TKC EXCLUSIVE!!! City Manager Wayne Cauthen gives out Obama Stimulus Cash to Northland Church of his old co-workers!!!

With all of this Obama stimulus loot going round the nation . . . It's hard to keep track of it all . . . Except in certain parts of Kansas City that haven't seem much.

To wit, A KICKASS TKC TIPSTER reports some rather disturbing news from City Hall.

The Northland has yet to get any of that sweet, sweet Obama cash . . . Mostly because a great deal of that community is white and middle-class . . . Maybe if they owned a car company they'd have better luck. Anyhoo . . . A TKC TIPSTER recently discovered that Cauthen has had a change of heart (of sorts):


Here's the thing about Harvest Church . . . Not only do they have a shitty web page that makes me want to convert to Islam . . . The Church is also home to former and current City Hall good buddies of the City Manager.

First and foremost, former Kansas City Housing Director Stan Barrett is a bigwig at the church. I just gave them a ring and they didn't have much to say about his official title but the lady answering the phone knew who he was . . . If I was a journalist I might have to prove a connection beyond this . . . But for the blog post, the term "bigwig" will suffice given that I went to church for years and nobody every remembered my name and I only went by the description "the kid that none of the priests want to molest." As a brief aside, it was kind of disappointing to hear church folk clam up like they just robbed a bank as soon as Barrett's name was mentioned. This kind of thing would shake my faith if I didn't already know that Jesus loves Obama money.

Wait . . . Almost forgot that current KC Housing Director Shirley Winn also reportedly attends the predominantly Black evangelical church that ran away with all of the sweet, sweet, Obama Cash in the Northland.

One last question . . . How is any of this going to spark economic development in Kansas City?

To be fair, Harvest Church is said to be using the cash for a halfway house and they do run a school as well . . . But, c'mon . . . The recession doesn't get resolved by the City Manager making big Obama Cash donations giveaways to churches that his friends attend. Maybe that's why Northland Council people found out about the move waaaaaay late.

In fact, when I heard about the news I started praying to become friends with Wayne Cauthen . . . Given his access to City Funds and Obama Cash . . . He now has more money than God.


  1. same ole, same ole City Hall.

  2. North needs work on streets and better trash pick up. Not this.

  3. Screw churches. That's the worst place to give handouts.

  4. That photo of Cauthen shows his patented OJ Simpson blowfish puffycheeked assface.

  5. My god this city is corrupt. The cronies who run it should all be in jail.

  6. Disgusting. I'll bet the pastor is living large while kids go hungry every day right here in KC.

    Also - "the kid that none of the priests want to molest." That's some funny stuff right there!

  7. Wayne really takes care of his people, what kind of ass do I have to kiss to become one?

  8. 12:34 - you made me laugh so hard, i forgot the biting, witty, satirical comments i was going to post which would amaze all readers enough to bring them to their knees (where i was hoping they'd clean the floors).

  9. Well, in Harvest's defense, they do a lot of wonderful work in the community. Wayne Cauthen is damned if he do and damned if he don't. I'd rather he give the money to an organization that puts it to good use and produce results that benefit the city versus one that just keeps the money and you very little to nothing that the organization or project has done or is accountable to. Wayne didn't create this mess. The man has only been here five years. This monster was created from decades of corruption, cronyism, incompetence and racism.

  10. I usually think most of your stuff is on target and correct but Cauthen fired Stan Barrett in the 2004 night of long knives (Barrett, Thigpen, Frevert, and the director of Aviation) As Barrett, Frevert, and Thigpen were all merit employees (hell, Frevert was just acting director of PW) they were not terminated but relocated) I do not think Barrett or Cauthen have good connection to warrant this assumption. As to other connections with his appts. and the church. who know?

  11. TKC please check your sources. What is the source of this $$$. Harvest won a competitve HUD grant to build elderly housing on thier campus. I wouldn't say that barret & Cauthens are pals - remember he fired him as the housing director!!!!!

  12. Seriously what's up with his "just been convicted" blowfish aww-shucks assface?
    That cabbage-head Blagojevich did the same thing when he was in court.

  13. Funky tried to get rid of the worhless POS cauthen, but hey some said OH NO NOT OUR GUY.

  14. You people who say that Cauthen got rid of Barret really don't know what's going on do you.

    Cauthen was forced to fire Barrett by a huge out cry from neighborhoods. It took him years to do a simple job. Which is par for the course from Cauthen.

  15. Cauthen was hired in April and Barrett was fired as housing director and reassigned to avaition department by October of the same year. These $$ were from the stimulus HUD funds and c0-mayor "friend" Sanders-Brooks & chair of the housing committee made this deal happen for harvest church. Ms Sanders Brooks other committee members do not have a clue on how she has ordered staff on how to spend $2+ million city funds that benefit her 3rd District and friends like Harvest Church. Ms. Winn does not attend Harvest Church. Forner Housing Director Jim Vaughn consulted Harvest on their HUD 202 application and also serves as an housing consultant for Congressman Cleaver!

  16. Keep spinning Wayne. Or are you working late Chuck?

  17. dat be one lyin , steal nigger.....

  18. So that is why they call it Harvesters.

  19. All of you that have your negetive comments what have you done for your community lately?Get the facts right about Harvest Church before making your uninformed comments.Go below those bridges that you pass by all the time and offer no help ask them who gave them food.If you didn't give it to them the shut up and leave people who are trying to make a difference in the community whether you like them or not.Go make a difference in someone life and stop spreading your misery to others.


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