Kansas City Light Rail Election for sale!!!

The d-bag "journalists" who are in the bag for light rail in this town have been harping on the people who have given money to oppose light rail.

Unfortunately, it turns out that cast of characters who support light rail are in it solely for their financial gain:
Citizens for Light Rail reported receiving $208,350 in contributions in recent weeks, with much of it coming from companies that could benefit financially from light rail.
It's all pretty typical Kansas City politics: Big money interests pushing their agenda in order to get paid by the vast majority of broke-ass Kansas City residents . . . Even worse . . .


Once again people in Kansas City are getting played for suckers . . . It's not about the enviornment or transportation or economic development for the vast majority of Kansas City. Light Rail in Kansas City is nothing more than yet another scheme for huge corporations to pick up a check at taxpayer expense.


  1. Whoa. People are supporting things in their own best interest? Great scoop.

    Meanwhile, I thought you said that business didn't approve along the train routes and there was no economic develpment from rail. These businesses sure are stupid for supporting this.

  2. Anony 11:30 is watching this issue closely. He knows that the engineering firms, lawyers and consultants will be doing well if this passes. So they are funding the campaign.

    Yet, shouldn't a transportation mode be sold on how it moves people from where they live to where they work and shop. This is not about transportation, however. Is it? It is about a 25-year tax for a development schem. This makes the TIF look small time.

    Get ready for those condemnation circles to be brought back as overlays to the stations. Remeber the 2001 light rail ballot? This is the same issue but this time they withheld the ridership study because it will produce no real increase worth the 1 billion dollars and this plan will result in zoning changes that will bring about condimnation of neighborhoods for several blocks around the stations.

  3. If the people are stupid enough to vote for this then they will deserve the tax increase they get.

    WHat is further of note are the new friends that the old leader of the Orange Revolution has picked up along the way... the cream of the lawyer, lobbyist and old TIF groups...

    Long Live the Orange Revolution, the Orange Revolution is dead.

    Let's hope that the regular folk who made up the Orange Revolution have one more vote in them and light rail gets voted down.

    And if we are lucky, the Funk will never return to City Hall. It will be better for all of us this way...

  4. Look I moved to the Main Street area for ambiance of the old neighborhoods and the convience of beign close to the downtown. I do not want to be run out by developers changing the very thing that brought me to the core of this city. When I got a job offer after graduating in 1999 form college, I move here. I did move here because there would be massive changes, I moved here because what was here. This is a great place to live. Please don't destroy it.

  5. Hey Tony, Who is the babe?

  6. This is not about transportation, however. Is it?

    The important note is that it is not ONLY about transportation. Certainly it will help with transportation needs, but if this were only about moving people around the KCMO area we'd certainly go with buses. No, it's about more than that...about encouraging our suburban neighbors to put in more commuter routes that will then open up their jobs to urban dwellers without cars. It's about building a line that will spur an increase in development and density along our central business corridor. Sure, these companies will make money. Money that will be taxed and put back into the economy. That last thing we want to do is kill projects because people will make money off of them...

  7. and speaking of condemnation issues....

    remember the bruce r. watkins drive? new 71? and how it was supposed to bring back that part of town?

    it left empty, condemned stretches for DECADES that effectively cut off everyone east of it forever. that stretch is never coming back, folks. but at least we can travel 45-55 mph through it so we don't have to look at it too long or too hard.

  8. Coupla’ weeks ago, some nice young college girl came to my door and asked what I was going to do for the erection. “Which erection?” I asked her. “The November erection,” she told me. “Well, shoot,” I said, “I usually don’t plan so far ahead for erections.”


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