Kansas City Activist Alonzo Washington Considers Rodney Lee Aftermath!!!

A former Golden Ghetto police dude lost his job over alleged social media threats . . . In the aftermath of the local media ruckus, Kansas City activist Alonzo Washington shares his perspective regarding the online episode . . .

Mr. Washington Identifies A Pattern

Crime Fighting Advice . . .

JoCo Law Enforcement Conferred With Mr. Washington Via Twitter

Like it or not, the aftermath of this hot mess seems to be another realization that race relations across the metro have been strained. Still, the episode ends with a hopeful note and Kansas City's most strident anti-crime activist seems to hope that this will inspire locals to work toward better outcomes and talk to each other rather than just (allegedly) exchange threats.

You decide . . .


  1. Is there a pic of Rodney lee?

  2. Tony's role model. .....says it all.

  3. What the fuck is an activist? Is there a license you get to be one? Or, do you get a college degree that allows you to call yourself an activist like a person with a MD is called a doctor or a person with a DDS is called a dentist?

    Or is activist one of those titles like reverend that anyone asshole can call himself and come to think of it, most do.

  4. The only people that really need to be watched are the very ones who go around calling everybody else and anything a RACIST !!!!!!

    Those who live on the RACIST Bandwagon, are themselves the very Racist that are Dangerous !!!

    Generally, leftist Liberal Lib'Tard Degenerate scumbag Radicals in the 1st place !!!

    If it doesn't fit their bullshit Narrative & agenda, then it must be RACIST !!

    Those that constantly live to push their Racist Bullshit agenda & propaganda are the Real Racists = FACT !!!!

  5. As a 30-year resident of OP, I am embearassed that OP police would send anydirect tweet to man that earns a living trading in racism.


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