If there is a single greatest characteristic which defines Kansas City, it's probably the pathological politeness of our community that reaches critical mass on Christmas Day.

Accordingly, above all else, this blog is a desperate attempt to wage rhetorical battle against so many mainstream Kansas City notions that have resulted in disaster for the vast majority of local residents who can't influence the media like the power brokers and politicos we constantly attack during the holidays and every other day of the year.

And so, as we avoid family interaction let's think critically about some of the ideas influencing our local discourse.

Mayor Sly James is regarded as Kansas City's political savior and he has almost risen to the status of a local deity inasmuch as his supporters and acolytes won't tolerate any criticism of his misdeeds. Like every other idol - The popularity of Mayor James and his iconic status is built upon feet of clay. Corporations, aligned politicos and top consultants have colluded to prevent any challenge to the Mayor. In reality the guy can't venture outside of his small circle of influence within "the Downtown creative class community" without facing serious challenges. He was run out of the Brookside and politically smacked down this year during the streetcar election and faces constant challenges on his Eastside home turf of so long ago despite rhetoric about his roots growing up on Montgall.

But let's not dwell on Kansas City politics as the Mayor is worshiped by the foolish as a false god.

This year Kansas City's Catholic Diocese completed a $10 million settlement in order to gain respite from a litany of priest sex abuse lawsuits which have constantly plagued the embattled local institution. These promoters of a faith that's quickly losing followers in the United States have been quick to claim the moral high ground but then retreat into legalese and courtroom talking points just like their adversaries. What's really interesting about Catholicism in the U.S. is the schizophrenic nature of the American faithful who are also defined by the identity politics that pervades this culture. The reality is that there is no sanctuary from our American culture war and faith life for so many in this country is about nothing more than chest thumping either from a crackpot liberation theology perspective or espousing backward secret society conservative nonsense.

But if losing faith in Holy Mother Church for Christmas is tragic and poetic, social struggle betwixt police and protesters throughout the metro area is far more important.

Without question "die-in" demonstrations and marches through local streets have dominated this Kansas City holiday season. The participation in the public discourse should be welcomed but in reality shows very little sophistication from either side. In the grand scheme of things, there's precedent for this outrage that has been building up over the years but reached a boiling point only after deadly police shootings impacted a white/Italian-American family last year in the case of Anthony Bruno who was killed after body slamming a cop - And of course following the uprising in Ferguson. Locally, this protest effort has been managed effectively by Kansas City police and politicos who have been quick to offer upbeat human interest/promotional stories that vary from dancing officers, funny tweets and then the shameful obfuscation of local homicide numbers.

Sadly, manipulating and manufacturing the news is easier than ever during this digital age.

And all of this brings us to one last point about the media circus of which, admittedly, this blog community is a big part in this town. Our silly satirical efforts are increasingly difficult amid a carnival of agenda driven punditry from every angle. However, the cacophony of voices still represents progress over the hegemony of old dead tree media that's guilty of every sin they cast upon their readers who venture away from an old model of restricted discourse. Still, in the end we have to consider the impact of the conversation if any. For all of the increased access we still live in an era when skilled operators can manipulate the public into actually believing that some stupid B-list buddy comedy movie has an impact on foreign policy or that the public has the least bit of tolerance for the hardships faced by a scandal plagued disgrace of a minister during controversies involving missing money and sexting photos that included his dong.

These are just a few of the topics Kansas City is too polite to address in public and as another low voter turnout election season confronts us in the aftermath of our holiday season of discontent.

Merry Christmas and please feel free to share YOUR Kansas City real talk with our blog community who actually feels pretty good about Rosie Jones making our spirits bright at the top of this post.


  1. Dood, you got to lighten up. We might get that hockey team one day. But not with that attitude.

  2. It doesn't matter who's it is Tony. It's still bullshit!

  3. At least he gave the streetcar a break.

  4. Please stop the skepticism and Merry Cripsmas!

  5. I think Mayor Sly was a 43rd Street Crip back when he sang in a cover band.

  6. Magilla Gorilla12/25/14, 3:38 PM

    In all reality mayor Sly was originally a Hanna-Barbera cartoon created by a couple of white guys.

  7. "manipulating and manufacturing the news is easier than ever"

    well you oughtta know

  8. Sports is the only real news. Seriously, Sporting News has the most accurate reporting over the past 50 years.

  9. Die Ins are very much organized like sporting events like "The Running Of The Bulls". Fans get to participate on the streets instead of watching from the sidelines. After a few Die Ins you begin to appreciate how the crowd can move around with little prior planning

  10. Nice one, my real talk is that KC women are fat and crazy. Pussy is to much of a challenge in this town.

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  13. But when the chips are down click on Rosie Jones and realize there is hope for humanity!

  14. La parroquia Sagrado Corazón/Guadalupe es una comunidad de fe en el lado oeste que ora y da la bienvenida que responde al llamado del evangelio predicando la Palabra, enseñando uno al otro y sirviendo a los necesitados

  15. The Google translation said "I wonder if Rosie Jones looked like Mary Magdalene"?


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