This is a place where TKC started a lifelong love for community journalism.

Mr. Reyes actually encouraged TKC's interest in photography and even, graciously, let me borrow his camera a couple of times. More than anything, Mr & Ms. Reyes inspired TKC to work toward media ownership and exploring new outlets for journalism that are often overlooked by the mainstream.

Accordingly, here's a worthwhile statement from a former employer in their own words:

Dos Mundos: Remembering as we celebrate 37 years

"As we celebrate this 37th anniversary, our thoughts turn to the cherished members of the Dos Mundos “family” that we’ve lost. Most recently, we mourned the passing of my husband, Dos Mundos co-founder and publisher Manuel Reyes. He succumbed to pancreatic cancer on March 4. Manuel was a lifelong Kansas Citian, longtime civic leader and dedicated community booster. He’s remembered here for his positive impact on the community, his integrity, his quiet good humor, his enthusiasm for Christmas and his devotion to wife and children."

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