Jeremy LaFaver seems to be the heir apparent to the most prestigious House District in all of Kansas City.

The newly formed 25th District is comprised of the Ward Parkway Corridor along with lesser neighborhoods. This is basically Secretary Of State Candidate Jason Kander's old district. Mr. LaFaver has laid claim to it thanks to Democratic Party connections and his mostly white hat history of child advocacy/lobbying.

However . . . Recently Mr. LaFaver has been debating his opponent Republican Sally Miller over economic issues and his opposition is crying foul.

To wit . . .


Now, we've checked the case number with Mr. LaFaver's MO Ethics listing along with these claims and the results match up . . . So this info not only seems to be on the level but also a real world view of the Ward Parkway Area and some Kansas City Midtown Republicans are talking about . . .

Check the money quotes . . .

Thought I'd pass this along: LaFaver had to be sued by MODOR before he would pay his 2008 taxes. He's weirdly fighting with Miller over who is the true fiscal conservative, but given this, I'd say he's not: Certificate of Tax Lien, Individual Tax

And then . . .

"Jeremy LaFaver was sued involved in a hot mess by with the Dept of Revenue for unpaid taxes and had a judgement against him of $2092.54. If you look at Missouri Casenet (google it), the case # is 1116-MC02556. Or you can google litigant name Jeremy LaFaver."

So . . . Remember that Mr. LaFaver backed the wrong candidate and won't get much help from soon to be MO State Senator Jason Holsman and now word of his recent money problems seem to suggest that this Democratic Candidate will have a hard time earning respect in Kansas City's posh Ward Parkway District.



  1. Sally Miller should have run a better campaign.

  2. He owed $2,000 in taxes. OMG, get the lynch mob mobilized! Geez.

  3. Shut up Talboy.

  4. There are former city council members who have tax liens against them.

  5. When are we going to get rid of term limits so that grown-ups will run for office again?

  6. Why the hell did Janet Lillis pick this guy?

  7. Looks like the CCP did a bang up job vetting this guy.

  8. LaFaver lied to numerous political clubs and Democrat leaders when he told them that he had nothing embarrassing in is background.

  9. If considering only those residents in KCMO who have met their normal financial obligations like the rest of us as candidates for public office, the ballots are going to be mighty empty.
    Not to mention all the offices at city hall, the Jackson County Courthouse, and the corridors in Jeff City.
    As long as you have an actual political class of people whose "careers" consist of jumping from campaign consultant to elected office to not-for-profit to government executive, and then back again, you're going to find people "representing" you living on the edge and looking out for themselves.
    That's why the most frequently asked question in JaxCo/KCMO isn't "What have you accomplished? It's "What are you going to run for next?
    And the results shouldn't be surprising.

  10. If LaFaver had a decent opponent, I'd consider voting for him or her. Having heard Sally Miller's spiel, which pretty much consists of cutting unspecified taxes in a state which could by no means be considered a high-tax state to begin with, I'd have to say she's a couple of tacos short of a combination plate.

  11. I would eat her combo plate.

  12. Based on what Sally's friends at Aixois say, her husband has not ate her combo plate in about 15 years so she will probably welcome the attention Anon 9:13.

  13. Jeremy LaFaver11/5/12, 9:29 AM

    First things first: this lien was filed in error, as was confirmed to me by MODOR shortly after I learned of it, 3 years ago. I was assured by MODOR that the matter was closed and that the lien had been removed, and am now in contact with MODOR to see that this is corrected.

    I was employed during all of 2008 by the President of the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque. Since I lived in, and all my earnings for 2008 were from, New Mexico I was required to file my state income taxes there, and did so in a timely way, paying all taxes that were due.

    Since I earned zero income in Missouri during 2008, I was not required to file a Missouri tax return for that year (see

    When I learned of the lien, I immediately explained the situation with MODOR and was assured by the individual I spoke with that the matter was closed, and that the lien would be withdrawn. I only learned from reading this post this morning that the lien still appears on the record, and am in the process of contacting MODOR to confirm that the lien is lifted.

    I want to assure you that I have ALWAYS paid ALL my taxes, and that I was assured this ‘lien’ would be removed.

  14. Given LaFaver's post above, it makes you wonder if TKC even bothered to call him before posting his "exclusive" story and using up the nuclear bomb pic for the day on a non-story.

  15. So he just moved here but he thinks he should be a state rep?

  16. He looks like a major dork in ete picture, bring the closeted Gay guy back.

  17. Miller is a transplant as well.

    It seems like most folks don't just stay in one place their whole life. People move.

  18. Desperate Jeremy LaFaver uses his personal facebook page as his campaign page to smear Sally Miller for having $17K in debt, except leaves out the fact that the loan was from her own pocket. Miller puts her money where her mouth is, LaFaver takes shady KC political machine money. Just another CCP puppet.

  19. Amy Coffman was a drive-by.

  20. Jason Kander is a "Where are they now?"

  21. Jeremy says that he just learned of this today?! How can he be expected to represent all of us when he doesn't even have control of his own affairs?

  22. He called and asked for the lien to go away, and then just assumed it was all ok?

    Oh yeah, this guy should be writing our laws.

  23. Actually LaFaver's explanation is believable. I moved back here in 1995 and paid my 1994 income state income tax to California, where I had lived and earned it. I got notices from Missouri and Kansas City. It seems the federal government reports the amount of income reported to the state (and city, evidently) on your forms. When I explained that I had not lived here in 1994, the problem went away.

    As a side funny, California sent a notice to my address here demanding to know why I had not renewed my auto license plate.

    I'm afraid our taxing authorities are not Mensa candidates and always assume you owe them money.

  24. As for LaFavor's believing the person who told him the problem would be taken care of, he obviously simply had not had enough experience with the Missouri government's half-assed way of doing business.

  25. What a non story. Yawn.

  26. 24 hours from polls opening and the bomb gets used on a story about a situation where it looks like a guy owed 2k but he actually didn't?

    There HAS to be a better story out there somewhere.

  27. Typical Republican tactics. Make shit up and get really fucking angry about it. Nice journalism, Tony.

  28. To say "looks like a guy owed 2k but he actually didn't" only holds water when if he proves that he didn't. Jeremy is using the "Shaggy, Wasn't Me" defense. Well, yeah you have the documentation, but it isn't true. Cookie jar? Nah, I wasn't in there...oh THIS cookie? I didn't get that from the jar.

  29. Typical Democrat tactic, get confronted with documentation, deny it and then attack the source just taking the word of the crooked politician as "proof".

  30. I want to suck his titties.

  31. So, what's he going to run for next?

  32. Probably not auditor.

  33. It seems like the real crime here is that he didn't do a background check on himself before he ran. Otherwise he would have caught it and had the thing cleared up.

    I hereby sentence you to ten lashes with a wet noodle.

  34. Pay your bills nigger!

  35. This is such a nonstory. If he'd worked in Missouri, the state would have withheld taxes. The real story is the ineptness of state government workers who don't do their jobs.

  36. Newsflash to everyone, other than those .01% wrapped up in the race - no one gives a flying fuck about this "news."

    What a load of shit. Vote for the best candidate, which, by my estimation, is Mr. Lefaver.

  37. Wow. I can't believe TKC would run something completely untrue and pretend that it is news. I've never heard of such a thing.

    Oh wait...

  38. How can you say something is untrue when he linked to the documents? Public record says otherwise.

  39. Mr. L's response is both lame and incomplete. It wasn't a matter of an inaccurate lien; the state SUED him and he PAID, 3 years late.

    For those who say $2k, big deal; it is a big deal if it reflects how he handles business. And it probably wouldn't be a big deal if he hadn't brought up fiscal responsibility first!

  40. Jeremy LaFaver11/5/12, 1:30 PM

    I e-mailed TKC a copy of the letter from the Department of Revenue that reads, in part, "Based on (our) information, the Department does not believe you owed Missouri tax for 2008. Your account has been adjusted to reflect zero tax liability for that year."

    As it turns out, I overpaid by $2,000 and they will be sending a check.

    Swing and a miss....

  41. We're getting to your response. You basically prove the tipsters correct. So I'd say it was more of a solid triple. Given that none of this would have come to light without The AWESOME tipsters.

  42. Jeremy LaFaver has proven that he is not capable of managing his own affairs and shown that he cannot be trusted to manage the affairs of the 25th district. He obviously knew the problem existed but didn't follow up until it was going to hurt him. Par for the course in Kansas City politics where it has to hurt the politician personally before they address the concerns of the citizens.

  43. The state said he owed them $2K, but he didn't.

    He accidentally paid the lien they incorrectly placed on him.

    And now the state owes him $2K because he overpaid his taxes for 2008.

    Nothing worse than another politician who pays too much in taxes. I'm surprised Huff Post or Politico didn't pick up on this raunchy expose.

    I wonder what Lefever did to piss off TKC.

  44. Shut up Talboy.

  45. He was sued, it was settled. Shit happens.

  46. MDOR

    Isn't that the group of Luddites which cannot accept corporate tax filings in electronic format?

    Fucking morons!

  47. Yeah. You're ready to serve...bullshit. if you were you wouldn't bother clearing your name on makes you look like bitchy high schooler fighting off the mean girls. Grow up and get serious and fight battles that are worth it. If you are always going to search out and destroy negative talk against you then you will go insane

  48. Seeing where MODOR is 85% black, I can see where this mistake was made.


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