As the Kansas City Summer season of violence and murder is nearly upon us . . . Kansas City leaders are working to take guns away from locals.

Sadly . . .


Sunday afternoon examples:

Here's Mary Sanchez advocates a (probably unconstitutional) gun courts to expedite a gun clean up against locals . . .

Special courts could be key in fighting street gun culture

Moreover . . .


Mayor Sly And The KCPD Cheif: We need new laws to stop gun violence in Kansas City

"(KCPD Chief) Darryl Forté and Sly James write: We vow to work together to reduce gun violence in Kansas City. But we need the help of the Missouri legislature to make a significant impact on the safety of our community."

Not only is this a tragic effort pass the buck on local responsiblity for violent streets . . . Moreover . . .


Locals have asked time and time again for a plan to curb Kansas City violence and the best that local leaders can devise is an Orwellian effort that will negatively impact the liberty of law-abiding local gun owners.

Developing . . .


  1. You fools, you threw it all away!

  2. Crime has been heading north and keeps heading off the meter since Sly was shoved into office. Isn't it obvious?

  3. Novel idea: take the guns away from known felons and when they are caught with them lock their asses up. The idea of passing more gun laws is stupid when you can't even enforce the laws you have.

  4. Local control of the police, more gun laws, making him a strong mayor, out of town programs, analysis by UMKC...
    Sly will talk about pretty much ANYTHING except him making public safety the number one priority of city government and giving it the resources, command attention, and focus it deserves.
    As Chief Forte' said about the mobs in the Plaza...this is about behavior.
    And in Sly's case, its' about leadership, real talk, and putting the responsiblity where it belongs.
    If he didn't want to take on the tough municipal issues, he souldn't have run for mayor.

  5. Last I saw it wasn't legal gun owners running wild on the Plaza, at the zoo or on the East side.
    How about stop and frisk on the East side. Lets try that!

    1. Better get buses ready to haul all of them

  6. I don't own a gun but I know they aren't the problem, the violent black race is.

    1. Better buy one or two before sly takes them away

  7. 6:15 what is mayor james supposed to do? WE DON'T CONTROL THE POLICE! The police can do whatever they want. This is not an issue that can be blamed on mayor james, it should be blamed on Governor Jay Nixon and the whole Board of Police Commissioners.

  8. I'm not saying if it'll work.

    Because it won't, taking guns away from owners just leads to move violence. wrong again sly!

  9. if people truly do care about the murder rate in "Killa City" then the likes of NOVA and Mr. Washington, and anyone reading this should write a letter to VP hopeful Governor Jay Nixon. He will send you a response, and you'll be shocked what he says. Mayor James has many problems that can be blamed on him, but this one is not. If Alonzo Washington were to tweet Governor Jay Nixon, it would be the greatest thing he has done for this city. As a VP hopeful Governor Nixon will respond, this is not a Mayoral problem, this is not a legislative problem, this is a Gubernatorial problem. Mr. Alonzo Washington, many on this site do not like you, but please, if there is one thing you can do for this city, it would be to call attention to Governor Jay Nixon and how he is failing the victims of Kansas City violence.

  10. @6:25pm
    When James goes after womething he really wants, the streetcar comes to mind, it's amazing how persuasive and arm-twisitng he can be.
    But on public safety, he's suddenly strangely silent and helpless.
    Even when Jermaine Reed accuses the police of profiling because they issued tickets to kids on the Plaza who were throwing stones at them and the chief of police stands up for his troops, Sly has nothing to say.
    Public leadership takes place in public.
    And with between 75-90% of the over 100 hoimicides in KCMO every year taking place within a fifty square block area on the east side, you don't need a whole lot of analysis or legislation at the state level to identify the problem.
    Every major city that has substantially reduced their homicides have focused on increased and more sustained police presence in the high-crime areas of their cities.
    Let's see Sly press for that at both the city council and police board levels.
    There's more to the mayor's job than press conferences, balloon launches, Chamber of Commerce happy talk, and tweets.

  11. mayor james has control over things like the street car, he has persuasion, but when it comes to the police he has very little control and therefore very little persuasion.

  12. even the slightest pressure on Governor Nixon, (since the KC Police are not locally controlled, they are state controlled) would result in one of two outcomes. one nixon would play politics and blame the problem on gun control or two he would put pressure on his appointees to the board of commissioners to do something. kansas city has a short window between now and the 2016 elections to apply this bi partisan pressure on the governor to do something. and someone like alonzo or TKC are the only ones in kansas city in a position to get the governors attention. (and it would undoubtedly benefit TKC or Mr. Washington to do so)

  13. So getting rid of guns means no more mobs at the zoo or the plaza? Give me a break.

    This is why I dont take these people seriously. A easy way out of debating the real problems.

  14. Why work when you can tweet "we're working on it" to the confused and or angry public.

  15. Just send us feedback on Mindmixer! We'll be sure to get to it.

    (Soon or later)

  16. All gun control laws do is control law abiding citizens, who are not the problem.
    How many murders have been committed by owners with their legally obtained guns? The murder weapons are 99% illegal, usually stolen. Do you think people who own illegal weapons are going to turn them in or pay any attention to new gun control laws? If so, I have a big bridge I would like to sell you.

  17. What a cop out. Do your jobs

  18. You should have fucking invested your time in to your sons Life rather than leaving his mom. Shitheads like Sly gave us a generation of ganster thugs who we all are posting the price because they are fucking failures as fathers

  19. Sure blame the guns for all the violence going on that make a lot of sense. What re you going to do Mr. Mayor when someone rapes your wife, make all the males stand in line so you can cut their dicks off?

  20. It's high time we make all thugs register their wait, I mean it's time for all law abiding citizens to register and eventually give up their guns. Then, and only then will we be safe. -Hotep

  21. I am a 2nd Amendment guy, but I believe in responsible ownership.

    There is no reason that a owner should be exempt of liability if he carelessly keeps his guns and they end up get stolen, or picked up by a curious 14 year old and blows his friends brains out.

    I have three hand guns in my home and every one of them is secured in a safe. It's not that difficult. It's the male owners that are compensating for small dick syndrome, who don't take the time to safely store their weapons.

    I was with the NRA for years. but Wayne LaPierre has turned into a hawkster for the manufacturers, and he left me behind.

    I have a brother who has a son that has attempted suicide, and he still maintains his right to keep unsecured firearms in the house.

    Honest to good, I dread late night calls.

    1. Glad your no longer with the NRA

  22. Jay Nixon is not going to ever be Vice-President of the United States, and the idea that somehow he appoints people to the KCMO police board out of thin air is comically uninformed.
    The nominees are recommended by local KCMO officials and all the people appointed to the board are KCMO residents.
    If you don't think the current BOPC is doing its job, give Al Brooks a call. He's the current president of the board.
    But the ONLY person who is elected and on both the council AND the police board is the mayor.
    Guns aren't the issue. Just another excuse to look the other way.

  23. 7:42 What bullshit.

  24. Good luck getting to your guns when some thugs break into your house and your guns are secure in your safe. You will shit yourself before you get one turn on the combination to that safe. Educate your kids and family on how and when to use them. Keeping them in a safe will get you killed.

  25. Orwell was a member of the Workers' Party of Marxist Unification (POUM) militia and suffered suppression and escaped arrest by the Comintern faction working within the Republican Government.

  26. The preposterous idea that gun control laws would keep thugs from killing innocent citizens has been debunked a thousand times.

    Gun control is about political control. The politics of liberal facists who would control every aspect of our lives. First, take the guns.

  27. "Darryl Forté and Sly James write: We vow to work together to reduce gun violence in Kansas City. But we need the help of the Missouri legislature to make a significant impact on the safety of our community."

    In other words... we're all out of ideas.

  28. What a cowardly way to try to pass the buck onto the legislature in an attempt to hide from their failures. What a joke! The only people using guns to kill each other are black inner city men and they aren't buying the guns, they're stealing them. Do you think these thugs are going through the process of registering and buying guns? Are you fucking kidding me? So the answer is to take the guns from the white people who are being burglarized so the black people won't steal their guns and kill each other? Again, are you fucking kidding me? Can Forte become any more pathetic? He's a massive failure as a Chief, so now let's blame someone else or create an improbable scenario so I can avoid blame. Let's try to pass a law that you can only fire a gun from your ass. That will reduce homicides too, won't it. Unfuckingbelievable.

  29. 7:50 PM said "If you don't think the current BOPC is doing its job, give Al Brooks a call. He's the current president of the board."

    Alvin Brooks is the problem. Oh but his term should have expired last week. Hopefully, they will replace him instead of letting him die in office.

  30. I suppose by controlling the gun ole Sly wouldn't have crapped his pants one night on the Plaza. Violence, no matter the form be it gun or otherwise is a social problem. Gun control to murder and violence is the same as birth control for welfare.

  31. Anyone who thinks we don't already have local control of the police must be a total numb nuts. Every member of the police commission is local including the most powerful local leaders and politicians. Who makes recommendations on behalf of the police department? The same local yokels. If we really had state control they would have to move the police commission to a secret location and sequester the whole bunch.

  32. Dear Mr. Tony: Thanks for posting this info. If the city's leaders want to do something about the crime problem they need to do what Chief Forte has done both publicly and privately: Tell the men and women of the KCPD that if accused of racist misconduct they will get due process--not "kangaroo justice" by a city establishment terrified of a convention boycott. Frankly, my sense is that all of these calls for the Missouri legislature to do more to control guns is simply to have in place a "cover" if we have a crime explosion this spring and summer: Then all of the "usual suspects" can say: "Well, the violence is unfortunate--but all of the blame lies with the state legislature." Time for the city's politicians and journalists to stand up to the local versions of the PC Police. Take care!! Sincerely and Respectfully, Ernest Evans

  33. I keep one hand on my gun and the other hand on my joint. Gonna stay winning with that posture.

  34. Time to shoot the bastards. And time to sterilize baby mama so there won't be more bastards.

  35. Yes we need more gun laws, but not the kind that make cases for bureacrats where none would have otherwise existed. We already have that problem in Missouri. What we need is to stop trying to narrow the castle doctrine and to make it clear that homeowners have the right to protect themselves, others on their premises and their property including their vehicle. If gunfire is coming from a vehicle a home or vehicle owner should be able to return fire with full responsibility for the results being placed on the criminal. This whole bullshit scenario that police protection exists is one of the biggest and sickest jokes on the American public today.

  36. Lots of people in the gun business

  37. Ernest, I don't know who told you that Forte told officers they'd get due process, but that's not accurate. Only black officers on the PD get a pass in that regard. White officers don't trust him at all. He's proven to be the black Chief for the black officers, period.

  38. If the PO PO can't protect me, I need my gun to do it myself. By the time they respond to a non Murder Alley address I could be dead. Until I can call and say, "Someone is breaking into my house, I am watching them do it", and they get there in under an hour and don't say they are too busy in the urban core to make it out to my place even with an active threat to my personal safety happening, I might feel differently. Until then, take guns away from them all you want and leave me alone, like you do when I need help, and let me fend for myself the way I see fit.

  39. I wunder what color the sky is in Sly's and other libtards world? Seriously dumb ass.


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