Like it or not, across the metro there's a growing outcry for gun control as the #NeverAgain movement prepares to rally in the Spring.

To wit . . .


Scheduled for March 24th @ Mill Creek Park . . . This is just one of many local gatherings attempting to change the conversation on gun control.


"A march to say "Enough!" We must protect Americans, American lives. Weapons are not more important than people.

"We are gathering at Mill Creek Park in Kansas City on Saturday, March 24 from noon to 4 pm as part of the nationwide effort to advocate for weapons reform. It is past time elected officials put the lives of Americans above the donations from the NRA and above profits for weapons manufacturers..

"Let's join together to make a change for our future!"

Developing . . .


  1. Sad to see our city become nothing but a collection of gun grabbers. I though we were braver than that. I blame the current leadership at City Hall who blames guns and not criminals for all the trouble in the city.

    1. Be fair, this is a facebook even so there may only be about 5 people at this thing.

  2. Strict gun control laws aren’t working real well in Chicago. what we really need is a prosecutor who will aggressively prosecute criminals, but we have a very weak prosecutor, Jean Petersucker Baker.

    1. Brandon Howell murdered 5 people in Sept. 2014. He hasn't gone to trail yet.

  3. Goddamn, you guys and your Chicago. Everyone foes next door to Indiana to easily get gums and you know it. How about the rest of the world that has stricter gun laws and hardly any shootings? You talk about Chicago all the time. Why doesn't Japan have the shootings we do? Australia hasn't had a mass shooting since they changed their laws. There are literally thousands of examples for every Chicago you reference. Mass shootings happen in one, one country. Other countries have the same violent movies and play violent video games like we do. They have access to the same music. They have crazy people just like we do. There is nothing exceptional about except one thing and that is the number of guns. Prove me wrong.

    1. Google China mass stabbing at Kunming rail station retard. 29 dead. Doesn’t matter what the weapon is. Crazy fuckers are the problem all over the world. And let’s not forget all the people who have been killed by crazy fanatics in suicide bombings all over the world. You could take every gun in this country away from law abiding citizens and all you would accomplish is creating a bunch of sitting ducks. I am a former police officer. We did active shooter training every year. Our instructors constantly stressed the importance of confronting these shooters as soon as possible as FBI statistics showed that almost without fail the shooter would either surrender or kill themselves when challenged/confronted. If that fucking coward had done his job a lot of those poor kids in Florida would be alive.

    2. And to expand on that coward cop, do you know the same thing happened here in KC. When the Ward Parkway Mall shooting happened a few years back there was an officer working security at the mall. When the shit went down she hid under a counter as the shooter walked by the store she was in. Nothing happened to that sorry excuse, I’ll give you one guess why.

    3. Wow you can reference one mass stabbing, good job. I like my chances against a knife. I can run, pick up a chair, anything and have a chance. You have no chance against a gun. Also that high school was huge. Even if the op engaged the gunmen those kids could have been dead by the time the cop got there. Mass shootings happen repeatedly in one country no matter how much you deny it. You would change your minds if that was your kids school.


  4. Everyone foes next door to Indiana to easily get gums? Are you talking about hummers or guns?

  5. The young libs heard it was an Easter egg hunt at Mill Creek and all the eggs contain tide pods. There will be hundreds gathered for that.

  6. Look at the picture, right beneath this article by TKC.

    If any, of you snowflake, moron, Fascist, Big Government lovers, think he is turning in his guns, You're Wrong.

    Law abiding whites will obey gun control laws and even turn in their guns, so that this perfect example of a Democrat, can get busy killing whitey.

    1. I am white and former law enforcement, and I would never give up my guns. If anyone tries to take them it would get very messy.

    2. ^^^^Because you’re former law enforcement, you’re really stupid so try to follow this dummy. When, in America, has anyone at anytime ever tried to take any American’s guns away? Because you’re stupid, I’ll tell you..it never happens? That’s a lie told by the gun industry to dumb gun owners like you, who aren’t smart enough to think for themselves. Also because you’re a former law enforcement official, we don’t have to worry about it getting “ messy” because you likely can’t shoot for shit.

    3. ^^^You obviously have no comprehension of what the far left is pushing for regarding gun control in this country. And don’t worry, my aim is fine.

    4. ^^^Is is similar to when OBama came for your guns during the great house to house gun grab of 08-16? Or is similar to The Great Clinton Catch of the 90’s? As a former law enforcement official, you had to remember that one right? 20,000 dead! All lawful gun owners who accidentally shot themselves reaching for their weapons. You obviously have no comprehension of the lies the far right tell you. As a former law enforcement official, you have to be told what to do all the time, so I’m telling you: wake up dummy!!!!!!!!!!!!

    5. ^^^10:35...How many of your mothers brothers did she have to fuck to get a god damn retard like you?

  7. If all the sudden you couldn't buy an AR-15, what would you lose? Would you feel your second amendment [sic] rights would be eroded? These are the things that have to be looked at and action has to happen.

    What I'd lose should be pretty obvious. I'd lose the ability to purchase an AR-15 to defend my family, my life, and my home because the federal government has prohibited me from doing so – i.e., infringed upon my right to do so. The Second Amendment could not be clearer in declaring that the federal government has no such right enumerated in the Constitution.

    If the practical result is that my rights are inarguably infringed, why would your feelings, my feelings, or anyone else's feelings have any relevance whatsoever?

    This is not a discussion. These are my rights. How you feel about the exercising of my rights doesn't matter at all. And if it is decided that your feelings warrant the legal erosion of my rights, isn't it clear that what we're talking about are not, in fact, "rights" as understood by our Founders, but allowances that government either permits or rescinds based upon the whims of a perceived majority opinion?

    The Second Amendment is the law. Fuck you.

    1. Get a muzzle loader dipshit. Fuck you!

  8. Does the Second Amendment specifically address assault weapons?

    1. No, but the current Federal laws do. The AR is a rifle, nothing more. I could do more damage with my 16 round.40 Glock and a few full mags than an AR. Easily concealable. You would never know what hit you. ARs are popular because they are fairly cheap, as are the rounds, and easily customizable. As someone who lives in south KCMO where serial killers apparently run rampant I am glad I have the constitutional right to own such a affordable weapon to defend me and my own in our home.

  9. The earth has shifted on this issue. There’s no more excuses. Take your second amendment right, and all the other lame excuses your NRA overlords have instructed you to repeat ad nasusem and shove the up your asses. The country wants more gun control measures. We are going to have them now. This is what living a democracy means. Don’t like it? Grab your treasured gun and step outside and resist if you have the balls. Most gun owners don’t which is why they have so many guns. We’ll get 2 birds with one stone that way.

    1. Please continue all your pointless blathering. Nothing is going to change. For all your hopes and wishes in the end nobody is listening to you. In 30 years your ilk will still be whining about this. Apparently you never noticed that no matter who is in charge nothing changes.

  10. Tunnel Vision Progressive2/24/18, 9:10 AM


    Isn't it amazing how we progressives, the champions of anti-gun rhetoric, are praising the child killing abortions of tax funded Planned Parenthood but yet we are demanding an end to the gun violence in America.

    We demand gun control after every shooting but never demand border control after every rape and murder committed by illegal aliens. We also never demand birth after every abortion which takes more lives than guns.

    Abortions occur in every country. These lives also matter but we say nothing. Other countries have the same violent mindset about ripping a fetus from a woman like we do. Yet we progressives say nothing.

    Japan performs the same abortions we do? Australia has abortions every week. There are literally thousands of examples of abortion for every shooting you reference. It happens in Kansas City every day but everybody cheers for abortion, how disgusting. There is nothing exceptional about this except one thing and that is the loss of life regardless of the method. Prove me wrong.

    We have been pushing moral and cultural disintegration for over six decades while leading the charge and standing up to blame the fallout on guns. We believe our key tactic of using repeat, repeat, repeat what we want you to believe until it’s stuck in your brain i.e. brainwashing is working.

    Our man Eric Holder said it best when he said, “We have to be repetitive about this. It’s not enough to have a catchy ad on a Monday and then only do it Monday. We need to do this every day of the week, and just really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.”

    We want all of law abiding citizen’s guns because we know you will not get into the boxcars willingly.

    Where are the most lives and rights lost?

    1. Too long. Did not read either.

    2. ^^^See 9:29 goober. There, short and sweet so you can comprehend.

    3. Not interested in your opinion. Didn’t read.

    4. Any posted titled Tunnel Vision Progressive is a hard pass for me too.

  11. ^^^Ugh. Way to long. Didn’t read.

    1. ^^^Ugh. A glaring example of the problem with a generation that gets its information in 120 words or less. Get out of your parents basement and read a paper or a book fucktard.

    2. ^^^that post reeks of geriatric shit! Change your diaper and get off my lawn!!!!!!!!!!

    3. ^^^Apparently you are a failure at everything you do 9:43. You disparage the elderly as pants shitters, but then state “get off my lawn.” A phrase most often used by the geriatric/elderly you so despise. Your self loathing is shining through princess. How is your diaper smelling today twink?

    4. ^^^ apparently your dementia is too advanced to catch the subtle irony in that last post.

  12. The easiest solution for gun control is to invent a time machine and go back in time and “uninvent” guns.

    Our country is never going to change the fundamental right of the Second Amendment. If it does than we’ve got bigger fish to fry as it would be a slippery slope into the demise of our democracy.

    If we didn’t do anything after Sandy Hook under Obama then we will never change anything.

    I’m a law abiding gun owner & hope to never have to use one in self-defense but when it comes down to my life versus my attackers, well there’s no question.

    1. Public Enemy summed it up with 911 Is A Joke

  13. More school kids doing their homework I see.

  14. I'll figure that the anti gun protesters are serious, and not just media props, when they take their demostrations to 27th & Benton, and other neighborhoods where gun related murders are a regular occurrence. Protesting on the Plaza is just for pussy publicity hogs.

    1. And, when the gun basher hypocrites and bimbos like former First Ladies, HotAir Hilly and MegaMouth Moochelle, QUIT HAVING TAXPAYERS PROVIDING EXPENSIVE 24/7 SECURITY DETAILS WITH GUUUUUUNS!!!

    2. Russian bot again.

  15. 9:34 coprophilia boy- “Coprophagia or the ingestion of feces, considered to be a variant of pica, has been associated with medical disorders like seizure disorders, cerebral atrophy, and tumors and with psychiatric disorders like mental retardation, alcoholism, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, schizophrenia, schizoaffective ...”

    Now we truly know why he has a “shit” fascination, coprophilia boy is one sick bastard that needs serious medication and maybe should be in a mental institution, wait, what?......... people shitting their pants? At the institution? Ah ha! There you go, coprophilia boy is in the wacko facility with the mentally deranged and who are so drugged up they shit themselves! Go clean them up coprophilia boy! Lmao!

    1. Too long didn’t read.

    2. ^Liars! You and your BathHouse buttboi have your mommies read everything for you.

    3. ^^Russian Bathouse bot.

  16. A colt 1911 with 10 or more magazines will take care of just about anything in the hood

  17. My kids never set foot in a government funded and run public school so.....

  18. The five cities with the highest number of murders in 2017 combined to match the Parkland shooting in just three days and Bear in mind that many of these cities have stringent gun laws.

    Chicago led the way with 650 murders last year, and while Baltimore was second with 343, its per capita total of 55.8 per 100,000 residents was the highest in the nation among its 50 most populous cities. St. Louis, whose steady population decline has put it outside that top 50, had an even higher murder rate of 65 per 100,000. It matters little — the vast majority of the cities on the list have been run by Democrats for decades.

    So where’s the outrage?

  19. 8:49: What's a "muzzle loader dipshit?" Is it kind of like a dip stick?

  20. Poopy boy appears to be one of Sly's trolls. He seems to love his topic, his work and undoubtedly his boss.

  21. 10:40 they happen in other countries too, they have mass shootings, stabbings, bombings, people killing people by using cars and trucks as weapons, why is that? What could it be?

    Mentally ill people is what.

    Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

    Your cnn has failed to tell you the truth..... again!

  22. 10:40 surprise surprise, your god sLIE has failed you yet again!

  23. 10:40 I noticed you liked your chances to “run away”, nice job coward, save yourself and live to run another day while you let the “children” die. Sums up your entire existence right there.

  24. Bring back the Brady Bill.

  25. Approximately 30,000 people have died here in America in a car wreck since the last so called mass shooting.

    Where I ask is the outrage for that?

    Any guesses how many of those were kids?

    Our area has seen two kids killed on our roads since the so called mass shooting.

    Where is the outrage?

    1. More people die from heart disease. Where is the outrage? Let's ban hearts.

      Super Idiot.

  26. ^^^^Won’t happen

  27. You gun haters do know you have a much greater chance of being killed in a car wreck than by someone with a gun.

  28. 10:44 shootings can happen in private schools too. They have happened in churches. Goddamn, can some of you even tie your fucking shoes without watching a YouTube video?

  29. Jesus Christ 11:04. I was saying you can run from someone with a knife in a one-on-one situation, not defending any children. The low IQ's on this site is astounding. Goddamn I hope you guys are sterile.

  30. Just another mass hysteria moment generated by the Baghdad Bobs. A law enforcement system failure. Reminds me of nothing so much as the mass hysteria generated over The Stars & Bars.

  31. 1:02 but they haven’t have they, Jesus Christ I hope you never have kids because your too retarded to want your kids in private schools because you think the government should pay for everything. God damn you’d be the worst parent ever. Your probably the type of person who would insist on someone else raising your child. You are a deplorable piece of shit

  32. 1:06 it’s ok, you already admitted your a runner not a protector. At least we all know you wouldn’t have our backs and we will plan accordingly. Some people are just plain scared of everything, but don’t you worry, we save cowards too, just not first. Now you know where we stand

  33. There's a 100 year supply of guns in the country. How are they going to go about confiscation?

  34. There is no constitutional right to firearms for civilians.

    It extends to a well regulated Militia to secure a free state.

    The 2nd amendment doesn't grant rights to those not governed by a Militia or acting to secure the state.

    No rights enumerated in the constitution for hunting, sport, protection of personal property or even self defense.

    Sorry to break it to you. Gun bans are coming.

  35. ^^^^^ Says the clueless one.

  36. ^^^ Nope, just read the actual constitution.

    1. You might want to check out the definition of militia retard.

  37. The Supreme Court has already settled this argument.

  38. ^^^ Yes they did, and gun bans are legal.


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