Is It Cool For KC Defender Activists To Flex On High School Students???

Just ran across something on social media that was a bit unsettling and wanted to ask our blog community about it. 

Recently . . .

An activist blog has been posting screen caps & video of A MINOR FEMALE

To be fair and as objective as possible . . . 

The overarching complaint from the activist blog was about alleged racism, inappropriate language and the administration of a local Christian School in Lee's Summit.

Here's the thing . . .

As adults who practice journalism . . . Revealing the identity of a youngster and sharing footage from their social media accounts is typically, rightfully, frowned upon for reasons beyond the risk of liability.

The bigger question . . .

Should adult "journalists" and/or activists make it a habit to spotlight the antics of youngsters??? 

Now . . . Full disclosure . . .

Over the course of this web presence we have blogged about KCPS school fights with blurry footage in the interest of public safety and to spotlight dangerous situations that should've been addressed by elected officials . . . But we stopped doing that years ago when we realized nothing was going to change. 

However . . . This blog hasn't AND NEVER WILL call out youngsters by name . . . Because that's kinda creepy . . . Even in really tragic situations like suspected youngster shooters at the Chiefs Super Bowl Rally . . . Remember, even in that situation politicos & press worked to keep IDs off-record when online denizens were putting their identity on blast.

Again . . . All of this is a gray area in the age of social media and the rising tide of citizen journalists. 

We only note our concerns in hopes that fans & friends of can offer guidance to the community overall, share what they might think are "best practices" and inform parents that social justice activists are lurking online and willing to spotlight the antics of youngsters to support their agenda.

Developing . . .
