Check The Kansas City Grown Up Podcast

Take a listen to one of the best new audio efforts in town that doesn't start every episode with the deplorable "hi guys" salutation and/or similar millennial pleasantries. This week, they talk travel and all things regarding local real life. Check it:

The Hump! Podcast Ep. 7: We Be Landing Soon | HeSaysSheSaysKC

The Hump! Podcast Ep. 7: We Be Landing Soon. The fellas talk independent travel with their first guest, Cathy Robinson - The Girl Who Goes. The travel blogger shares how going it alone has its advantages. Triple D? What do you call someone who cuts off people - jumping ahead rows - when exiting the plane?


  1. One day, Freedom Of Speech is respected, the next day...we're deleting comments...

  2. ^^Nope. Just yours and you never mattered.

  3. +1 @ 12:35.

    We've seen your shit @11:00Am and it's not worth protecting. Stop being a crybaby and write a comment that is worthwhile and ready for prime time. Then you'll find that it probably sticks!


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