the Mayor of Kansas City, Kansas forced to eat his words after weeks of criticism is noteworthy.

Again, we talked about this topic a bit last night but it's worth revisiting . . .

Here are KCK Mayor Mark Holland's controversial remarks: "Captain Melton's death tells us that tragedy and evil are always possible in this line of work. It reopens a raw hurt still festering within our community. Further, in the two months between our officers’ deaths, our nation has erupted with violence. We have seen the loss of innocent lives at the hands of police; and we have seen the ambush and murder of police who were actively protecting the public. Our nation is in uncertain times."

Remember that Capt. Melton's family continued to express anger weeks after the tragedy and ensuing statement.

Here's the take back:

Kansas City, Kansas mayor apologizes to family members of fallen police captain Dave Melton
KCK mayor apologizes to family of fallen police captain Dave Melton
KCK mayor apologizes to slain officer's family
Update: Family Laments Controversy...
Kansas City, Kansas Mayor Apologizes To The Family Of Slain Police Officer
You decide:


  1. You should never apologize for telling the truth.

    History has shown that a young black man should never trust a police officer with his life.

  2. KCK has an immense negro problem and the mayor should not apologize for telling the truth. If WYCO was free of NEGRO then maybe the POPO could mop the HOJO with DIFMO!!!

  3. Holland Haters Are Just Murgia & Co9/16/16, 11:02 AM

    The KCK mayor was correct. The streets are dangerous in KCK. His apology was political, not the initial statement.

  4. 10:53 History and minute to minute, hour to hour, day to day, week to week, month to month and for the last 40 years, we ALL know, that NO ONE should trust any thugs within miles of them or their families.

    Your horseshit lies have jumped the fucking shark dumbass.

  5. Thank you Lynne Melton for seeing through Holland's new image consultant(s) plans. Those of us who know Holland, stand with you. It takes guts to stand up to the Wyandotte status quo...go-along to get along.

    Holland is proving he's desperate with this public apology. He needs the cops to win re-re-election. He's usefulness to the mob bosses maybe fading. If you take the bait connected to this phony apology, the city will continue down the drain of debt, high taxes and all the rest of the social problems that comes with this agenda.

    This agenda is a serious problem in KCK. Holland's community activism has lead citizens into programs that promote unrest, especially in the areas of helping the poor, promoting peace, and enlisting more and more people into government programs.

    These government programs take funds that should be allocated to protecting the public. Funds are diverted into social programs that fill the pockets of the selected few.

  6. Holland is a pussy. Young black men commit a lions share of the crime as well no body ever talks about that.

  7. What is missing is an honest conversation about these shootings. Did any cop deliberately shoot an innocent black man? Of course not, they would be a fool to subject themselves to all the scrutiny a shooting brings. Were any of the young black men just innocent victims? Maybe the kid with the toy gun but most like Brown were thugs. Did the cops shoot too quick? Perhaps, but that is what the conversation should be about. Stop talking about cops murdering innocent men. Start talking about how both cops and black men should interact so that these situations don't escalate.

  8. Never pay any attention to a political apology. What he said originally is what he believes. If it costs him votes, so be it.

  9. 11:02 No one cares of about Lady M. and her crap. If the cops fall for her crap, then what does all of this matter? She is just as bad (or worse) at promoting herself and stomping on those who don't think she walks on water. If you keep up this up, I'll be happy to send TKC proof of her hands in our bank accounts.

  10. Holland is a joke and if he wanted to issue a real apology then he should have spoken with his heart and not read it off a piece of paper He waste a lot of money in the county and he thinks to highly of himself

  11. Image consultants at work. Notice how he was the only one interviewed at the Amazon gig? Notice how his face muffin has been trimmed? Notice how he uses public meetings to promote his own image? Notice how he prays for the demise of his enemies? Notice how Wyandotte is the sickest county in the state and country? Notice how many tens of millions he has pissed away on his Libtard programs? Notice how he lies about lying.

    You have noticed how he makes this statement about police after partying with Sly and the Prez in Wash DC.

    Photo-op Holland. And we're paying for it big time.

  12. The now famous I hate whitey speech. “Kansas City, Kansas, is a city with no ethnic majority. Kansas City, Kansas, is 40 percent white, 28 percent Latino, and 26 percent African-American,” Holland told the crowd. “Our school district speaks 62 different languages by the children every single day.”

    “We continue to have a number of groups of refugees from around the world,” he continued. “We have a large group of Hmong refugees from the Vietnam War who were allies with the United States, who have a strong presence in Kansas City, Kansas, as well.”

    Holland intimated that Kansas City’s inclusive environment has allowed Democrats to gain a stronghold within the city and promote their policy agendas.

    Holland said, “Democrats still have a foothold in Kansas City, Kansas, and we’re very proud of that.

    No kidding. To divert means distract, sidetrack, entertain, recreate, and deflect. It's about time the KCKPD has a strong presence in KCK?

  13. A short time ago the Star's fluff PR article featured the mayor and the police chief smiling and romping on the steps of police headquarters. Last night it was all sad faces while attempting to apologizing for telling the truth. I will give him this, he graduated with honors from Wyandotte County clown school for sad/happy makeup application.

  14. liberal preacher

  15. Hoping the Melton family doesn't cave in to his insincere sincerity. He's well known for his fake tears and humble demeanor. It's all an act. Behind closed doors, he's an ass.


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