As KCMO gives away MILLIONS for luxury development, here's a look at other priorities in local communities neglected . . .

KCTV5: Neighbors demand action be taken to fix trashed house


A man was shot and killed at one home two years ago and neighbors say it was a drug deal gone bad.

Now, the windows are boarded up and the backyard is cluttered with old furniture and personal information from a previous tenant who the property manager said is locked up in jail.

Also, neighbors say the illegal activity hasn't stopped.

On Friday, a city inspector showed up.

“We’re asking if there are different standards for different communities,” a Kansas City Neighborhood and Housing Services inspector said.

Developing . . .


  1. Ask Cordish to step in, have it declared a TIF project, they'll get several million dollars to turn it into a parking lot and we can continue to pay them over the next 99 years. Problem solved.

  2. 6:46: +1,000!

  3. The same complaining neighbors are the ones dumping the trash, they don’t have these kinds of problems outside the central core and sLIE’s motto is he can’t see it from the downtown bars drinking scotch with his gay lovers!

  4. Saw this story on the news tonight. Guy they interviewed made a good point, “Where is our mayor?” Just curious, what chance would a self labeled conservative who is more towards the middle, and uses commen sense decision making skills have of becoming an elected official in this town? I am about tired of the bullshit, and am thinking of running.

  5. Fat ass mayor's should spend a weekend in the neighborhood to grasp the reality of the truth !

  6. The crime will get worse. There are the haves,and the have,nots. Vary soon there will be more people then there are job's. I commented on this a year ago. So just prepare yourself. You're Digits in your bank account may disappear. When they close the stock market down a bank Holliday. And they won't let have all of you money in your bank. .CASH IS KING.BE PREPAID. MOST I HAVE STATED IN THE LAST TWO YEARS HAVE COME TO LIGHT.

  7. Gather up all that JUNK / Trash and go DUMP IT on Mayor SLY JAMES front yard !!!

    Then call the city and file a complaint,,,,,,

    watch how fast it gets cleaned up !!!!

    Yes , there are different standards, but you have to be a COMMUNIST LIBERAL Lying Corrupt Mayor to get those special, privileges !!!

    Just ask Mayor Sly James as he sits at one of those expensive PLAZA Restaurants feeding his FAT Little Belly on your dime !!!

    Hey Lyin' Sly James, don't forget , little Buddy, I've got your number !!!!

  8. Gay sLIE doesn’t have a front yard, he lives in a loft on union hill that the taxpayers pay for, he don’t own any property in killa shitty and doesn’t pay taxes so he could care less about anything outside the downtown loop. He grew up on montgall around 44th st and his family was nutin but thugs and the ones that are still alive are either in jail or forced out of the state(i;e his own gay and lesbian children) but what do you expect from a monster that thinks he’s a god

  9. "The same complaining neighbors are the ones dumping the trash, they don’t have these kinds of problems outside the central core..."

    Evidence, please. Inquiring minds want to know.

  10. I don't think Sly has a front yard Clown.

  11. Tunnel Vision Progressive3/24/18, 7:25 AM

    Take it easy on this house. This house is Slie's ANTIFA committees meeting place.
    Companies have paid Slie million$ for this meeting place. The trash is the leftovers from the meetings.

  12. And the city threatens an 80 year old woman with fine/court action for having a recycle bin on her front porch. Degrades the neighborhood. One unknown individual complains and the city is all over this senior citizen.

  13. Of course there are different rules for the poor neighborhoods. One way to slow down blight is to require landlords to screen tenants BEFORE taking rent money. We lived next to a house that had a revolving door of druggies. Tried to get the police and other city employees to do something about it, with no success. The owners know the system and they beat it regularly. House in next block has a couch and other trash sitting out front - for over 3 months now. Nothing has changed. Renters don't know and don't care. Hopeless...


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