We all knew it would happen . . . A local controversy over the sweet, sweet Obama cash and a political fight that could get ugly if cooler heads don't prevail.

Remember that TKC TIPSTERS were the first to provide news of a bunch of cash going to a Northland Church with members who are (or were) reportedly close to City Hall and the City Manager.

Now, neighborhood reaction against the Ordinance 090436, currently on hold, is soon to put this Obama Cash slated to go to a local church in jeopardy.

Check out two angry letters about this deal from nearby residents:
We have become aware that ordinance 090436 provides an additional $2,371,367.00 to CDBG funding. We are also aware that Harvest Church has requested funding for Destiny Towers Senior Housing. We are adamantly opposed to funding for this project. Harvest Church holds a long-term plan that includes a halfway house that we do not want in our neighborhood. The Northland has many needs that we believe come before the funding of this project. Harvest Church has made no effort to work with surrounding neighborhoods and has been clear that they do not intend to work with the neighborhoods in the future.

It has been my personal experience that Harvest Church is only interested in promoting its own growth and building its own coffers. Harvest Church is not interested in how any project might affect their Northland neighbors. They have simply transplanted into the Northland and then proceeded to close themselves off from the surrounding community rather than reaching out. They have made no attempt at community inclusion within or beyond their own property lines and they have made it clear that their only interest is the growth and expansion of the Harvest Church compound and projects at whatever cost to the surrounding neighborhoods.

Funding should be made available to Northland Neighborhoods for funding Northland projects. We do need funding and we expect to receive our share.

We will be watching your vote on this issue and it WILL determine our vote in the next election.
Here's another letter from a neighbor of the Church:
It has come to my attention that ordinance 090436 provides an additional $2,371,367.00 to CDBG funding. It is my understanding that Harvest Church has requested funding for Destiny Towers Senior Housing. I strongly oppose any funding for this project.

Harvest Church has a long range plan that includes a halfway house that I prefer not being in my school neighborhood. Harvest Church has made no effort to work with surrounding neighborhoods. They presently are sending children back to the public school in which I work saying they do not meet the expectations of Christian education. I have contacted them and offered to work with them on a plan for transition and have not heard anything from them. I would think they would want to build partnerships with other schools and churches in their community. They seem to isolate themselves from the neighborhood in which their church is located.

I really believe that Northland has many needs that I believe come before the funding of this project. Funding should be made available to Northland Neighborhoods for funding Northland projects. They do need funding and I expect them receive their share. Their association is always involved in working with communities and is always interested in the needs of the students and families I serve.

As an active person in my community, I hope your vote will reflect the needs of the entire community.

Dr. Cynthia J. Kupka
Gracemor School
Both of these letters are circulating widely around City Hall.

What's interesting here is that this big time Obama Cash/Cauthen deal is splitting the council.

We hear that Councilman Riley and Sharp are pushing this thing and were upset that it was put on hold.

Council Lady Herman . . . Who has been one of the strongest voices for financial reason on the City Council . . . Is holding it up. Expect the rest of the Northland Council people to support her move and it'll be Midtown Council Members who probably have the deciding vote.

Sadly, as always . . .


Kickass TKC TIPSTERS are saying that Carol Coe is already lobbying and rallying her troops (and her lovely hat) in order to support "her church" . . . The conflict is being painted as white Northlanders versus the poor, Black Church when, in fact, the area surrounding Harvest Church is diverse and inhabited by working class residents from a variety of backgrounds. So . . . A lot of folks are hoping that the longer this debate goes on the greater the chance that the City Council will come to their senses and kill the pork slated to go some church filled with so many former and current influential City Hall denizens.

Not only is there significant neighborhood opposition to this Obama handout but the appearance of patronage and corruption is too great for anything good to come out of awarding this money to Harvest Church.

Expect more fighting on this one as strong Northland neighborhood interests battle insane Obama-inspired Kansas City spending that looks like cronyism to so many at City Hall.

Developing . . .


  1. Love that pic T.

  2. This city oooozes corruption.

  3. Tony the answer is simple and you over looked it.

    Fire Cauthen.

    That's the only way that at least some of this corruption get settled. You rant and rave against the Mayor but your articles against Cauthen are so much more even handed. It's time for you to start showing your fangs against Cauthen if you are to be taken seriously.

    You would be doing Kansas City a favor.

  4. The amazing piece of info in this story is that Carol Coe has a church. I would have put money on her bursting into flames if she ever entered a church.

  5. Haha! If you knew Carol, you would know that she calls every church "her church" even some synagogues.

  6. Cauthen is a hack who is somewhat helped by the fact that he is black despite being an Uncle Tom's Uncle Tom.

    Getting rid of him will be expensive if it is even possible.

  7. Of course "Harvest Church is only interested in promoting its own growth and building its own coffers"... Looking out for number one (self-preservation) isn't just the primary motivation for individuals, but institutions as well.

  8. White Northlanders basically want power and control over this money and how it should be spent, like everything else. If it was up to them, the church wouldn't get a cent or just a mall portion of the pie while the majority of the money would go to whatever projects they approve of and support. They just hate the fact that Harvest Church has been awarded such a large amount of money. It seems huge, but that is much for a project of this magnitude. They just don't want a Black church to have it. It's about power and control. It always is. They claim that the church does not try to reach out and work with the people in that neighborhood. The feeling is probably mutual. Have they tried to reach out to the church and make them feel like they are welcomed in the community? Probably not. Plus Harvest probably feels that white folks would only try to take over or sabotage whatever projects and plans they are working on anyway if they let them in on it and just woulr rather keep to themselves. Typical...

  9. Here is an idea Yancy... how about we give no money to any fucking church? Why does a church thing they can have money from the taxpayers anyway? Organized religion is a business like any other and should not be given free money for anything.

  10. Tony- I believe Yancy has just confirmed your fears that this is going to be fought on the black/white battleground.

  11. Re: Yancy Davis:

    You wouldn't happen to have any connections with this church, would you?

    Who knew Tony (and everybody else, white, black, ect., who has a few questions about how this money is being spent) was such a racist?

  12. Yes Yancy, all the surrounding neighborhoods have tried to talk to them. They are an angry group and they won't talk to us.

  13. A church...? Seriously? Why is the government converting taxes into tithes?

    If I wanted my money going to Harvest Church, I'd join Harvest Church. If Harvest Church wants some money, it should ask its MEMBERS for donations — not shake down political connections for tax dollars.

    You don't pay taxes, you shouldn't get tax money. Simple enough.

    This money was intended for economic stimulus to improve the economy, not for religious self-aggrandizement or to promote somebody's religious agenda. I don't care if it's exclusively going to a halfway house. I mean, that's fine, but don't take my money to do your charity.

  14. Yancy makes a good point. And she is being very honest about the feelings that are coming from The Church and those who support it like Carol Coe. What opponents need to do is show how the economic benefit is greater somewhere else or does not add up when giving the money to this church. It's a simple task but one that needs to acknowledge both the feelings of the neighborhood and the church.

  15. Crusty is right, tax exempt organizations should not get tax money.

  16. Many tax-exempt orgs get gov. money - not-for-profits like the Heart Association, etc. The church went through the application process, and if their proposed program was accepted by the local, state and federal government, why shouldn't they be allowed to do it? By the way, Bush was a strong proponent of faith-based organizations building affordable housing and performing other charitable acts. This has nothing to do with corruption, or Cauthen, or anybody else working for the city. Two letters is a pretty small and selfish protest. I'll bet the "neighborhood" just doesn't want this church there at all, and they are probably not very cooperative themselves.

  17. 5:46 - wrong, wrong, wrong, about the neighborhoods, they tried very hard - the Harvest Church will have NOTHING to do with the neighborhoods. They are defensive and angry. Look at Carol Coe - enough said.

  18. The Church told the neighborhoods that it did not want to or need to talk with them.

  19. This comment is for the individual that is so distrubed that he/she has to use profanity.Do you know that Profanity is the sign of an ignorant mind trying to express itself.This so called organized religion that you are hating on whatever you say wont be able to stop it from going forward.On the race issue get over it you negative whites cant handle that you have a black man calling the shots who is your President and then some money coming to a black church.I'm sure your saying that's a nigger that wrote this comment.Hey that's for you to figure out.Hey get over it,you cant stop it.

  20. I live in the neighborhood adjacent to the church and while I agree the church does not do much to support our neighborhood, the church did canvass the neighborhood last year handing out fliers about meetings to discuss their development plans. At the meeting there did not seem to be much opposition to the plans

    I'm not sure this is the best use of stimulus dollars, but the claim that the community was not involved isn't entirely true


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