Long ago they used to call it "failing" or "coming back with your tail between your legs" but "boomeranging" is a much nicer way to describe local natives moving back to Kansas City after urban adventures in bigger, better cities.

Today, Kansas City's Emily Farris is the star of a feature on "boomeranging" and her EPIC journey back to where she started.

Remember that TKC profiled the Feed Me KC foodie blog last week. 

Anyhoo . . .

After nine years in Brooklyn, N.Y. the "Midwestern cuisine queen" visited Kansas City and decided this cowtown was a more cosmopolitan place and she could "live like an adult" here.

Check the money quote:

"Three months later, Farris bid adieu to New York and moved back to the city she grew up in, a newly minted member of a migratory group that’s quietly making an impact on cities. Boomerangs — people who move away from a place and then later move back — make up over 37 percent of in-migration to U.S. metro counties, and even more than that in counties that are economically distressed. Many are young-ish people like Farris who moved to places like New York, Los Angeles and Chicago, then returned home (often to their own surprise) to launch start-ups, restaurants, furniture stores and fashion lines. (Farris, who worked for websites in Manhattan, got a job in Kansas City running social media for a local coffee roaster, then co-created an online food magazine called feed me kc.)"

It's an interesting trend that could benefit Kansas City in as much as most of this town's efforts are focused on attracting people from other places instead of providing services to locals.

There's a tendency to poke fun at "young people boomeranging back to flyover-country cities to live cheap and chase their dreams" but then I remember that TKC never really aspired to live any other place than my (mom's) basement and watching more talented people bounce around while I mark time in this crappy cowtown is rather interesting.


  1. Nice article.

  2. Glad she is back. She is cute as a bug's ear.

    Tony, make a move dude.

  3. Can't wait to read your essay on why you are still at your mom's. I'm in the same boat. I can't find a worthwhile job. Plus the student loan debt keeps accumulating.

    I always wondered what you do for work besides this blog. (Don't tell me this is all you do, right?)

  4. If you're interested in boomeranging, Tony, I'd be glad to drop you off in the middle of the Mojave and let you find your way back.

  5. I'd fuck her in her ass. Then cum all over her face.

  6. God, I was wondering where you were!! Lol!

  7. Red on the head, Fire in the hole!6/23/12, 9:51 PM

    What? No Molly Ringwald smack yet?

  8. Wow! Can't wait to tag her! She's HOT!

  9. I'd like to taste her sauce!!!!

  10. WINNER @ 4:48!

    See, that's how it's done boys. You have to be a little bit clever and not outright disgusting.

    Tony, I hope you are taking notes.

  11. Tony writes grants for his REAL job. Requests for money from the very same RICH WHITE FOLK he so despises yet aspires to be.

  12. I don't believe it. Tony tap dances on Broadway downtown. I gave him $2 yesterday. He has a hell of a soft shoe!

  13. Blah, blah, blah... Emily Farris has been telling this fkn story to anyone who will listen for like, the past three or four years. Enough already.

  14. sweetbeamoney6/25/12, 9:57 AM

    If Eefers was a true boomeranger, wouldn't she be living in Independence? #addmorecheese

  15. Aww sooo, she velly velly peetty gul. I love her long time. She red on the noodle like the dick on a poodle. I feed her velly special dish, Cream of sum yung guy. It rook rike tapioca taste like bleach.


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