This morning Kansas City Anti-Crime Activist Alonzo Washington shares an important message with TKC Readers and the Leader Of The Free World.

To wit . . .


Here's the money quote . . .

"More Americans are killed on the streets with hand guns than with AR-15 assault weapons during mass shootings. Inner-cities all over America have been destroyed by gun violence that has resulted in daily murders, drive by shootings, Black males being the number one victims of homicide and countless children killed by flying bullets on a regular basis."

But don't get it twisted. Mr. Washington is a gun owner, believer in gun rights and a member of the NRA.

More importantly, Mr. Washington points out the disparity and hypocrisy of the current gun debate championed by so-called "progressives" and Piers Morgan.

Read the letter for yourself in order to gain a a perspective on the reality of the gun debate that's being willfully overlooked by most mainstream media:


The White House
Attn: President Barack Obama & Vice President Joe Biden
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20500

Dear President Obama and Vice President Biden,

I want to commend you both for winning a second term to be able to serve all Americans. I have 6 sons and 1 daughter. I voted for both of you during the first and second elections. Two of my sons were within voting age (18 and 20) during the last election and they both voted for you gentlemen.

Please allow me to formally introduce myself. I am a independent comic book creator and crime solving anti-crime activist. I operate a grassroots tips program that encourages the public to give tips about violent crimes and homicides in the community. I have been successful in solving a large amount of murders, locating fugitives from the law, peacefully surrendering criminal suspects and finding missing people. Two of the murder cases that my tips help resolve were that of Marines that were killed after they returned from Iraq. I gained national attention for solving the murder case of a toddler that was beheaded in the woods of Kansas City, Missouri. The victim was dubbed Precious Doe by the community and the press. My 4 year campaign to solve her homicide generated the tip that identified her as Erica Green and revealed her parents were her killers. I never accept a reward for the crimes that I help to solve. I also use my comic book publications to also address social issues such as; gang violence, school shootings, childhood obesity, diabetes awareness, missing children and many other causes.

I have been battling the plight of gun violence for over 3 decades and I am very happy that the Obama Administration is addressing this matter. Although, I feel like a large amount of Americans that are impacted by this social ill are not being represented in this current debate regarding gun violence and gun control.
I recognized that mass shootings are more sensational than the everyday murders that take place in America every day. Nonetheless, more Americans are killed on the streets with hand guns than with AR-15 assault weapons during mass shootings. Inner-cities all over America have been destroyed by gun violence that has resulted in daily murders, drive by shootings, Black males being the number one victims of homicide and countless children killed by flying bullets on a regular basis.

It appears that these countless murders have not captured you two gentlemens attention. If the murders, shootings and gun violence in places like Chicago, Philadelphia and New Orleans is mentioned it is only added as a footnote as it relates to mass shootings and crimes committed by the mentally ill. This is troubling when you add that the city of Chicago reached 500 homicides in 2012. 34 people are killed in America due to gun violence everyday. Most of these crimes are committed by perfectly sane people.

Americans need to be concerned with these aspects of gun violence as much as they are with the less frequent mass shootings that occur in movie theaters, malls and schools. Missouri is the number one state for African American homicides due to the high amount of Black murder victims and the small size of the state. Currently, there are 107 homicides in Kansas City, MO. In a very small city homicides exceed over 100 victims almost every year. I have been blessed to have the good fortune of having the privilege of being successful in gaining tips that has solved the murders of many Black and White murder victims. Although, many people believe one class of gun violence victims are more important than other gun violence victims. We all know that is false.

Therefore, I am inviting you two gentlemen to come to the state of Missouri to speak to this issue so all Americans can feel united and included in this debate. This gesture would help make all cultures and communities realize that it is important that all Americans should be concerned with becoming safer from gun crimes. Please consider coming to a inner-city community in KCMO where guns have taken the lives of many victims. Many years ago the cable network HBO did a documentary called 27th Prospect. The film highlighted the large amount of murders and illegal drugs in the community. If one of you were to speak to the public from this location with anti-crime activists and relatives of crime victims it would send a strong message to the entire country that gun violence in poor communities are just as tragic as gun violence in suburban communities. I hope one of you two men will be able to accommodate my invitation.

Moreover, I want the Obama Administration to consider giving all American gun owners a federal voucher to help them purchase a durable gun safe to secure their firearms in. Keep in mind that the latest mass shooting was committed by a young man who was able to acquire unsecured firearms that were legally purchased by his mother. Please consider my request. Please review the following information about my anti-crime advocacy.

Kind regards,

Alonzo Washington


  1. Has Obama visited KC since 2008?

  2. Come The Fuck ON, Tony!1/11/13, 10:10 AM

    Not this turd again!

    Why do you pollute your blog with this useless weasel?

  3. How much he paying ya to post this vomit Tony?

  4. Newsflash For Alonzo -

    Barry Soetoro doesn't give a shit. None of your vaunted elected "leaders" do.
    They are nothing but gangsters themselves.

  5. How blind is this idiot?
    If there is an award for blissful ignorance, someone please award it to this putz.


  6. Some of the argument is quite valid.

    He's partially correct in much of what he says.

    Unfortunately, it's a waste of time as no-one takes this tool seriously.

    Well, maybe no-one but Tony.

  7. Obama Says Alonzo Who1/11/13, 10:34 AM

    Alonzo with a gun is just plain a scary thought. I would love to see him shoot off his mouth in an NRA meeting. Or his foot, or anything else for that matter.

  8. Alonzo with a gun is EXACTLY what is needed in bad neighborhoods with a history of violence.


  9. SLY: "Alonzo, why do you need a gun like an AR15?"

    ALONZO: "It's not about 'need', it is my 2nd Amendment right to own such a rifle."

    SLY: "But assault weapons are not necessary for hunting."

    ALONZO: "First of all, it is NOT an assault weapon. And, seocndly, the 2nd Amendment isn'tt about hunting; it is about defending liberty from tyranny."

    SLY: "So, you're worried that a tyrant is going to take away your guns and liberty?"

    ALONZO: "No, actually I am not Mr. Mayor, we have the 2nd Amendment."

  10. Get Ready Soldiers Of Liberty1/11/13, 10:56 AM

    Make haste, the time is nigh.

  11. The White House
    From the desk of President Barack H. Obama

    Mr. Washington,

    First of all, let me thank you for your vote. Secondly, I appreciate your concern and actions to address violence in your city.
    Let me speak frankly now that I'm past my final election. I don't know who you are, and I have no time or inclination to visit your neighborhood to pose for pictures while standing next to you. Off the top of my head, I don't even recall who's the Congressman for your district, or the Mayor for Kansas City.
    This is the truth....I am America's Top Hired Spokesperson, the Teleprompter-in-Chief, if you will. I serve as the mouthpiece for a small elite group of corporate leaders who call the shots and set policy for this country. Please review groups such as the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, and Bilderbergers.
    While at Columbia University, writing my senior thesis on Soviet nuclear weapons policy, I was recruited by Zbigniew Brzezinski to enter this elite circle as a political protege. Myself, along with Deval Patrick, were judged to be ideal "wolves in sheep's clothing" as we appear black on the outside, but are internally guided by ego, power, and money. This makes us uniquely capable of winning the vast majority of minority and liberal votes, while still being easily controlled by our corporate masters.
    In summary, I'm not who you think I am, you won't see me in Kansas City, WAKE UP and OPEN YOUR EYES to the truth!

    Barack H. Obama

  12. Just when you don't think it can get any stranger it does.

  13. Come on Superdave, ya gotta love the "Illuminati" shit.


  14. Dear Prez, I have six sons, one daughter and NO FUCKING JOB!!! Am I a poster boy for the NIGGERS, or what?

  15. During that period, 4,251 people were murdered in Chicago; 3,371 died from being shot, with 98 percent of the murder weapons being a handgun. Thirty-seven people were killed with a rifle (caliber of bullet not specified) and 40 were killed with a shotgun.

    In 27 of the murders, the type of gun used could not be determined by the Chicago Police Department.

    Eight-point-seven percent of people murdered in Chicago were stabbed to death; 7 percent of the people murdered in Chicago between 2003-2011 died from what the Chicago Police Department classifies as “assault”; 92 people were killed by strangulation; 27 people by blunt force; 15 by asphyxiation; and 51 people were categorized in the “other” category by the Chicago Police Department.

    A closer look at the instruments used in some of the 4,251 murders between 2003-2011 reveals:
    •In 2011, one person was killed with a pocketknife; one a baseball bat; and one was asphyxiated with pry bar.
    •In 2010, three people were killed with a kitchen knife, two with a baseball bat, one with a wooden board, one with rope/cordage, and one with gasoline (burning).
    •In 2009, a pocketknife was used as the murder weapon once, as well as a concrete block/brick and baseball bat. Clothing was also used once in a strangulation murder.
    •In 2008, a baseball bat was used twice, clothing once, and gasoline once as murder weapons.
    •In 2007, a baseball bat was used twice, as well as a pipe being used twice in murders. A hammer was used four times. An electrical/phone cord was used once.
    •In 2006, a baseball bat was used four times.
    •In 2005, a screwdriver was used twice, a baseball four times, a bottle once, a hammer once, and clothing once.
    •In 2004, a screwdriver was used once, a baseball bat seven times; a pipe, a tire iron, a bottle, and a concrete block/brick were all used once apiece. A pillow and an electrical/phone cord were also used once.
    •In 2003, a screwdriver and pocketknife were used once; a bottle, pipe, and handgun (used as a blunt weapon), concrete block/brick were used once. A baseball bat was used four times as a weapon in murder.

    Less than 1 percent of the murders in Chicago between 2003-2011 were with what the Chicago Police Department classifies as a “rifle,” which is what an AR-15 would be classified.


    But gimme a break, it is just the usual "Never Let A Tragedy Go To Waste" shit.

  16. Thats right, in Chicago, 31 people were killed with baseball bats, the same amount that died by the rifles everyone is trying to ban.

    My suggestion, is, look, if we are gonna ban baseball, lets start in KC, not in Chicago.

  17. So I guess the logic is that since more black males die by handgun, we should continue to make it as easy as possible for the next mental health case to use an AR-15 to commit mass murder at a school, a movie theater or a shopping mall.


  18. 11:58

    What the fuck r u even talking about?


  19. My guess is 11:58 would be some hapless, shiftless NIGGER, who just can't figure things out too well..

  20. If Alonzo is going to write letters, he needs to master grammar, punctuation and sentence structure. He looks like an amateur.

    Of course, so do Obama and Biden.

  21. @12:37

    He IS an amatuer.

    One who is now on a special Secret Service list....

  22. Maybe Obama can get some advice from Hillary about getting Alonzo to "suicide" like Vince Foster.

  23. If Alonzo thinks Obama is serving anybody but himself Alonzo is crazy and shouldn't have a gun...ha ha ha

  24. allow me to explain it to you1/11/13, 8:45 PM

    The point is this....
    There were more people killed in Chicago last year than every mass shooting in modern history within the U S. The point is that Chicago has the tightest gun control laws in the nation and the highest murder rate. When anti gun people come out with these bans, and combine it with the typical wringing of the hands and crying for for innocent children it comes of as either phony concern to drive a political agenda, or it exposes the liberals thinly veiled racism. In other words you fuckin putz, it begs the question; Why are the lives of one tiny group of victims more important than those of a much larger group?
    Got it?
    Now eat a sack O dicks you fuckin retard.

  25. Alonzo should move to Chitcago where guns iz mostly illegal, and the crime rate is next to nothing.

  26. "eat a sack of dicks"???? Now, isn't that a classic and well thought out curse??
    Makes you wonder what kind of cretin came of with it..

  27. 2:06, great idea. Or have an "accidental" plane crash that kills you, only you also have a bullet hole in your head as well, like Ron Brown. Het Hillary to work her black widow magic.

  28. Pretty clear the author of that letter has really overestimated his significance.


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