TKC Note: The following is a GUEST POST from a new featured author we'll call "Sutcliffe" regarding the reax to a horrific weekend double homicide. We're posting this for a lot of reasons but mainly because it's the only alternative local opinion on the subject of homicide and the value of life in Kansas City and throughout popular culture. Check it:

Here We Go Again . . .

And I'm sick of it.

The "outrageous" double murder of a mother and child is sickening but if you change the genders and ages, it's a different headline and a different media and public reaction. It's a symbol of much of what is wrong with us.

Black teenage boys shoot each other every day with barely a headline. But when a mixed-race Latino with a nice Jewish name shoots a black teen in Florida we can feign national outrage.

Adults being shot get as much attention as a DUI checkpoint.

When a WWII vet is killed by thugs it is national news. Had they killed a peer, no one outside of Spokane would know or care.
When three thugs kill an Australian it is international news and the media calls for their hanging to save our national face. Had they killed a neighbor kid, we would be discussing the tragedy of them all being victims of their circumstances.

Let's be honest, the tragic story of this murdered mother and child is major news only because of the age of the child and the wailing audio. When this young child is killed we cry with rage and demand justice. The candlelight prayer vigils will be next. Yet if this same child had been killed in the womb we would have marched in defense the mother's decision to do so. Why is a child's life worthless and expendable before it is born but worthy of headlines, outrage and community rallies when it is lost afterwards?

Why is a black life worth more when taken by a white person?

Why is a white life worth more when taken by a black person?

Why is an elderly victim more valuable than a younger one?

Why is one life worth more than another?

It's not. But we assign relative value based on our own selfish needs of the moment.

Until we as a society assign equal value to ALL life at ALL times from conception to natural death and regardless of color, gender, orientation, neighborhood, age, or personal needs of the moment, we will only see more of this.

Meanwhile, stop the phony outrage.



NBC Action News: Slain young mother, daughter mourned

Fox4: Family wants answers after double homicide

KMBC: The AdHoc Group Against Crime plans to hold a vigil Sunday afternoon to honor a woman and her young daughter found slain Friday night.

Developing . . .


  1. Something we would never see from The Star.

    Got me thinking even if I don't agree with all of it.

  2. "Why is a black life worth more when taken by a white person?

    Why is a white life worth more when taken by a black person?"

    It might be and this is just a guess, because of idiot fuckin comments like this--

    "If I had a son, he would look like Treyvon."

  3. The racial polarization of America has been excaberated by design. The 4th estate cuts it's collective teeth every day on division and drama in conjunction with politicians who love to exite their base for purpose of reelection.

    The conservative response (Finally after decades of silence.) to the thousands and thousands of black on white hate crimes (eg, Harry Stone, Chris Lane, Christopher Newsome, WW2 vet etc etc infinity...) should be expected now that the information age has mede available the actual stats and the actual real time truth in the streets that the lion's share of racism and race hate crimes do in fact, reside in the black community, not the white community.

    Juxtapositioned against the backdrop of a Star Chamber prosecution of an innocent man, convicted in advance by a corrupt and disgraceful 4thestate and only exhonerated in the light of day by a hair's breadth, the folks now in the crosshairs of the new demographic running this country are understandably concerned.

  4. Absolutely, it's phony outrage. Nobody gives a fuck about a dead nigger.

  5. the younger blacks have a big chip on there shoulders begging a white or black to knock it off. the biggest problem is that todays problem starts at home where are the parents.

  6. the younger blacks have a big chip on there shoulders begging a white or black to knock it off. the biggest problem is that todays problem starts at home where are the parents.

  7. The facts are, black crime is an astonishing and noteworthy fact in it's galactic dissproporionate per capita percentages.

    The facts are, that if ANY and I mean ANY of the recent horrors iflicted on whites were in fact stories of whites beating blacks on buses in gangs, whites gang raping black women, whites murdering WW2 black vet, whites shooting and killing people from cars with guns in hate crimes, whites rioting and assaulting blacks then the fuckin National Guard would have been called out, new laws passed, movies made, heroes created and the 4th estate would be blowing loads all over the comera lens in ecstacy.

    Phony outrage indeed.

    The outrage and responsibility for heinous acts of criminality should be placed exactly where they belong, on the doorsteps of a corrupt President, Attorney General, 4th Estate, Hollywood, Politicians and the falacious liberal narrative that teaches hate, obfuscates and denies moral agency to selected groups of criminals whenever possible based on the color of thier black skin.

    It is racism reversed and the proof is in the streets every day, seen on videos and felt in the broken hearts of the dead and wounded families left behind.

  8. Law abiding citizens, black and white, are sick of this.

    "FBI Stats-- “An analysis of ‘single offender victimization figures’ from the FBI for 2007 finds blacks committed 433,934 crimes against whites, eight times the 55,685 whites committed against blacks. Interracial rape is almost exclusively black on white — with 14,000 assaults on white women by African Americans in 2007. Not one case of a white sexual assault on a black female was found in the FBI study.”

    Though blacks are outnumbered 5-to-1 in the population by whites, they commit eight times as many crimes against whites as the reverse. By those 2007 numbers, a black male was 40 times as likely to assault a white person as the reverse.

    If interracial crime is the ugliest manifestation of racism, what does this tell us about where racism really resides — in America?

    It is black on white crime by the thousands of cases every year."

  9. Tony, delete this post.

    It is not "phony" to be outraged about a mother and daughter being killed. It is only phony that we aren't outraged by so many other killings.

    1. Necessity and efficiency. Ever hear of it? I think it's the logic applied in this post.

  10. Tony is a right-to-lifer! Never would have guessed.

  11. I got your crime problem solved. Not today, but within a generation.

    Make the on-going receipt of public benefits dependent upon acceptance of the social contract. Stay in school, stay drug and violence free, you get bennies.

    Leave school (by choice or by force), do drugs or commit a crime involving violence? No more housing, no more food stamps, no more Medicaid, no more free bs passes, no more hiring preferences, no more nothing. And not just for the individual involved- for the entire household.

    Parents will pay attention to what their kids are doing.

  12. They already drug test recipients of certain government benefits. Expand it to include educational achievement (not just attendance) and crime-free behavior.

  13. They also need to end the practice of basing benefits on household size. Pass a law that says present benefit recipients will continue under present system. But in one year, new applicants will only be eligible for one of two flat rate payment tiers.

    Highest tier? Married couple living together with children.
    Next? Single parent household with children.

    No extra money for extra kids.

    Married couple with no kids and singles? Get a fucking job.

  14. "Why is a black life worth more when taken by a white person?"
    Because it fits the script.
    When you don't follow the playbook it angers the folks who make their living placating and pandering rather than being honest. There are 4 schools of thought.

    1. People who don't give a shit one way or the other, unless and until it touches their lives directly.
    2. The progressives who perpetuate the permanent victim-hood mindset. "It's not your fault. We'll treat you like dull minded children. Take care of you. Keep you ignorant, broke, and pissed off, with just enough to sustain you , We are kind. We care. Anyone who says otherwise is pure evil and racist.".
    3. The permanently poor and pissed off who have been told that their lot in life is everyone's fault but theirs.
    4. "The Racists" as in anyone who doesn't buy the progressive line of bullshit and dares point out the obvious.

    Reason at 8:05 is a typical example. Calling on Tony to delete a post that doesn't fit the PC school of thought.
    Meanwhile another 20 year old black male was murdered in KCK last night. Pretty sure his killer was either Amish or European.

  15. The current state of the black community is nobodies fault but their own. Look at the young lady killed the other night. Sounds like she was in school and trying to make her life better but she was having kids as a teenager and I bet the baby daddy had nothing to do with thier child. Everybody in a black household is related but none of them have the same last name. That right there is the beginning of the fracture of the black community and has to change. Take care of your famililies, get an education, stay out of the justice system, and you have a decent chance of having a good like. But I don't think for one second they will do this, especially the black male. We are all fucked. They are regressing and something very bad is going to happen.

  16. Q: What do Chuck and Mark Smith have in common?

    A: Their president is African American and it hurts their white power pride so much and there's nothing they can do about it except vomit racist bullshit on Tony's message board every single time there's a tragedy

  17. Nothing special about a mother and child being killed - Nothing any more special than that scores of children who are shot, scores of old ladies and old men, scores of human beings. Not one is more valuable than another. Rest assured in Kansas City no more will be dome for this pair than is done for any other. They wont be any less dead and the criminals who killed them won't be in any more trouble with or without some silly assed KC gun court. In the end it is just another damn murder in a town that is rapidly becoming nothing but a crime zone full of low lifes and a few good citizens just trying to survive. Build a hundred toy trains, a dozen Sprint Centers, a half dozen New H&R Block buildings, and upgrade the entire town. In the end you wont have one thing that is going to stop folks from moving to the burbs until you attack violent crime. We all know KC just doesn't have what it takes to get it done.

  18. we have a winner 901 !8/25/13, 9:17 AM

    Maybe you can get tony to ban them. Start a petition. It won't change a fucking thing but at least you'll be in the majority. You write just like Byron. Just sayin.

  19. Good job tony fat ass. Frankly you disgust me just as much as the "people" of Kansas City. You wanna know what's wrong with people? This ass backwards city is an example of the problem. The problem no one can get to cause of the bullshit that gets in the way. Black white and all alike. I'm an so glad I'm not an original Kansas citian. I'm so glad my son won't be raised in this city. Most important I'm so glad I won't have to see this stupid fucking "blog" again. And for future replies, fuck off you dumb assess.

  20. 918 nooooooooo8/25/13, 9:27 AM

    Buh bye

  21. I remember when mark Smith was interesting but that was before his blog turned into a brown man bash. Not even his colorful street jargon makes his long racist screeds interesting to anybody that's not a right winger or a racist.

  22. You missed the whole point in the issue...

    Zimmerman put himself in the position where he feared for his life,

    Drug slingers fighting over turf put them selves, by choice, into that dangerous environment.

    Drug and gang activity are inherently dangerous.

    Elderly WW2 vets historically don't needlessly put themselves in high risk environments

    Young children don't choose to be struck by a stray bullet from turf war.

    The community is shocked by violence that involves the innocent and expects the savagery of those that choose to live a thug lifestyle.

    When things get bent is when the thugs have their family on saying that ____ was a neighborhood hero and... Well no he wasn't, he was the source of blight, fear, loss heartache, wasted resources and intimidation. He had a chance to live a good life. He made a decision that he would rather ride dirty, sling dope and harm his community.

    I believe the community sees through the bs and strikes sorrow for the innocent.

  23. Being a racist isn't all bad. Let the niggers kill each other, makes fewer of them to infect society.

    1. You sir are an example of bullshit

  24. Keep on killin each other stupid fuks8/25/13, 9:53 AM

    tired, tired, TIRED of niggers and nigger lovers bullshit!!!

    1. Then kill yourself or shut the fuck up.

  25. One other thing you'll never see in the star, is a story about a vigil but using a tiresome file photo of a much larger vigil.

    Your indignancy is just a little phony too.

  26. I don't always agree with Chuck, but he's right this time. The media patronize and pander to minorities. That gets the ball rolling, the Rev. Al and his fellow drama queens rush in, and the circus starts. Then it feeds on itself, and of course it doesn't hurt things when the feeding frenzy increases the income of the media. The Zimmerman case and the Duke University Lacrosse team cases are examples of invented facts and feigned outrage becoming a profit center for media whores.

    By the time it's over, inaccuracies are pointed out, and the media have issued inconspicuous retractions, Mencken's boobus americani are focused on the circus du jour.

  27. Racist for TRUTH!8/25/13, 10:08 AM

    8:36 FTW!!!!! Truths spoken here!

  28. If I had a son like Trayvon....he'd be dead! hahahahahahaha!!!!!

    1. The sad truth is you are probably a parent, sad…

  29. White people are to chicken shit to take on the black people. See when black people get pissed they riot and try to burn the place down. Hell they even burn their own shit down.

    Till law enforcement gets tough, the courts get tougher, and violent offenders sent to prison are treated very tough and rough the killings and mayhem will continue.

    But everyone else will have to get tougher as well. Have to face the fact till it is brought back under control things are going to be destroyed. Sorry to put it that way but it is just the nature of black people. A cleaning up of the nation has to take place and as with any major cleaning project your going to get dirty doing it but it is what has to be done.

  30. 9:01 is standard, boilerplate response from agenda driven liberals who cant respond to facts with anything other than calling people racists.

    It is weak, it reinforces conservatve argument by way of total lack of factual credibility.

  31. Whites in the Minority8/25/13, 10:21 AM

    I don't always agree with Chuck and Superdave. Hell, I never agree with Chuck and Superdave. They are a couple of racist Klan-tards. Congratulations on being in the minority! Yep, traditional white America is dead! Ding dong you're dying out! LOL! LOL!

    1. And with us dies the tax base that supports parasites like you. Maybe you can change the name of KC to New Mogadishu.

  32. 10:21

    While I doubt ur 3rd grade insults mean anything to Chuck and Superdave, your point is well taken and absolutely correct.

    Detroit is what u want and Detroit is what u will get.

  33. Yup Dave is right it's all going to turn into a huge shit hole if we don't stop it.

  34. This is dead on as Chuck would say8/25/13, 11:07 AM

    Anonymous The Truth, The Whole Truth, And Nothing But The Truth said...
    Niggas hate people like chuck and superdave because they are a threat to their easy non-working fucking killing one another lives while selling drugs to their own kids.

    The nigga lovers hate them as well but only because the are so blind they can't see the truth and won't believe that niggers are really that bad.

    Black people don't hate them because they know that it's all the niggas who are causing the trouble as chuck and dave point out. As Chris Rock a black man said,"When I go to the money machine tonight, alright, I ain't looking over my back for the media, I'm looking for niggas! What, you think I've got three guns in my house 'cause the media outside?"

    Contrary to what many may think, there is a difference between Black people and niggas...

    Black people spend thousands of dollars on higher education and see the value of owning real estate.
    Niggas spend thousands of dollars on ''getting high" and are concerned only with keepin' it real..

    When Black people have children, they try to get better paying jobs to make sure they can support their child...
    When niggas have children, they change jobs to avoid paying child support.

    When Black people have children, they invest in college plans, piano lessons and braces...
    When niggas have children they invest in designer clothes, platinum jewelry and mini-Air Jordans

    Black people watch out for their neighbors and understand the importance of strong neighborhoods...
    Niggas watch their neighbors, and look for an opportunity to take advantage of their weaknesses.

    Black people appreciate the sacrifices made for them by, their families to help them get ahead in life...
    Niggas will sacrifice their Families and steal from them in order to get their next high.

    Black people appreciate expensive jewelry designer clothes and nice cars but realize that they don't make the person....
    Niggas define themselves by their designer clothes platinum jewelry and nice cars.

    Black people will know the people at their local bank branch by first name...
    Niggas will know the people at the neighborhood Check Cashers and liquor store by first name.

    Black people see hard working brothers and sisters with legitimate jobs as potential mates...
    Niggas won't even look at you if you're not a Hustler, Baller or a Bad Ass B**ch.

    Black people will work hard to be innovative or to build something out of nothing.
    Niggas will work hard at getting something for nothing.

    Black people work hard all week and then go out on the weekend to relax and chill at the few Black night spots we have...
    Niggas relax and chill all week and then go out on the weekends and work hard to mess up the few Black night spots we have.

    In the words of Chris Rock, "I love Black people... but I can't stand niggas!!"

    8/25/13, 10:56 AM

  35. MLK said, "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."

    Yet, today, it is all about skin color and never about character.
    In Pastor King's day, the Black community was a Godly community that had less out of marriage births than the Whites. Now, 80% of births are outside of marriage and the family has completely disintegrated into drugs, crime and promiscuity. Fix the family, fix the culture.

    But how can you fix that which will never be the same again. Dr. King never had a clue just how bad things was really going to get.

  36. Content of their character, my ass. Niggers have no character, beyond robbing, raping and stealing. Every nigger in this country could drop fucking dead and it'd be a blessing.

  37. 10:21

    Is kicking Chuks ass. 10:21 has the power of the IRS. The Federal Government. CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, The newspapers, music industry, rappers, movies and newer, smarter people being born.

    Chuk iz over.

  38. Oh I LIKE 8:17's idea. Unfortunately the people who want to work on some label would never stand for it. By the way I'm a registered Dem who routinely considers changing to Independent because both parties need to see a lot of us are fed up with their shit. I haven't yet because of primaries. For the first time in a long voting life, I'm also considering joining many friends who arenot voting to send a message. Until we can drop all the pc phoniness and start to have honest dialogue none of this madness is going to change. I'm willing to look at my part. Yes - this outraged me more because of the child. I admit it. I am really sad that kids continue to pay the price for outrageous bad decisions by adults. My guess is this may have been a domestic violence situation and black on black. It's not going to change until blacks quit separating themselves and their racism is excused. We all SHOULD care but they can't have it both ways. The more they talk about "their" people and how blacks should still have special treatment when none of them or their parents were slaves is part of what keeps us separate. I hire the best person for the job. Sometimes that has been black people. However there are a large number I wouldn't hire just because their attitude shows they still have that "the world owes me and you're going to pay attitude. " Frankly the same is true for many domestic violence "victims" and there is something in it for some folks perpetuating their victimhood.

  39. Why is Tony too fucking lazy to write his own blog?

  40. A Real Writer8/25/13, 1:18 PM

    Because he likes fucking with idiots like you Editor.

  41. I heard Whoopi Goldberg say an interviw that she keeps a loaded shotgun in her bedroom. I guess she is expecting a visit from the Amish Mafia. I have noticed that she has relationships with white men, Ted Danson and Frank Langella. Is Whoopi a racists?

  42. Someone is impersonating the Editor. Not cool. Get your own handle.

  43. Dr. Ernest Evans8/25/13, 3:34 PM

    Dear Mr. Tony: Thanks for posting this comment. As a political scientist I am well aware that in the political arena some lives are, indeed, more valued than others--10 dead people in Northern Ireland are going to get infinitely more media attention than 100,000 dead people in Darfur. That great cynic Joseph Stalin said it best: "One human death is a tragedy, a million human deaths are a statistic." But, from a moral point of view your poster is absolutely correct. The great French socialist Simone Weil went to Spain during that country's 1936-1939 Civil War to fight against Franco--while there she became aware of (and started writing about) the fact that both sides in the Civil War were committing terrible atrocities. Her friends on the Left denounced her, but she forcefully replied: "If you don't care about every martyred child, you don't care about any of them." To paraphrase Ms. Weil in the context of KCMO: If you don't care about all of our city's murder victims, you don't care about any of them. Take care!! Sincerely and Respectfully, Ernest Evans

  44. Beware of imposters. I don't use that language here and this little picture appears with my real posts. It was a good blog and I agree with most of what he said.

  45. This opinion makes some good points but it lacks compassion. Isn't that what the conservatives tell us guides them? What happened to the moral high ground of the Republicans? This guest post doesn't have it.

  46. Dr. Evans, nice post with a reference to the Spanish Civil War.

    White people don't have to ask for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for us.

    Good bye tax base, hello Detroit.

  47. Ernest Evans8/25/13, 6:06 PM

    Dear Mr. Hemmingway: Nice to hear from you!! With reference to the destruction of Detroit, the KCMO business/financial community should note what happened to that once great city. All of these people's hopes for a downtown renaissance in KCMO depend on one unstated factor: That crime remains low enough that people will continue to come down town. To qyote from a contemporary of Mr. Hemingway the great British writer George Orwell: "People sleep peacefully in their beds at night because rough men walk the streets prepared to do violence on their behalf." Time for the KCMO Chamber of Commerce to stop worrying about toy trains and starting worrying about strengthening the morale and motivation of the KCPD to fight crime!! Take--by the way, I loved "A Farewell to Arms"!! Sincerely and Respectfully, Ernest Evans


  48. When it comes to black crime, the great majority of americans will be a victim at least once in our lives regardless of race, gender or class.

    If you read about the things MLK wrote, the things he believed in, this is just not working out too well.

    Black youth like attention and hollywood and sports only has so much room for minorities. When black youth get loud around me, I have an excuse to be as loud as them. I can be as annoying as black youth. Its easy. I have lots of practice. Black youth don't like annoying people that don't pay attention to them. I also don't give them drama or conflict so they normally take their show elsewhere.

    Honestly, when it comes to black crime the expression self-cleaning oven comes to mind.

    The big loser in all this is black women. There are no good black men to date. No black men will get married to them. All the men are rotten, incarcerated or dead.

    I don't like how racist america has become since the recession. People are just sick of bad behavior.

    The great majority of americans are just done trying, helping, giving handouts, the whole routine. Something has gotta give. No one cares if black people riot. Quite frankly a riot in kansas city would be excellent population control. I wish they would include fires and burn blocks of the stupid toy train route down, so the KC taxayers won't have to continue to support one small part of town with the whole towns money. A riot fire on the toy train route would help out KC a whole lot. If someone would burn down the wasteland, where the majority of black people ride the bus and will be riding the train, that would help everybody out.

  49. 6:07: Good post. The great majority of Americans are done trying because no matter what we do for the downtrodden, not only is it never enough, we're supposed to suffer from some sort of guilt.

    I have a brother who will soon be 60. He's the same way. His family is done trying, too.

  50. xalti 4:14
    I disagree. I think it shows real compassion instead of symbolic grief and faux outrage. Value all life and not just the ones that make us feel self-righteous? Sounds pretty compassionate to me and is a much more likely position from which to start to effect change.

  51. 6:29 is your brothers name Byron?

  52. In my mid sixties and I know lots of us, gave up on niggers, years ago. They are below contempt and not worthy of even a little concern. Not any more, if they ever were. Agree, let them burn their own nests down and let the fire clean up the mess.

  53. Tony, I don't get it. You put up three separate posts about this crime, using such terms as "HORROR!" and "HORRIFIC" and "KANSAS CITY IN SHOCK."

    Now you're complaining about "phony outrage"?

    And here's what's really funny, if you can call it that. After each post, we have the exact same combox conversation going on among the exact same people who say the exact same things whenever your bait them on race, Tony.

    So who is being phony here?

  54. "There is an explosion of black mob violence. If you doubt that, read "White Girl Bleed A Lot" by Colin Flaherty. Across the country, degenerate people are violently attacking strangers in "the knockout game" ... just for 'fun'. Flash mobs swarm stores to plunder and pillage. They are eliminating the government middle-man and taking what they want directly.
    Even though we don't speak much about this violence, and even though the press works to cover it up, we all understand that we have a huge problem with a violent, racist, uncivilized underclass. We are taught, incorrectly, that it is not appropriate to talk honestly about it"

  55. 8:41. No. My brother is a 400-pound drunk with back problems (surprise--his back never gets used) who makes Byron look like he's a candidate for Mensa. He is, like Byron, on Social Security disability.

  56. Take a race, like the coloreds, that have an entitlement mentality to start with, give them welfare, food stamps, etc. Reward them for having more and more illegitimate kids, make fatherless families the norm, tell them how smart they are and that they can do everything anyone else can if they just take advantage of the billions of taxpayer dollars thrown every year into special interest programs for them and this is the outcome. They're a large part of the ruination of the US.

  57. Dear "Sutcliffe":
    Thank you for a well written thought-provoking post. If we are to take your words at face value, then we can only assume that you do not understand how this society functions.
    Individuals pattern their behavior, to some extent, upon the prevailing attitudes of their country's leadership.
    Do you follow the national news? Do you know how many years the U.S. has been occupying the countries of Iraq and Afghanistan? How many trillions have been spent there, instead of here at home?
    Do you remember how a company from one of our closest allies (Britain) largely destroyed our Gulf Coast?
    Do you still keep track of the number of politicians who break the law?
    Do you remember that it was the CIA who created the organization known as Al Qaeda?
    Do you understand that the "War on Terror" is a never-ending policy of restricting Americans rights? Do you know that since September 11, 2001 the U.S. has officially been in a "state of emergency" with the order continually renewed?
    Do you realize that the financial bailout was the largest transfer of wealth in history, from taxpayers to private banks?
    Do you understand that the Federal Reserve is a privately owned corporation (think OPEC oil cartel) that is not working for the American citizens?
    Can you explain why America keeps ending up with degenerate deeply flawed Presidents? (e.g., our last 3, Obama-W.Bush-Clinton, were drug abusers)

    Thanks for your post, but I'm sorry to say that you should continue to expect more of the same.

  58. I encourage the community to hold a candlelight vigil as a means of bringing closure and uniting the community against violence.

    -- Sales Manager, Acme Candle Company

  59. I honestly am amazed and sickened by the mentality on this board. It sounds like most of you, assuming those comments are from whites, continue to verbally abuse and emotionally abuse black people. First and foremost, I am a college educated black mother of one. I don't live on welfare. But I have gone to Johnson County's SRS, Wyandotte's SRS, and Missouri's Social Services Dept. and there are just as many white women and WHITE MEN who are on welfare.

    Secondly, I moved from Johnson County to Jackson County after realizing that white men have a sense of self entitlement regarding the notion that this country was made for them. I have listened to more overgrown big babies say "we want our country back!"

    I moved to the urban core because contrary to what you fools keep telling yourself, there are more people moving into the city than leaving to go to Johnson County.

    I also strongly disagree with the writer of this article saying that black on black crimes or when a black person does something to a white person it never makes the news. Are you kidding me? You cannot be serious! Black men have been vilified since SLAVERY! What in the hell are YOU smoking?

    The very fact that this article is about a black girl and her baby dying is one example of it.

    I think it's stupid that people keep talking about black on black crime. You all should have enough common sense to know that most murders and crimes are performed in neighborhoods by one's own neighbors. There are a lot of white crimes that take place all the time in JoCo but they go underreported. Car thefts by whites or hispanics or apartment break-ins while people are at work or shootings.

    While you might think feel that black violence is worse. Why are you not accepting responsibility for the behaviour in the white comunity. Why is it that white men are shooting up innocent people in movie theaters? Why in the world are they killing kindergarten classes? Why do they keep showing up at schools killing children and teachers? Why?????

    What's really messed up is that NOT ONE OF YOU are looking in the mirror and asking yourself why your race kills more people than any other race on earth! Think I am lying? In the last 500 years, white people have caused more murder and bloodshed than any other race. What? Did you think that this stealing and conquering other people's lands was for free? They just said "yes white devil, you can have the keys to the land of milk and honey."

    As far as heinous murders are concerned, particularly the deaths of others who are not like you, it is the WHITE RACE in AMERICA who has been the only group of people to ever drop not just one BUT TWO atomic bombs killing 150,000 people a piece INSTANTLY and then killing hundreds of thousands more from the fallout!

    I would not be sitting to high on your horse talking trash about murders and crimes. The word "nigger" is defined as a person with a dirty heart. You might want to look in the mirror cause you might discover a nigger staring you back!


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