Number crunching by Kansas City Star columnist Yael Abouhalkah turns up some interesting stats along with wildly unsupported conclusions.

Check it:

"North of the Missouri River — the fast-growing section that had 157,091 people in 2010 — the city has had a total of 15 homicides over the last five years, or an average of only three annually. That’s an annual rate of only 1.9 per 100,000 residents.

This big section of Kansas City compares positively with the region’s largest suburbs when it comes to homicides."

So, what did we learn?

The conclusion seems to be that nice, new housing stock and higher median incomes will produce fewer homicides. Genius . . . But not really.

The number crunching doesn't take into account East Coast urban core areas teeming with minority denizens who have dropped their murder counts over the past few years.

And generally the argument that poverty and poor housing conditions lead to violence is specious at best.

Think about this: A recent study revealed that perceptions regarding racial discrimination were more influential in determining violent behavior than economic or even neighborhood factors . . .

“African-American youth who were at greatest risk for engaging in violent behaviors while transitioning into adulthood were those who experienced higher levels of racial discrimination in addition to general daily stressors.

“Contrary to expectations, stress that stemmed from financial shortage and neighborhood stress were not associated with the risk of violent behaviors during emerging adulthood,”

Meanwhile . . . Most of us are sure that Meth addiction set to a hard rock soundtrack is responsible for most copper theft, killing and bad tattoos among white people in Independence, MO.

Nevertheless . . .

It's good news that the Northland is safe for now . . . But searching for statistical anomalies when Kansas City is confronting an ongoing homicide count conundrum is typical of Dead Tree Media arrogance that values their own corporate viewpoint over community interest.

Photobabe: Britney Snow


  1. Of course blacks in Kansas City are subjected to racial discrimination everyday.

    Their "leaders" use them for their own personal gain.

    And they call each other nigga just in case they ever forget.

  2. Maybe if we treat them like shit, their behavior will improve.

  3. Not getting free shit is racial discrimination. Where's my 15k, I'm feeling discriminated against.

  4. There ya go folks.

    Pony up some more cash for the "Protected Class" and then get off of the streets cause the beat down coming your way is YOUR fault.

    Total bullshit.

    The study is premised on anecdotal claims of racial discrimination. What a fuckin shock.

    Trillions down a racial rat hole and excuses for failure.

    This Hispanic lady should do a study on THIS problem.


    When the rubber hits the road, Hispanics get just as sick of the violence as whites.

    The difference is, Hispanics are not burdened with the "racist" accusations.

    End all entitlements and Affirmative Action. End EBT/SNAP.

    Stop making excuses for and encouraging violentt African American behaviour with same.

  5. Yael

    You do realize that every time you go to the Great White North, Homeland Security receives a wave of Terrorist Reports from really, really scared people?

  6. Boy, subtracting the Northland's contribution to population and murders (157,000 and 3) from the City's overall numbers (460,000 and 100+) really puts the violence on the East side into perspective. Not quite Juarez, but shocking nonetheless. East side leaders should be ashamed to show their face in public.

  7. Yael = Snore2/14/13, 7:27 AM

    Ignore the dumbfuck and eventually the falling Star will send him packing too.

  8. Nigger be Gone2/14/13, 7:49 AM

    Yael and he niggers just stay south of the river. Oh, and the nigs that inhabit the northland....take them back south with you!

  9. Keep the fucking NIGGERS out of the Northland and you'll absolutely maintain a lower than normal (for KC) murder rate, robbery rate, rape rate, etc. This is a fact, that nobody can deny!!

  10. “African-American youth who were at greatest risk for engaging in violent behaviors while transitioning into adulthood were those who experienced higher levels of racial discrimination in addition to general daily stressors.

    “Contrary to expectations, stress that stemmed from financial shortage and neighborhood stress were not associated with the risk of violent behaviors during emerging adulthood,”

    Tony, this is on point! Most of my life I've been described as "at risk." I never really understood what that meant until my adulthood. Where I see so many other kids at serious risk for all of the illegal activities that youth sometimes engage in. The difference is the family unit. I never had a desire to shoot, kill, still, rob, rape, etc. That is something that is a culture epidemic; has nothing to do with socio-economics. Youth engage in that type of activity at every class level.

    Thanks for sharing. Worth sharing.

  11. Yael is like a spatula in a dung heap - it doesn't belong, it stinks, and it serves no real purpose other than to stir up shit.

  12. Lee's Summit has a population of 91,000. We had no murders in 2011 and in 2012 someone killed someone in KCMO and dumped the body by the airport.

    I bet it is all the guns out here in the suburbs that makes it so dangerous. Because if there is anything I know about Lee's Summit is that people aren't totally into guns.

  13. Don't worry. When Lee's Summit is taken over by blacks you will have the same crime rates as KC.

    Consider it "affirmative action" when that happens.

  14. Places where white people live = safe.
    Places where black people live = not safe.

    What an amazing study. They pay this guy? No wonder that ship's going down.

  15. Blacks are mainly the ones killing other blacks.

    Give em all Darwin Awards.

    By the way, the Northland Skeptics Atheist Meetup group is celebrating Darwin Day this Saturday.

    Join the fun up here as they celebrate Survival of the Fittest.

  16. Darwin said it all. The savage races would be wiped out by the superior races. (The Descent of Man, sec 29)

    Celebrate Darwin Day with the Northland Skeptics.

  17. The funny thing about the atheist survival of the fittest crew is they would be the first people killed, eaten for meat and property taken should our society break down and we are living in a Hobbsian nightmare.

  18. I wish more Northlander women looked like Britney Snow. Wow, I can come just by looking at her eyes.

  19. Its no coincidence that the Northland Skeptics Meetup group is having a Darwin Day celebration north of the river.

    If you Black Brothers only knew what the atheists thought of you...

  20. Join the Northland Skeptics to celebrate Darwin!


  21. So lets make stress a defense for murder and ban all those psycho firearms? As long as we rationalize this fucking behavior there will be violence. How about, "We will put your ass to death for hurting and killing people no matter what you freaking lame ass excuse" >??????

  22. If NIGGERS knew, really knew, what the rest of the world (not just atheists) think of them, they'd all commit suicide. NIGGERS are hated by everyone on the planet. It's an historical fact. So when next you NIGGERS look into a mirror, you'll see shit that's worth hating, looking back at ya.

  23. Here is the thing.

    In general you will hate people, easily identifiable, who want to kill you because you r white.

    America hate our guts.

  24. Yael is an idiot.

  25. Anon 1:55 PM

    Good thing you were born white, huh? What a clever decision you made there, just as good as your clever decision to be born a man.

  26. They are not discriminated for their race but for their behavior or expected behavior based on how they look and act. Act like a thug and you will be treated like a thug. Yes thug is a dog whistle word for young black man. You can't tell me a young black man wearing a suit gets treated exactly like one wearing a hoodie?!

  27. Look at the homicides that did occur north of the river. Most, not all, but most were committed by black people. Hmmm..... weird.


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