The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence recently created a stir and earned a bit of media spotlight by calling out "Constitutional Carry" in Kansas and advocating against gun policy.

Never mind that the CSGV is located in the nation's capital that has much stricter gun rules and far more murders than the Sunflower State.

You decide . . . 


  1. These Communist assholes, just want to "regulate" everybody and everything. It's time to send them ALL packing!!

  2. What the anti gun screwballs are going to learn about the Kansas legislation is what thousands of shrinks, criminologists and sociologists already know. Crooks will be crooks and good citizens will continue to be good citizens. What you qare actually going to see in Kansas over the next decade will be a drop in violent crime.

    Just like we saw in state that legalized marihuana. Crimiinals continue to be criminals and good citizens remains the same. The elimination of governmental nanny-sitting did not result in sexed crazed rapist stoners or any measurable increase in marihuana related crime.

    If we have learned anything else in thie country it is that we must affix accountability on tose fucking it up and stop suppressing te general populous simply because we are too cowardly to deal with our shit bags and thugs.

  3. Wayne Lapierre4/26/15, 8:33 AM

    YES, it's important that we arm 73 year old men who like to play cops and robbers.

    Chesea will be coming for your ammo soon so stock up damnit.

  4. Pretty sure Kansas tourism dollars are a drop in the bucket as far as state revenue is concerned, and I highly doubt any of the leftist supporters of CSGV werent planning a trip to Nascar , Chanute, or the Flint Hills anyway.

  5. Well as long as I can shoot me some niggers. As long as the nigger shootin' can commence, it'll be good. Shootin' niggers. That's what it's all about. Pluggin' niggers repeatedly. Lead-filled niggers. Nigger, meet my buddies Smith and Wesson. They won't get past 38.

    Shootin' niggers.

  6. No one that would take this group's advice would ever visit Kansas anyway. Freedom loving people like Kansans are not the socialist policy wonks trying to social engineer our country from the beltway.

  7. Maybe they could make the whole city a "gun free zone". That would prevent CRIMINALS from using guns. Right libtards?

  8. At least, 8:38 is telling the truth about what this is really about.


    Gun owners are cowards.

  9. You're probably a big hit with the posters at HuffPo, 8:38. The way you are able to reflect their idiocy in just a few lines is amazing. It probably helps to be one yourself.

  10. Byron will let any nigger with a big gun stick it in his asshole.

  11. Are their similar advertising campaigns against Vermont and Alaska?


  12. Fuckhouser is an cretin.

  13. Hey Fucksnouser? Gun owners aren't cowards. they are constitutionalists. That is something you libtards just don't grasp. We let you bastards have your way and look. NSA violating the 4th Amendment daily, having your privacy invaded just to take a plane trip and the government monitoring our money and financial transactions. If having your government take away rights rather than the enemy makes you feel any better then just continue following the left wing libtard program. Cowards are the guys who thinks it has merit and fail to act.

  14. NaziByron wants gun control like 1940 Germany.

  15. Terry Murray said: Byron is a fucking pussy boy.

  16. Somehow I think the biggest gun danger to anyone visiting Kansas City comes from the thug life, not a few flag waving gun lovers.

  17. I agree 100%


    Mike Beard, President Emeritus--formerly affiliated with the World Federalist Movement (one world government), this lifelong Democrat is a member of the Screen Actors Guild and lives in D.C.

    Josh Horwitz, Executive Director-- this Jewish Democrat attorney in Washington D.C., wants to take away your right to own firearms, but says nothing when Israel violates international law in killing Palestinians with firearms.

  19. Any of you dumbasses aware that checking in guns at the city limits was routinely a law in the so called wild west?

    Get Wayne LaPierre's balls out of your mouth.

  20. You know, I think that sounds like bullshit from the office of Mayor Sly James.

    You people watch too many movies!

  21. @432pm. Yeah, sure wild west -- law and order!! The dumbasses are the rubes spouting Gunsmoke's Hokeyweird, er, Hollywood portrayals. The guns were not checked in. Every cowpoke stopping in for a rye and poker hand at Miss Kitty's who hoped to ride on "unleaded" would relinquish sidearms. Locals and lawmen were near and at the ready for the fool who reached fohillr his boot. The violence per capita was far less two hundred years ago than the rates in US cities spanning the lat one hundred years

  22. 4:32 Missouri forbade checking guns at the city limits and, in fact, they had the "peaceful journey" provisions that permitted a gun holder to travel from one end of the state to the other with is gun.

    In spite of what you libtards might believe Missouri was one of the lesser violent states in the 1800's.

  23. The founding fathers, who washed their own dicks maybe once a week at best, envisioned a populace of 300+ million Americans walking around fully armed as they went about their daily errands.

    It's right there in the Constitution.

    1. Aside from your non sequitur about founding father penises....that's your business, to each his aren't in danger from gun owners on errands. See if you can guess where the danger really is.

  24. Most people carry guns concealed or not, with or without a permit. This is not new.

    Because of the lack of concealed carry law, police can now stop and frisk without cause.....just a thought....
    on one hand, the cops can pull anybody over for any reason at all....on the other hand, good people could get themselves in a heap of trouble for dumb stuff.....could be some civil liberties problems here

  25. I don't care about either side of the gun debate. I have mine and that is all that matters. My family and I can defend ourselves while those who are not armed are defenseless against criminals with firearms. You are not good parents if you are not doing absolutely everything you can to protect your children. Same as neglect. And please stay far away from Kansas. It's an amazing state and we don't want outsiders ruining it. No matter what side of the stupid gun debate you are on..... YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE. So stay away.


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