Recently, a light rail tax supporter called Light Rail tax opponents "Flat Earthers."

Thinking that they're clever and media watchers couldn't completely see through their promotion of the insult, The Star published the remark and gave it primo placement.

So, if this political debate over a billion dollars and a significant increase of taxes on Kansas City residents is going to result in nothing more than name calling . . . I want in on the action!!!

Allow TKC to present:

The Top Five Slurs to use against Light Rail supporters!!!

1. RACIST - Light rail offers only a measly extension for the Eastside, and it completely ignores the Latino Community. Let's not forget . . . Historically Kansas City has seen that these big construction projects NEVER include minority contractors. The current plan for light rail is nothing more than a luxury line for The Plaza to Downtown that will cost a billion dollars but only benefit the people who are building it and maybe a few rich tourists and hipsters for the first few months they decide to ride the thing. Eventually, they'll give up on it too given that minorities and po'folk aren't banned from the place like the Power & White District.

2. DEADBEATS - The light rail tax plan isn't about a "Lack of vision" it's about people in Kansas City wanting real improvements for their money . . . This light rail toy train set is expensive and will ruin Kansas City's bond rating because ultimately the same taxpayer base is responsible for backing both ATA bonds and those of KC. Put simply, It all comes out of the same pocket and Light Rail Tax proponents are the same people who have spent this town into oblivion and now want to turn KC bonds into junk.

3. On the take - The "economics of light rail" are simple and as dirty as any other Kansas City political ploy: "Citizens for Light Rail reported receiving $208,350 in contributions in recent weeks, with much of it coming from companies that could benefit financially from light rail."

4. LAWYERS - Every big law firm in Kansas City has given money to promote the light rail tax . . . These are the same people who try to influence a great deal of local politics and they're really pushing this tax increase as if it was a messy divorce, a nasty lawsuit or just another bit of human misery from which lawyers profit.

5. Filthy hippies - Get it straight, light rail is not a "green transit solution" because it has NEVER INSPIRED PEOPLE TO CONSISTENTLY GET OUT OF THEIR CARS!!! Overall, Light Rail will increase the overall carbon footprint of Kansas City's transit system and only twisted hippie logic would call a years long construction project powered by huge diesel trucks spitting exhaust into the sky . . . A "green" effort.

In the end, just about everything in Kansas City politics boils down to name calling and I'm actually surprised that the pro-tax side started out with something so weak. Normally, when people want cash they resort to flattery and the willingness to resort to name calling shows the desperation of the pro-light rail tax side . . . Whereas the insults of TKC are just another delightful way to describe the d-bags who want this town to build yet another expensive and wasteful monster.


  1. Screw you melon.

  2. Don't forget Beaner-hater

  3. How about "Stuff white people like".

  4. Light rail is a disaster and I'm glad to see it losing.

  5. Shame on the oponents for criticizing the light rail plan because it doesn't go to the airport or Union Station. Or because large law firms have contributed nearly $200,000 to light rail campaign. Shame on the oponents for using the limited 17 mph speed of the light rail in traffic. Shame on the light rail oponents who fail to see the worthiness that a billion dollar train to replace a three year old, 25 million dollar publically aclaimed rapid bus system on Main Street.

    Will these *explicatively deleted* ever stop with the name calling and negatives.


    I'd love to ride the bus, but am disgusted by the filth people leave behind - dirt, lice, garbage, etc.

    And the people who sit near me stink. And some of them are crazy.

    Also, the bus doesn't go to the grocery store and back. Or to my children's school and back. Or to the babysitter and back.

    I'm sure light rail will fix all this, however. Surely, as a white person, I can believe everything I'm told that's pro-light rail.


  7. I let a friend use my car for a few days (his was in the shop) to take care of errands before leaving the state forever. I took the bus to and from work that week.

    OMG, the first day I nearly had a heart attack on the bus - because of the way the driver was driving. Zooming after each stop, then coming to a rocking-and-rolling stop while standing on the brakes. More than once I felt sure I'd end up flying over the seats in front of me.

    Of course I didn't dare say anything - she might have thrown ME off the bus, and I didn't have the money to throw away on another fare, not to mention I didn't want to lose my job for being late.

    Yeah, that made me want to ride the bus even more - on Halloween, when it's okay to be scared shitless.

  8. I ride the bus to work and back. In fact, I ride the #28, #57 and the MAX buses. The drivers are alert and do a good job. The MAX bus is fabulous. So unlike "kmb" who commented above, I actually ride the public buses. Light rail will not get me to the plaza from downtown in the morning any faster than the MAX does now. The MAX even goes to the Union Station.

    Will light rail go to Union Station? NO.

    Will light rail go to the airport? NO.

    Why spend 1.1 billion? Because it will be shinny.

  9. What's "shinny"?

  10. I ride the 57 and MAX to. The buses sometimes do brake hard at the stops, then gun it. But I want to get to work on time. If they didn't the ride would take twice as long.

    To bad the hipsters that will never leave their Lexus anyway, are the ones pushing this light rail boondoggle.

  11. Yep, long term projects that take years to accomplish are never worth it and should never be attempted. If it doesn't fix the problem quickly then why bother?

  12. How did 'Hipster d-bag" not make this list?

    Matt, you present a false choice. If LRT is so awesomely awesome, why can't anyone answer questions? As of Thursday they are still fighting over the route.

  13. The Kansas City Star reporters are just shills for the light rail billion dollar 25 year tax scheme. When I clicked on the story for the name calling I was confronted with an ad. It appeared right over the article. So let us be clear: BRAD COOPER IS A SHILL. EVERY REPORTER NOW AT THE STAR IS A SHILL.

    No sense denying this anymore. The Star now makes it clear. The news conferance they are quoting was a sham to allow the Star to put forth the Flat Earth label and run an ad.

    Public policy debates called elections are now just additional opportunity for the Kansas City Star to sell itself to the highest bidder. The articles are slanted and the ads are attached. Buy a story line and ad all at the same time.

    Journalistic Ethics is gone. There is no seperation from news and sales. In fact, the reporters are for sale. Coopre is a shill.

  14. no seperation from news and sales

    Thank you for reading The Star!

  15. Tony

    Do you have a small dick?

  16. Note that Yael "predicted" light rail would pass by a margin of 50.1%. There is irony there.

    That is the slimmest margin by which Yael, and perhaps the Star, can "support" this light rail stupidity and not come out against it.

    It will be easy to find .2% of the voters to vote against this and we will DEEP SIX LIGHT RAIL NOW AND FOREVER!

  17. 'Thinking that they're cleaver and media watchers couldn't completely see through their promotion of the insult'

    That sentence is sure to get you a paying job writing something important. Are you using that cleaver for Halloween decorations?

  18. I don't get it, why are you making up stuff to criticize Tony about? There is so much wrong with his logic than just grammar and spelling.


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