Here's a local tradition 7 years running and worthy of consideration for our blog community tonight . . .

TV news round-up:

Anyone under 18 can't be out on the Plaza, or the four other entertainment districts, after 9 p.m. beginning Friday without a parent or guardian.

This is the seventh year police have enforced a curfew for the Plaza, Westport, Downtown, 18th and Vine and Zona Rosa.

Large groups of unruly children have caused problems on the Plaza in previous years.

Even though many of the kids say they were simply hanging out, there have been instances of violence or even shots fired.

Police say the city is doing a better job of hosting events for teens and younger children.

And so . . .


For a couple of years the residents of Hyde Park have been complaining that their neighborhood has suffered because of the curfew and crime displacement . . .

Also, let's not forget this is an election year and social justice struggle for the sake of loitering youngsters could play into the hands of ambitious activists and politicos.

Either way, any objective observer realizes this issue has always created tension among locals who would rather ignore the continued trouble than deal with even more worrisome fear & loathing at the heart of the issue.

Check the links:

Fox4: Police warn parents: Curfew crackdown is coming

KMBC: Summer curfew starts in Kansas City on Friday

KCMO: City summer curfew and Mayor’s Nights

You decide . . .


  1. No, it's not racist.

    Yes, it' won't work.

    1. Thank you for mentioning Hyde Park. The plaza "scholars" aren't afraid to walk a few blocks to burn cars and create a riot in our neighborhood.

    2. The curfew is one of the worst "solutions" Mayor James has ever offered. It was so bad that he had to include a restart for "mayor's nights" what former Mayor Cleaver had started. It targets Black people and gives authorities legal power to discriminate. Even the police know it's a joke and that's why they busted some white students a few years ago just to make the numbers look better.

      An absolute circus and nothing less.

      Is the answer "pizza parties" or something similar?


      3rd district needs to get together and build something better and private to give some of these young people a place to hang out that is safe. But that include security and real investment. So far, our leaders are just too willing to play that handout game.

      A shame really. And that's why this nonsense goes on year after year.

  2. Are they going to build the wall?

    No, then it won't work.


    While City Hall, KCPD, and local media are busy repeating the line that:

    "No one under 18 can be out after 9:00PM unaccompanied by an adult, and violators can be fined up to $500.00"

    ....what they NEVER report is that there is NO enforcement on collecting the fine that they threaten. I assure you that urban teenagers are well aware that there is no bite associated with the city's hollow barking threats.

    Hey TKC, see if you can get the city/KCPD records to see if they've collected a single $500.00 fine. I haven't been able to find anything online, but I'm betting there's not a single instance.

  4. Who cares if it racist? Some kids heads need beat in. If they’re black heads, so be it.

  5. They should make an exception for the hot little sluts for Joco. They belong on the Plaza, drinking and giving up their little pussies.

  6. Yes it is racist

    No it won’t work

  7. It’s not racist and no it won’t work........ for the seventh year running.

    9:21 Stop being a little bitch.

  8. I've got a better idea. Have all the businesses CLOSE at 9 p.m. Restaurants and bars can take reservations. If the urban youths find nothing open except "reservations only" establishments, these locations will lose their allure. I'll bet retailers don't make very many sales between 9 and 10 anyway.

  9. save the plaza5/21/18, 9:43 PM

    Dumb idea.

    We can't legislate good parenting. It's inherently unfair to try. Better to start imposing jail time on offenders and let the system do it's work.

  10. 8:08 why is it no other kids need things built for them to keep them out of trouble? In the late 80s if we were loitering at McDonald's the cops would run out white asses off. Get this shit. Sometimes we would go to the Plaza or something and we wouldn't shoot people. I know, it is unbelievable. We also didn't jump on cars, jump people 5-on-1 and beat the shit out of them, or push girls into fountains. Crazy I know. We had parents, as in plural, that taught us right from wrong, had expectations of us, and demanded we respect people, especially adults. The mere thought of acting the way black people do is 100% foreign to every other race of people. There is only ONE group of people behaving the way they do.
    Two years ago I watched a black kid running from the cops on the Plaza throw a guy under a parked car during the fire on the Brush Creek water thing. We called the cops and a group of us surrounded the car. Another group of black kids show up and they're trying to get past us to get the gun. The cops show up and the kids are pushing and shoving COPS trying to get to the gun. How unfathomable to everyone but black people? Crazy thing is, none of those kids were arrested. Wonder what kind of beat down I would have got from the cops if I pushed them? You know the kind of beating I would have got from my dad had I tried something like that? But there's the rub. Black kids don't have parents, they have a sperm donor and a baby incubator. I say good for the curfew, now enforce it. Throw the kids in jail and throw their worthless mom in jail. "Dad" is already in jail or dead.

  11. Shameful that ya'll are afraid if children.

    Police should and do protect us from the trouble makers.

    But legislating against young people for just playing with their friends is a shame on KC. Time to end the curfew!

    1. I’m guessing you’re black. Only blacks refer to teenagers as children and babies. The turds causing problems on the Plaza are not children, they’re young people that in any other culture know how to behave in public.

  12. ^^^^ "guy" in 2nd sentence, 2nd paragraph is supposed to be "gun."

  13. send them to 18th and vine thats where they need people

  14. How's about the inner city youth scholar's hood rats that keeps running wild ape shit on the Plaza get a job ? Maybe the city could have them pick up garbage in the metrosexual DOUCHEBAG hood for $8.00 an hour on Friday and Saturday nights ? Why piss away alot of money on building something else that they will destroy eventually ?

  15. If your intention is to plug young black men into the prison industrial complex as quickly as possible, then this is a good idea.

    If your intention is to protect white people from the burden of seeing young blacks having a good time, then this is a good idea.

    But, if your intention is to further the myth that America is a free country, then this will fail, because segregation is incompatible with freedom.

  16. Life long D here. I've seen it first hand the kids are wild and a menace to everyone else what it black. Catch n release doesn't work. Have to make it uncomfortable for the kids who get caught keep them in detention all weekend, then another weekend of community service...probably still won't work on some.

  17. "If your intention is to protect white people from the burden of seeing young blacks having a good time, then this is a good idea."

    Having a good time at the expense of everyone else!!!!!!!! Fuck you!!!!

    Indeed, let's get these hoodrat scholars started on the inevitable path to prison by local jail time.

    I have a right to drive thru the Plaza without having to worry my car and maybe my body will damaged by these hoodlums. Again, Fuck this commentator!

  18. This curfew is unconstitutional.

  19. Breaking News:

    Some of the Santa Fe students were killed by the police. They were killed in the crossfire.


  20. Is absolutely NOT racist.

    And it will work, it has been working.

    Can you imagine the kind of chaos that would do on down there if the police hadn't have stepped in? It was getting horrible before hand and at least now there's some kind of protection for tourists and visitors from the suburbs. I think a lot of people are dealing with this issue in theory. But this isn't the nice young man from up the block, this issue is about keeping people safe from young gangs who are looking to rob and hurt people. The KCPD is doing a good job here but as usual they don't get much help or respect from our elected leaders.

  21. The police took this psycho prisoner while they kill unarmed black men in self-defense.

    Know your enemy.

  22. Maybe the fat fake inner city reverends should get involved in this and actually try to do some good, instead of lining their pockets and eating all the fried chicken.

  23. Martin Luther King5/22/18, 12:04 AM

    With Democratic Liberals everything is RACIST !!

    from the Clouds in the Sky to the Black Asphalt pavement !

    that's all the Democratic Liberals know, that's whats constantly been fed to them by the communist liberal News Media, such as CNN & MSNBC, Washington Post and ABC's the View commie' Hosts

    They know nothing else !!

    What a pathetic & Disgusting Legacy these Degenerate Democratic Liberals will leave behind as for the history !!!

  24. Rev Luther King5/22/18, 12:40 AM

    Everybody just STOP

    Did somebody mention CRACK ????

    How much is 1 of dem' der' Rocks ???

    CRACK, we'll take several of dem' Crack Rocks, time to party !!!

  25. 11:48 that isn't a proven fact so stop spreading shit around. But you're so stupid and a huge POS I doubt you will.

  26. It's like the Police are cowboys rounding up cattle in the Winsteads parking lot. Drive them back east. Police car following as the the herd of 14 year olds walk down the sidewalk.

  27. 12:50, yes it is. Doesn't fit your narrative, huh? You must be a gun owner, which makes you a piece of shit.

    I love how you people preach segregation, & practice racial profiling, then deny you're racist.

  28. Ok so the truth is we know what the plaza problem is. It’s obvious.

  29. ^^You are the Plaza problem!

    You want the Plaza to be segregated.

    How many times have you called the cops on some blacks for no fucking reason other than you make yourself uncomfortable when you see blacks?

    Why won't you racists move somewhere where there aren't any blacks for you to be afraid of?

    1. I already did and it’s heaven.

  30. whatta ya gonna do when they come for you5/22/18, 3:50 AM


    Reading all the comments on here, one can sure tell all the young RACIST Blacks are on here trying to deflect the truths & Facts with Lies and Bullshit Rhetoric !!

    Having the Curfew is a good idea, those young Punk thugs should be at home, NOT out causing trouble and chaos and having Shootouts against other Gangsta' homies .

    You asses need to be at home studying books and learning !!

    Quit being a Racist Nig' and constantly Blaming somebody else for your own inferiority, ignorance & stupidity !!

    Dressing & acting like some 2 bit low life punk ass thug will get you no where, except in prison or the county MORGUE !!

    Grow Up, quit playing into the Racist Bullshit the Democratic Liberals have brainwashed you to play into !!

    Quit whinning & crying because you have to follow a set of laws & rules in the Real World, unlike your make believe pathetic disgusting illusionary RAP & HIP HOP world, that brainwashed you to do !!!

    If this doesn't fit your Narrative and illusionary world of Pathetic Thug behavior, than tough shit little homie !!!

  31. Hard Core Drill Sgt5/22/18, 4:11 AM

    The Sad Pathetic Fact is ~~~~~~~~~

    That the Police & LEO's should NOT have to play "Baby Sitter" this day and age with these young Black Teens !!

    The Parents should be able to set down a set of rules for their kids to follow, evidently they are NOT capable and don't know how, it clearly shows the last few years from the incidents at the Plaza as well as the KC Zoo incident !!

    When Parents of these young Black Teenagers can't, won't do their jobs, then it might be time to take these kids away from these troubled inept , incompetent parents, and send their kids to an entire different state, like a Military School for some serious hard core training in growing up, responsibility and respect !!!

    So far the only thing these Pathetic Degenerate Liberalized Public School system have is brainwash these young kids to be trouble makers without any consequences and turn them into little criminal hoodlums, ready for the prison system or the county morgue and then the cemetery !!

    its a known FACT that the majority of KCMO School kids can NOT Even read & "Comprehend" beyond the 3rd grade reading level, that has been documented already, that's what the Liberal public school system in KCMO has done to these kids !!

    NEWS FLASH Little Homies , selling Drugs and Fantasizing about being a 2 bit Degenerate worthless wanna be RAP HIP HOP Thug , will get you no where in the real world, like so many others fantasized and had illusions about - ask them - go on ask them - good luck their "DEAD", they wound up in a BODY BAG, then the County Morgue,, then a Funeral Home, Last Stop was the cemetery !!!

    Murdered by another Degenerate low life Thug Homie !!

    Another News Flash - Nobody remembers their names or gives a jack shit , so what good did it do you to become a low life gangsta' punk thug ???

    Grow up junior !!!

  32. Regardless 1:36 as somebody has already said you're a liar and a POS so deal with it.

  33. ^^You're a liar & a piece of shit, so deal with it.

    Make love to gun

  34. A few years ago I saw a group of 5 or 6 black 'youths' harass two white teenager girls. I told them to stop. The black 'youths' immediately turned on me forming a circle. "What's up, bitch?Fuck you, white boy." And other taunts were thrown at me. I got into my crane stance and said, "I'm going wax off that black skin, and wax on some red, motherfucker." They ran like super crazy fast.

  35. Ethno viruses must be introduced soon to save this city.

  36. Next it will be MLK Plaza instead of Country Club. When that happens, just walk away and don’t look back.


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