The Kansas City toy train streetcar extension battle is just beginning and recent legal moves amid the ongoing debate among the council dominate the talk at City Hall this week.

More importantly . . .


Let's not forget that a mere 2-years ago Kansas City voters rejected streetcar extension and the only thing that's significantly changed is the new tiny TDD proposed in order to gerrymander a voting district.

Thanks to our blog community . . . This important message worked itself our way so that the public can take a look at an ongoing debate over City Hall funding a controversial scheme that would deny most voters a voice in the future of local transit. The highlights are mine in order to identify the most important passages in this note. Take a look:

KCRTA payments from City Hall

Dear Selected Councilpersons: As I was watching the August 11th legislative session of the city council and marveled how our mayor distanced himself and the city from the KCRTA. I understand some of you being confused but this is how they do it. Keep the voting public so confused pretty soon they just say OK and go along with everything. We have the ATA, MARC, KCRTA working together and the Streetcar Board he wants to appoint Jan Marcason and Ed Ford to. No wonder there is confusion.

The mayor insisted he nor the city is associated with the new streetcar expansion KCRTA group. We take exception to his statements. As you may or may not know CFRG has sued KCRTA in an attempt to get them to open up their activities to the public. I have to tell you there is strong resistance.

The City has sent tax payer money, at least $25,000 labeled as “ Dues” to KCRTA along with some smaller payments. If you check their web site you will see the maximum dues category is $10,000. Why did the city send $25,000 and who knows how much more since the last time we checked . . .

Our investigative people also uncovered the fact the phone line for the KCRTA rang in the P,Z and EDC department at City Hall. Not connected ??? Once they realized we had discovered this, the answering of this line was transferred to a trailer across from a school in Missouri City, MO.. Why???

Some of our local media have labeled this new streetcar group headed by KCRTA as "grass roots". All you have to do is look at the board of directors at KCRTA and the list of 50 plus petitioners for the streetcar extension and you will see a lot of the usual suspects, many with special interests. The lawyers are there also..

We encourage you to look at the proposed TDD map being floated. Why are there certain locations cut out of the “special assessment" area? Why are certain locations carved out while Redemptorist Church and adjoining properties will pay $100,000??

This is another attempt hide the truth from the voters. We are all aware that the streetcar costs effect every taxpayer in the city through higher utility rates and now we are seeing rents skyrocketing. Landlords must hedge their bets to cover their added costs. If this comes to a vote, it should be a city wide vote and not a TDD vote. Every taxpayer should have the opportunity to say whether they want to spend their money on a streetcar or basic services. A TDD vote would be a sham and an embarrassment for our city after what happened the first time.

We encourage you to attend the September 15th hearing at the Circuit Court and tell the judge how this TDD proposal is unfair, unjust and will put pressure on low income voters living in the TDD area. If were going to do it, let’s spread out the costs city wide!

Citizens for Responsible Government

You decide . . . 


  1. It's not a conspiracy, it's business as usual at 12th and Oak.

  2. Agree about the usual suspects line here. What I find more insipid is the fact that so many of these people are on the payroll of streetcar organizations. It's not a grassroots effort, it's a bunch of people who are wanting another payday. I wish TV news would start asking more questions because the newspaper has been corrupted by the streetcar supporters.

  3. On Aug. 19, the 16th Circuit Court held a status conference on the streetcar extension case and KCRTA asked the Court to forego the judicial hearing as permitted under the TDD Act when no one files an opposition in the proceeding.

    So did anybody file an opposition?


    I see.

    So perfectly legal? Yeah? Yeah.

    So who cares? Nobody? Right.

    If CFRG is confused, getting up in the morninf must be a particular problem.

  4. ^^^^ Don't worry Dave, there will be plenty of opposition at the September meeting. You have guaranteed it. Looks like you're going to lose this one again.

  5. Super Dave has said all along and again yesterday they are going to push this expansion on us if we don't get off our butts now and stop.

  6. ^^^^^^Bold talk, because you bitches are not going to do a damn thing but whine.

  7. ^^^^^Suggest the space cadet be banned from the site.

    1. yeah I think Stupor Dave should be banned too.

  8. We already have a streetcar extension. It's called the Max bus. Get off the streetcar at Union Station and transfer to a Max bus that will take you to UMKC and beyond. Problem solved. I just saved the city $500 million.

  9. Streetcar Authority hasn't filed a 990 as required by non profits since 2014 also. Did they forget? Be fun to have a look at that.

  10. I gotta git me one of them $280,000 condo deals downtown where you pay about $600 a year in property taxes. Is that a deal or what!

  11. "manchickengate"

  12. If the voters who will be taxed vote to tax themselves because they believe the streetcar is a good idea, why should the people who do not live in the area care?

    Frankly, the City, Count and State may use common tax money for reasons I think are stupid (like prosecuting potheads, for example). Pisses me off, since it is my money -- at least in part. But, there is no more reason for someone at 120th North or South to be upset -- or get a say by voting -- then someone in Overland Park or Chicago.

  13. 11:33 - that would be true if the tax in question were an income tax, which would affect only those in the tax district. But it's a sales tax, which makes things more expensive no matter who buys them, and makes businesses less competitive with businesses outside the tax district. I suspect also there are ancillary costs, such as the price of electric energy, that will burden those who live outside the tax district. This is a larger issue that touches more than just those relatively few people (mostly renters?) who live within a few blocks of the line.

  14. Rage-o-holics need straw men to rage against. There's a reason Dan Coffeycakes fears local democracy so much he once tried to circulate a petition to prevent people from voting on whatever they want whenever they want. It's because his Northland/Kansas views don't sit well with his neighbors and he knows it. Dan wants to live in a nice city neighborhood, but wants 199th and North Oak politics. Hence the Heather Hall sign he displayed in his yard, while the anti-streetcar candidates he donated to in the SW corridor got thumped by historic margins.

    Meanwhile EVERY SINGLE chicken little fear that the various Pay-Me institute front groups screamed about has been proven untrue.

    Traffic is fine. No one is getting killed by runaway streetcars. They aren't noisey. There's still an over-abundance of parking. Zero businesses closed due to the streetcar and several have opened because of it. People use it all the time. I can see why they are worried. Pretty much everyone sees it as a nice, useful part of KC transit future, the people who actually live in the city want it and are willing to pay for it. This is the show-me state, and even if Maryland Pat, Arkansas Sherry and Kansas Dan can't see it, we've all been shown that the streetcar is good.

    750,000 trips and the anti-everythingers only response is "but, but, but THOSE NUMBER CANT BE RIGHT IF I DONT LIKE THEM!!!"

    Pretty sad.

    1. 750,000. Suuuuuuuure.;)

  15. ^^^^^^Your logic is flawless. It's the same logic you use to justify the streetcar. "But, but, but, even if it doesn't make sense, I want it anyway."

    11:33: Basically your point makes sense, BUT you omit the fact the voters who OWN property in the TDD but don't live there are not allowed to vote on the streetcar.

  16. ^^^^^ Please publicly demonstrate/reveal all the costs of building the Frou-Frou. All the costs - street work, sewers, electric lines, etc. The full Monty - everything. Show realistic past impact of business disruption and project effect of Frou-Frou II on surrounding businesses. Try neighborhood meetings to obtain grass-roots input.
    Do not be surprised if the murder rate increases as Killa City further neglects the life and death issues we face. All hail Slie and bring in Ed Ford to applaud. And Nero fiddled while Rome burned.

  17. No shit, 12:12, that's how democracy works. Property doesn't vote, people do. Take a fucking civics course.

  18. @9:33, Stop being an ass Craig

  19. Westport Waldo8/25/16, 1:48 PM

    What a scam. I swear that issuing a recall on some of the electeds who support this is the only way to send the right message.

  20. Taxes devalue real estate unless the taxes are used for something that increases the value of the property more. So if the streetcar really did raise the value enough to offset the decreased value do to higher taxes don't you think the property owners would be all in for the streetcar? If not why? So these rich real estate owners are stupid? Do they not want their properties to go up in value? I think the answer is they are a lot smarter than the coffee shop barista.

  21. We can rest assured that the Kansas City Atheist "Coalition" will have nothing to say about this.

    Or any other relevant opinion most likely.

  22. What did the Kansas City Atheist Coalition ever do to you, buddy? Not give you a blowjob after an expensive meal? Go call Tracy Thomas. All you need is ten dollars.

    You know I was surprised I am surprised to hear about negro atheists. Most of the nogs I've encoontered belong to a bastardized version of Protestantism that involves screaming, hollering and wearing loud colors.

    After all, the only religion a nigger ever has is being a nigger.

  23. 1:36: You can't, then, say only the people who pay for the toot toot will vote on it. Try honesty, trolley boy.

  24. Dues???? Why is that alone not enough to have the Attorney General up off his ass? Oh, I forgot! It isn't in his DNA.

  25. Downtown and midtown need to start paying to fix their sewers instead of the northland.

  26. Playing these games inning by inning is a loosing game for tax payers. The only way to put a stop to this shit is for the Peckerwoods to learn how to vote. Cut the head off the snake and you win.

  27. If toy train supporters donated their brains to science, science would return them.

  28. Isn't it about time for another tax payer vacation to Spain for Troy, Sherri, and Ralph? The thought of Troy mounting Sherri makes me want to poke my eye out.

  29. They need to go find some new seat covers for the Spain Train that could have been built 200 miles from KC. Oh well they probably didn't hear about the bid opening like the guys in Spain. COUGH!!!


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