There has long been talk of racial division within the KCPD and now the topic is part of a growing conversation that has rank & file officers concerned.

To wit . . .


An insider raises an EXCELLENT point . . .

"Why aren't the issues of other races and persuasions important?"

Here's the notice regarding the meeting that was forwarded far and wide and has been graciously sent this way via carrier pigeon that was put to a delicious death and marinated in a red wine vinaigrette sauce . . .


There will be a KCPD Black Town Hall on November 2, 2013 at 1300 -1500 hrs. at St. Mark Family Daycare Center, 2008 E. 12th (one block west of 12th Brooklyn). The purpose of the Town Hall is to allow Black officers a forum to discuss: local city political control, promotion, specialized unit selection, recruiting, and Dept. Race Relations.

Commissioner Alvin Brooks (KCPD Board President), Deputy Chief Randy Hopkins (Investigations Bureau), Deputy Chief Randy Hundley (Administration Bureau), Major Rosilyn Allen (Violent Crimes Division), and Sgt. Kari Thompson (Domestic Violence) will be panelist. The moderator will be Sgt. Bill Brown.

This Town Hall is specifically to address the issues of Black officers, so please plan to attend if possible. There will NOT be another KCPD Black Town Hall during your career…

And now the main question facing the public is:


It's worth noting that many KC Insiders are holding the Chief responsible for this effort and lament a panel that might needlessly create racial division among the KCPD.

Developing . . .


  1. Maybe talking about racial issues would be a good cathartic experience but the titling and branding of this panel and gathering is sure to make many people angry.

  2. If a Whites only panel was formed the city would go ape shit. This is just another great example of reverse racisim. Complete bullshit

    1. Good answer! Agree 100% same as if whites had a "wet"tv channel like they have "bet" channel we would be considerd racsit towards them..the world will never change

  3. A "White Town Hall" would have made the national news by now. The Rev. Al and his traveling circus would be on its way to Kansas City.

    These racial town halls serve no purpose except to promote racial division. The organizers need to have their heads examined before being fired.

  4. This chick here will be giving the keynote address at this very important meeting.

  5. White people are NOT allowed to play "Black" music in America.

    So the idea of whites having a whites only meeting to discuss racial issues and strategies is pretty much out the fuckin door folks.

  6. Business as usual in KC, whites are racist, blacks hold their own meetings with no problem. Alvin Brooks should be ashamed and every high ranking kcpd official there should lose their jobs.

  7. Black racism is the Bigfoot of the mainstream media. Reports of it happening in flash mobs in Chicago or Philadelphia or here in KC are dismissed in the same way that Sasquatch sightings are in the Pine Barrens. It’s not that its existence can’t be documented, but that the evidence will never even receive a hearing.

    If we lived in the racist America that MSNBC liberals claim we do, David Duke would have appeared with members of the Bush administration and had his own show on FOX. Instead Al Sharpton hosts Attorney General Eric Holder and has his own show on MSNBC. That simple contrast tells the whole dirty truth about the unequal treatment of black racism.

    It’s not that liberals don’t know that black racism exists. They know it exists and they embrace it as a rallying call for social justice by warning white Americans that their “oppression” has consequences.

    I'm still dead ain't I?

  8. niggers fuck up everything.

  9. This type of overt racism is exactly why we will NEVER allow Forte to promote his own Captains. NEVER!!! Can you imagine the discourse if blacks on the PD didn't have to earn their way past sergeant. It's bad enough that they get a free ride to Major and DC. Hundley and Hopkins are the poster children for what we'd get at all ranks of the command staff if we allowed that to occur. Racism and ignorance are not qualifications for promotion. Let's end the free ride at health care, food, housing, phones...

  10. Fucking niggers will, most likely, just burn down their own Black Town Hall. Figuratively or not, this is totally racist and typically nigger.

  11. They better not have the meeting on Sunday Morning. No one will be able to come. The Catholics are in church; the Jews are in Palm Springs; the blacks are in jail; and the Mexicans can’t get their cars started.

  12. Hold the Town Hall meeting on a one-way plane to Africa.

  13. It would be hoot if perhaps we can get the Nazis to come a week early and show up at the so called Town Hall meeting.

  14. Fucking niggers always causing problems.

  15. I'm not so sure those last few posts are all that helpful but I can say I came to this department almost two decades ago and found out what racism is. I've never been so hated for the color of my skin....I'm white.

  16. True, 9:15. Anyone who doesn't believe that should go to a city jobs fair.

  17. Hate 'em right back.

  18. Can white officers attend this meeting?

  19. Whites are being constantly discriminated against and there's not one fucking thing they can do about it. Niggers now rule everything and in the process, are fucking up everything.

  20. Really pandering for hits today Tony? You really should only get a 1/4 hit from the racist posts.

    You might want to consider a positive service by posting a link to the article on online racism via anonymous. Good stuff.

    On the other hand, forget it. I'm talking calculus to a hamster.

  21. So you have a black mayor and a black administration and you are not happy?

    Pretty much the same shit in America too.

    Suck it up! You got what you wanted.

  22. Jesus, KC is like 50% black. If you are a racist, move to Montana, Idaho, or Wyoming.

    If you don't like hispanics, don't move to Texas.

    This blog sucks more every day.

  23. No it's not

    White: 59.2%
    Black or African American: 29.9%
    Hispanic or Latino: 10.0%
    Some other race: 4.5%
    Two or more races: 3.2%
    Asian: 2.5%
    Native American: 0.5%

    1. merle haggard10/30/13, 1:44 PM

      Then move to Oregon. There are only 6 blacks living there and they listen to C and W.

  24. I guess the minorities are

    Some other race: 4.5% Creative Class
    Two or more races: 3.2% Gay and Lesbian

  25. The conversation can be healthy. History and Truth go hand in hand. If we can't stand the heat, we need to get out of the fire.

  26. 30% niggers, huh? Wow, that's way too high, seeing as though they're only about 13% nationally. Oh well, 13% is too high on it's own. Niggers should only be in the single digits and even then, not counted at all. They're like bugs...cockroaches.

    1. Take 1120's advice then. And I am your neighbor. And take your sofa off the porch too.

    2. I live across the street and wish he would move his refrigerator into the house.

    3. And tell that inbred kid of yours to stop playing the bango all the time.

  27. What is amazing is the low Hispanic percentage in KC given the geographical location and the fact that Hispanics are about to become the majority ethnic group nationally.

  28. White officers... just go to the town meeting and let them reject you. Better yet, take a camera with you and video tape it then post that crap. See who's raciest?

  29. 12:45

    That is a pretty good idea, you guys have hidden cams.

  30. Or move to Hainan China where there is .001% black and the blacks there do not run around with day pants under day yass and have tats on they neck and wear dreads and gold teef all lookin and actin thug life and doin drive by shootings and livin off da govment.

    Blacks if any there work and mind da law or the chinese will cane day ass like they were on a 1833 plantation and told the massa no.

  31. This conversation can't be all bad.

    If they really wanted to make progress, they would invite whites to be on the panel.

  32. China is not a melting pot.

  33. Nice to hear that our police chief is keeping racism alive and well in the department. As the wife of a white KCPD officer, I am stunned at this overt demonstration of racism by the chief. Problem is I can't voice my outrage except in an anonymous blob.

  34. Chris Dorner, the Black police man from LA is a big hero these days, probably in KC too.

    Former Los Angeles policeman Christopher Dorner is dead. It took what the chief of the LAPD calls “by far the largest manhunt in the history of the LA region” to catch him.

    It’s a dramatic story, alright, but the real drama is race. Dorner was black and claimed that racism and corruption in the police department pushed him over the edge. He is now a hero to many blacks, and Jesse Jackson says he could feel Dorner’s “hurt and pain.”

    This man declared war on the police. He managed to kill two officers and seriously injure two more. He killed a young woman and her fiancé. A former girlfriend calls him “twisted” and “severely emotionally disturbed.”

    And what has the LAPD decided to do? Open a full investigation to see whether the department might have made a mistake when they fired Dorner five years ago.

    Sure, lets make sure these black cops don't get pissed, kill a lot of people, then sue for racial discrimination.

  35. IF there were only six niggers in Oregon, everyone would move there TODAY! I mean how much can six animals steal, burn down or rape??

  36. But 4:12, given the law of averages, those six will become 117 after one generation of their breeding habits.

  37. Even the white police wives are starting to become sheep

  38. I have been on the job for 12 years and I work in a sector equally divided black and white. We are best friends and hang around together all the time. Meetings like this only cause embarrassment. It's an old generation trying to hold onto whatever power they think they have by using race. No different than Corwins crew. They used the power they had to intimidate everyone else around them. Our generation doesn't give a damn about your bullshit, we are friends and your divisionism will only tear our department apart. Our department doesn't need this garbage, we need leadership. Something none of our leaders seem to understand.

  39. 10/30/13, 6:31 PM
    Could not agree more Corwin was one of our worst police chiefs.

  40. If there was a WHITE Police town hall can you imagine the outcry!!! Jesse, Al, Emmanuel and many others would be screaming.

    Talk about racist, nothing more than reverse racism.

  41. @6:31 You nailed it!!

    Just stupid to even be discussing this and have a forum for only one race. Peace bro!

  42. I'm ashame of the leadership at kcpd the townhall meeting should encompass everyone not just the black officers. Your tenure will be short!

  43. 6:31 surely you could attend. Just show up and see and take notes. Were all curious.this is BS!!

  44. @7:11

    So everyone is invited?

  45. After the fact we should have been included in the 1st round. To little to late. Now you have a problem.

  46. No surprise to see Alvin Brooks as a participant. In some folks mind it will always be 1959 and someone always has to play the role of Uncle Tom. Alvin consistently rises to the occasion.

  47. True dat his efforts is still not going to help the TAX.


    A shooting has been reported at the "KCPD Black Town Hall" meeting. Early reports are that someone apparently felt they were disrespected, and left the meeting, only to return later after retrieving a weapon from their vehicle.
    Mayor James is in-route to the scene and already preparing a KCPD Black Midnight Basketball program and KCPD Black HipHop Dance Party to help quell the violence.

  49. Hey everyone let's take a closer look. A Black Town Hall meeting has been called the Saturday before super Tuesday.

  50. KCPD is one of the cities biggest embarrassments.

  51. 7:24-did you even read 6:31's
    I'm pretty sure he's saying he's
    Kcpd,not just attention and you might not ask dumd questions. Unless of course you mean white
    officers shouldn't be invited.

  52. Lets name this so we can refer to it for years to come just like we did for that black officer's little prayer vigil... I say we call it the Black Summit of 2013. Lets just hope it has tragic results for all that attend this BS.

  53. In case nobody noticed....the "BLACK SUMMIT" is being held at a private business. Now, why not use many of the PD facilities? Well, a private business can refuse entry due to being "PRIVATE PROPERTY" That's how they will be able to refuse anyone admittance. With all the hype, they will probably "secretly" change the location. Officers are also allowed to attend ON DUTY! The entire situation is TOTALLY DISGUSTING AND A SLAP IN THE FACE FOR OFFICERS OF ALL THE OTHER RACES!

  54. Is this shit in anyway connected to the Black KC Expo? AGAIN, if and what a big IF...there just happened to be the White KC Expo...oh Larday Lard. I pity the fool boys.

  55. I don't seen how the fuck they can get away with this FUCKING SHIT!!!

    1. Contact the Chiefs office. Complain.

  56. Wow! 8:17 u ask how can THEY get away with it? Look into the archives of the KCPD. For example do u realize that policies existed which made it clear that a black officer could not patrol south of 27th str. & furthermore a black officer could not arrest a white citizen; but could only radio a white officer to do so. Only after the Civil Rights Act did some things change. The feeling of white supremacy & arrogance is still a main stay on the dept. The sense of white entitlement still hovers regardless of who is Chief. After a century of inequality on this PD do u actually think shit is equal? If the answer is yes......then when did it occur & did u acknowledge the past & apologize to the blacks & make amends? Majority of the white boys on the pd are kool & I would give them the shirt off of my back; but the other ones are PURE evil! Like Chad Rives! He should have been fired alooong time ago in the Academy when he marched down to Westport with his shortman syndrome in tow (yes KC the dude is 4'11" & is the shortest officer allowed on the pd HONEST!) And gets into a verbal altercation with the doorman who thought he was a child. .....& of course he subsequently FLASHED his temporary police id which we were informed of the zero tolerance against! A black recruit would have been fired immediately without a 191! Furthermore it should be noted that there has been a black officer's organization for decades in kc & nationally! This is a just another meeting so chill out! In the mean time when u show up to the next urban domestic call, would u mind taking ur sunglasses off & removing the Skoal tobacco out of ur lower lip! They might actually take us serious as u daydream of the text 10point Buck u will shoot in Grundy county!

  57. That's quite a monologue. Speaking of history, the strong have always preyed on the weak, it's how this and every other country and civilization was formed. And yes, blacks were treated like 2nd class citizens on the department as part of the natural transition from that class to equal rights. However, since it's been over 45 years since the civil rights movement, don't you think it's time to start earning your way? Blacks have disproportionately gotten enough of a free ride over those decades and have every opportunity to stay in school, live off the government, get free college, live off the government some more, and get a job. Look at the assignments of blacks sergeants and above on the PD. Tell me they don't get another free ride to the best assignments. Now they complain that they can't make sergeant and captain, but that's because those are the only things that time a little effort to achieve. Damn, let's give them that for free too. It's time to stop the free ride and earn what you get. Nobody on the PD worked here when they had boundaries to where they could patrol. Older black officers like Foster, who is long gone, eventually made his way up North and spent eight hours a day writing white people tickets and bragged about it. Those arguments are old and tired. Be a man, apply yourself, and try to get somewhere because you're a man, not because you're a black man.

  58. 10:44 I guess that answers the question about equality. The majority (white man) feels that everyone has been treated equal to him in the last 45 years to the present date.....& u can actually sleep at night in good conscious? Wow!

  59. 11:13 I can sleep at night without you and others trying to make me feel guilty of being white, which is all that's currently happening.

  60. I sleep like a baby...with a gun near by in case the freeloaders happen to pick the wrong house. Getting free shit gives you a lot of extra time to steal from us, or kill each other for that fact.

  61. LMAO! Have u even looked at the factual statistics on the percentage of white citizens who recieve welfare & government assistance? In the Northland (KC) no less! Please gentleman do ur research! WOW! I guess u assume that appilatia is the only place that poor, needy, meth-heads exist...

  62. @4:00 It looks like you were "educated" by the KC MO SCHOOL DISTRICT. It's A-P-P-A-L-A-C-H-I-A!
    TYPICAL.....Can't even make "RACIST" comments correctly!!!!

    1. That's a lot of WHITE space....

  63. It was said earlier that in sectors and units most black and white officers get along just fine. This is absolutely true. The vast majority of officers, particularly those who are younger, don't really care that much about race. We all hang out together and are friends on and off the job. There are exceptions who still play the race card to get special treatment, but this is really quite rare. I expect that this meeting will be attended only by those exceptions who are trying to gain favorable positions without earning them. In reality, I expect most officers, black or white, view this event as an unnecessary embarrassment. The chief needs to stop this kind of nonsense.

  64. Hey 5:37, thanks man! Tell ur wife that I appreciate the call she made to that mountainous region to ask her ex husband/brother how to spell it.


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