Celebrate The Kansas City Jumpsuit

Actually, jumpsuit/tracksuit technology was perfected in the mid-90s and is affectionately known as the "Independence Ave. Tuxedo" within KC Proper but this lady hipster effort might still be worthwhile.

Take a look:

KC native builds jumpsuits for all occasions - butt flap included

That's the benefit of wearing a jumpsuit with a butt flap included: Users avoid the hassle of removing half the outfit to use the restroom, said Brittany Weltner. The Kansas City native just launched a crowdfunding campaign for her new business, Jomper, to build more functional jumpsuits for all occasions.


  1. Butt flap included. Sound right up Geezer haters alley if you know what I mean.

  2. OK. A 1.5 Billion Budget and you do not have enough cash for the Police? I say take 2% out of each department and give this money to the Police. The City Counsel is totally unqualified to be handling the business of the City.

  3. No 8:01AM-no idea what you mean. Seems like it would be right up the geezer's alley. That way they can change their shitty diapers easier. Doesn't that make more sense geezer? Thought so.

  4. ^^^ You're so funny sonny. Keep em coming. Your mom will be proud.

  5. just askin’...3/16/18, 3:46 PM

    What’s Hillarys size ?

  6. Paul... just Paul3/16/18, 4:24 PM

    I would look so sexy in a pair of these.

  7. Flap in the back makes it a Union Suit.

  8. @3:46 +100

    Only the flap should be over her mouth.


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