Once again transit election gerrymandering threatens Midtown Kansas City and the reaction to this effort has been overwhelmingly negative.

Remember that even the City Council called the recent expansion effort premature.

Now, here's a social media exchange worth mentioning . . .

A midtown denizen asks:

"What's wrong with buses already serving the same route as the streetcar? The streetcar is no faster than a bus and with fixed rail, has more limitations than a bus."

The reply:

Kansas City Regional Transit Alliance (KCRTA): The Next Rail study indicated increased ridership (systemwide, not just on Main Street) and more economic development in the corridor. A majority of voters in the corridor also voted in favor of the 2014 expansion plan that included a Main Street extension. The region's long-range transportation plan also accommodates upgrading bus to rail over time.

Reaction from our blog community . . .

"What a joke. I can see what is happening now. The city is going out of their way to keep people ignorant about improvements in city buses because they want the bus system to look bad so they can advance their Streetcar agenda. And this is news to me in their reply that they plan to upgrade bus to rail over time?"

Moreover . . .

Also, it's a disgusting and shameful tactic that streetcar expansion proponents are claiming they won an election that they, in fact, lost as Midtown voters rejected their plan in a decisive defeat. Sadly, even these advocates know that rigging the vote and gerrymandering a small cross-section of voters for an item on which all of Kansas City must pay is their only hope of victory.

As always, you decide . . .


  1. streetcar = scam

  2. I like the current streetcar but we need at least a year to gauge the results, see where improvements can be made and THEN talk about how all of the voters think this can be improved.

    Launching the expansion plan right after the debut is a dirty trick on voters.

    KC doesn't respond well to tricks and I really wish these streetcar supporters would calm down whenever they are questioned or asked about it. Not everyone is their enemy. I support the streetcar but I also support the voter's rights in Kansas City. This kind of effort is too important to be hijacked by a small group of people. We need all of Kansas City's support!

  3. Kansas City Regional Transit Alliance = David Johnson and Matt Staub are full of bullshit.

    Johnson is a self serving habitual liar and manipulator and Staub isn't much better.

    Both are total chicken shits, totally lack ethics could care less about the public tax and long term debt burden and need to be held accountable by the public.

  4. We don't need a streetcar, we need someone to fix the streets.

  5. They won't even let the ridership numbers be verified.

    Of course it's free and a new novelty for now.

  6. Get Smart KC6/27/16, 9:06 PM

    streetcar has a lot of problems, with no federal money the project is dead

  7. But 800,000 Royals Fans are riding it everyday!

    We swear!

  8. Again the Degenerate LIB'tards at KCMO City Hall, are attempting their Liberal Communist Dictator rule upon its SHEEP Citizens

    that's is exactly how Communists work & rule thru phony bullshit statistics and Bogus agendas

    What do ya' expect from a Full Fledged Communist Mayor, Sly James and his Communist minion naïve supporters & minions !!!

  9. The capitalist construction companies are the primary benefactors of these boondoggles.

  10. Waaaaaaaa!!!!!

    1. What Lil Davie Johnson says when people doubt his numbers.


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