Where we stand right now according to Missouri polling data:

Mitt Romney beating Barack Obama handily in Missouri, poll shows

Todd Akin draws closer to Claire McCaskill in Missouri Senate poll

And then there's this . . .

AP poll: Majority harbor prejudice against blacks

Right now, this news might be more important than Rachel Aldana and her huge talents but I'd rather not think about the consequences of hateration and its impact on our Democracy.


  1. Claire made a huge mistake running from Obama's policies for the last three years rather than spending some money to defend them. He was going to be used against her any way around it.No, she would not have convinced the vast majority of bigots in this state, but she would be in better shape than she is now.

  2. See, the lonely, ole "n word guy" is right!! NIGGERS fuck up everything!

  3. Gee, I wonder why.

  4. "If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon."

    If ya had a fuckin brain u wouldn't have said that.

  5. Obama has been the most polarizing president in my memory. His selection of Eric Holder, and, Holders subsequent intiatives, are a dramatic and unambiguated statement on his position and the President’s position on Race. The “Shuck and Jive comments are ill advised peccadillos by an out of favor politician, Holder’s intiatives are a declaration of war on America and everything it used to stand for.

    Obama’s knee jerk response to the Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman incident, prior to ANY semblence of evidence, logic and reason–”If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon.” was a disgrace and a look behind the curtain at the president’s true north.

  6. I don't think Claire been poked in a while. I think Akin owes dogs an apology. Dogs have one thing Claire doesn't have: loyalty. She ran against a sitting Democratic governor in the primary in 2004 and we got four years of Matt Blunt.I think it will be funny if Taliban Todd beats her since she engineered his win in the primary.

  7. We didn't need a poll to tell us that most whites are racists.

  8. Most humans are racists. What's news?

  9. Byron, we don't need a poll to tell that your are a moron.

  10. Anon 12:01

    Its obvious that you don't know what a moron is.

  11. God I can't wait until November 7th. Then the political scientist blowhards can only speculate about the dog catcher election for 4 years.

  12. Byron, eat shit and die.

  13. Anon 12:34 PM

    No. As a matter of principal I would never do what a racist wants me to do. Your evil is destroying our country.

  14. Moron is a term once used in psychology to denote mild mental retardation.

    See Byron that does apply to you

  15. SuperPooper,

    I'm a chess champion. I was a child math prodigy. My IQ was tested a couple of years ago: 129.

    Try again, asshole.

  16. Only 129 sorry you lose

  17. We don't need a poll but Bryon needs one up his ass to get off.

  18. LMFAO @ 2:00 (SO TRUE!!!!)

  19. IQ of 129. Byron, is that human or zebra? You are a genius? Who are you, Good Will Humping? Probably Good will being humped.

  20. Yes, Obama IS polarizing... because he's black. White people in America largly don't like that much. We are a much more racist country than we know. And homophobic. And we hate people who don't agree with our political views. And people whose immigrant kin didn't come from our ancestors' countries.

    A melting pot, this ain't. Never was. I don't sense Tea Partiers or Republicans tactics in Congress since 2010 have done anything to fix that.

    Lotta negative comments in this thread...this seems to be a little microcosm of the nation.

  21. Check this:

  22. 129 ? I've got more than that in the head of my cock !

  23. Byron, I don't like Obama and it has nothing to do with race. Absolutely nothing. It's about his job performance, philosophy, appointees, and much more.

    I don't like you because you resort to labeling everyone who doesn't think as you do as racist. There are many good people out there who don't support Obama, and they are not racists. Also, I don't think you are authentic; I think you operate from a sense of some sort of guilt.

    You probably don't like me because my 135 beats your 129.
    And I enjoy Chuck and Super Dave.

  24. Anon 10:17

    Yeah, my IQ is in the top two percentile, so naturally, everyone is smarter than me. Do you have blinders on? Do you not see all of the racist comments? If you can't see that Chuck & Poop are racists, you probably don't want to. What would I feel guilt about? Oh yeah, the mythical white guilt. Bullshit.

  25. Byron is the biggest racist here. That is all he FUCKING knows.

  26. It's not prejudice if its based on experience. I was never the victim of racial commentary or degredation until I moved to Kansas City, surrounded by blacks. I never had anyone tell me I couldn't buy something because, "It's not for you, White Man" or been called a "peckerwood" which is the a black person's attempt to come up with something equivalent to "nigger" for white people.

    I never had anyone target me because of my race until I was surrounded by black people. I never had anyone threaten because I was white.

    So I went from being a tolerant, open minded person free of prejudice to being a horribly prejudiced person.

    It is for my own protection. I avoid black people because I am sick of the violence of their culture and their inherent racism.

    They are the real racists.

  27. amen 10:53!!!!!!! There are so many more of us just like you out there....... I say we send them all back, starting with that Brian character from Virginia..

  28. Well said 10:53

  29. Byron you're full of yourself, stuck in 1972 stick your head in your ass & jump

  30. Typical Missouri Stupid Assed Racist10/28/12, 9:41 PM

    Obama is polarizing for having the nerve to have black skin.


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