Karlie Kloss And Kansas City Late Night Links

Karlie Kloss highlights our late night Kansas City look @ some of the links that might be interesting for the overnight.

Check it:

- Ducking Kansas City: Injured duck eludes latest rescue attempt at Loose Park

- We Blogged This One First But Now KCTV5 Has Some Really Great Follow-Up: Boy at center of hospital battle wants to be reunited with mom

- Cowtown Water Cash System: Starting with the flush of a toilet, Kansas City turns waste into cash

- Jury finds that KC mom tried to poison twin girls, convicts her of two felonies

- Kansas City Reconciliation: Stolen ashes returned to rightful relative

And here's The Kansas City Weekly Report for right now . . .

Hopefully, more BREAKING/EXCLUSIVE NEWS, discussion, debate, discourse, lots of hateration for everybody and all kinds of good stuff for the morning update . . . STAY TUNED!!!


  1. Karlie flat butt passes for tonight.

  2. Rosie Red Palm

  3. That duck is smarter than many TKC readers.

  4. BREAKING!!!!!

    Loose Park duck killed in attempt to remove dart from it's neck! City in mourning!! Burial fund started online.

    Would-be distressed duck saviors inadvertently drowned the bird when trying to capture it with netting in a Loose Park pond. Animal control authorities decline to press charges despite uproar from PETA.

    ....and in other news.....another child was shot in the head last night on the East side.


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