This Sunday was share a blind item that should enlighten locals regarding the tragic state of their County government.

To wit . . .


This one is posted as a blind item not only to keep us out of court but also because there's more than enough blame to pass around Jackson County as this division of local government has become an increasing source of scandal and disappointment.


Where's Waldo?

As the human rights crisis at the jail continues to deepen, major public events get questionably canceled in ways that cause people to begin gossiping about dark days and incompetence at the courthouse, and the quiet rage among county taxpayers continues to build around a massive and unwarranted property tax hike, what does a leader of the county decide to do in order to get a handle on his crumbling administration? Why, take a top secret all "expenses paid" two week long "fishing trip" to Canada of course! Isn't that what responsible elected leaders should do?

This is the latest in a string of multiple "excursions" this County leader has enjoyed since taking office. All of this must be placed in the context of a very rigorous "normal" weekly schedule consisting of: Namely, golf outings at swanky private and taxpayer funded clubs, which numerous county staff are often required to "attend" to the county leader at. This politico reportedly "earns" over $155,000 in salary a year, massive benefits and perks, plus "access" to a free $55,000 car for his "solid" work week.

Not only is the timing of this "trip" bizarre and arguably a dereliction of duty, but the real story here is how this politico and his enablers have ordered staff to keep the junket a "top secret" or else risk losing their jobs. Supporters of the courthouse leader have directly ordered his staff to lie about where he is, so the press and public won't get wind of his absence. Rather than simply focus on actually doing their jobs, the people who pull this politico's strings, have directly threatened the jobs of longtime county staff if the "leaks" don't stop (and warned them) that they will be ousted. All of this secrecy provided to a major elected official have raised the specter of even darker days ahead for Jackson County.

Developing . . .


  1. All of this begs the question about why we need County government at all? A smaller entity can be organized to collect property taxes and distribute the funds back to taxpayers more effectively. For years voters have been asking this question about the services that the county performs and it's mostly just to collect taxes and sustain itself.

    1. Couldn't we basically say that same thing about KCMO government?

    2. Corruption runs deep at the courthouse. Junkets aren't the worst of it but they still come off pretty bad given the circumstances.

  2. A baseball player is in charge. What did you expect?

    1. A negro baseball player

  3. Is there any single shred of proof to this at all?

    I mean, of course there isn't. We all know better not to accept this shit at face value anymore. It's worthless.

    But responsible people have to ask.

  4. And where is sLIE at right now????? Can anybody say "Miami" this is ridiculous what these clowns are doing with barely there stretched thin taxpayer dollars....... no wonder there isn't going to be a fireworks show

  5. 9:54 it's on the internet so it must be true!

  6. County government is mandated by the state, since the beginning of our government.

    What is a "blind item", Tony? Please explain. Does this mean no corroborating attachment to an email? That whatever evidence or lead you had was deleted from your computer, in case of a lawsuit?

    1. A blind item is one that rides in on a unicorn.

    2. A blind item is a news story, typically in a gossip column, in which the details of the matter are reported while the identities of the people involved are not revealed. The invention of the blind item is credited to William d'Alton Mann (1839 – 1920), publisher of Town Topics, who often used it for blackmail.

      So sure, it's really believable.

  7. Byron Funkhouser6/25/17, 12:39 PM

    Summer Vacation is a muddle class entitlement.

    However, people seem to think that elected officals shouldn't be allowed to take vacations.

    Isn't two weeks PAID vacation the norm?

    It's been a long time since I was muddle class.

  8. In response to critics, Frank White said there weren't any good fishing spots in Jackson County.

    Can you say J-A-C-O-M-O? As in JAcksonCOuntyMO?

  9. Byron your an idiot

  10. Byron, in what world does your employer pay for your vacation? He's getting an all expense paid trip courtesy of the Jackson county taxpayers.

  11. KILLA city is turning socialist so they have follow the failing socialist next stop Chicago if they can get there before the bankruptcy

  12. Sooooo , this all ya got , or ??

  13. "As the human rights crisis at the jail continues to deepen..."

    Translation = Get ready tax payers, to pay out the fuckin ass, just like the city of Fergeson did, for Michael Brown. 1.5 million dollars rendered unto the family that raised this piece of shit, this thug, this lion loved by the MSM who rules us all.

    Think about it.

    Michael Brown was, is a piece of shit, raised by pieces of shit, who, live off of the largesse of the American Middle Class.

    He was raised, reared and revered by low life filth, who included his family, his neighborhood, his relatives, his friends--and lionized by the lickspittle Main Stream Media, who, in conjunction with Democrat, Progressive agents, bend, turn and kill us in pursuit of a totalitarian agenda that hates, HATES, HATES - hates in way of violence, hopes, dreams and in pursuit of our death, this, this, this diminishing .08%.

    The MSM hates, what is left, in the world, of Caucasians.

    While the ethnomasochistic media, pretends that the entire world in controlled by whites, the fact is, that the entire world, --- contains only .08% of white people.



    Get guns. Arm yourselves and HATE, hate, hate like all the popular stars in Hollywood do.

    Don't, DON'T feel guilty about fighting back against the intimidation.

    Make a friend, a new friend, a friend that is a new knowledge, a new paradigm, a new skill---the skill to fight back, violently in the face of Progressive violence.

    This country is run, in the end, by Progressive, Brown-Shirt scum, who intimidate us all.

    Fuck these cocksuckers. Fight back.

  14. The Jackson County Courthouse is a "Rorkes Drift" last stand, like so many other demographically changing cites, where, we all pretend, that black criminals will be convicted by black juries in a demographically changing city, that is ruled by identity politics and the truth.

    Here is the fuckin truth.

    After 19 trillion dollars and 50 years of Bullshit-Affirmative Action-even the playing field lies, the truth is self, fuckin self evident, to any, but those who profit off of dysfunction (Read Progressives.) Crime is "committed" NOT CAUSED and there are excellent arguments for a genetically based outcome that explains the outrageous, disproportionate criminality of Blacks.

    KC is just a pimple on the ass of the dreams of a great Chicago, a great Baltimore, a great Memphis and a host of other cities, run by Black Democrat parasites, who fuck, fuck, fuck the hard working middle class out of money, dreams and hopes of a better life for their kids.

  15. Like it is so, so surprising, that a bunch of Progressive fuckheads are spending your fuckin money goin to Canada.


  16. 3:46

    Go fuck yourself you fucking piece of shit.

  17. Fuck you ,you lowlife cocksucker. It's a true fuckin story,so get fucked,fat man.stinking drunk

  18. I know exactly who the fuck his shrimp ass folks went to school with the little fuckin prick.they tell me he was a faggot back then,oh and that he was also a loud mouthed pussy .

  19. Yet, here I am.

    Ya gonna bark all day little doggy? Or, are you gonna bite?

    Yap, Yap, Yap you anonymous piece of shit.

  20. Tell your two dad "folks" that you are proud to be a Chaz Bono doppelganger and if they are feeling as green and froggy as you are, I am your fuckin daisy cocksucker.

  21. Anti- Free Speech, Antifa-Progressives incite violence, intimidate and assault those with whom, a difference of opinion defeats their ideology.

    There are very few examples, to this point, where, those Progressives are ready for violence, from those whose opinions differ from their own.

    As we all abhor violence, I, hope, that, there is a chance, a possibility, that these intrepid, brave commenters find Chuck. Really, talk is cheap and everyone who reads this blog, would be, as I am, disappointed if Chuck is not heeled, drawn unto the "Narrative".

    Chuck must, MUST be stopped and this new hero, 5:03, 5:06, 5:10, can do it!

    Find him!!

    Do your worst!

    The former lions of your blood demand it cunt.

  22. Again, here I am.

    It's time to take a picture of your dick with your cell phone and send it to your mom.

  23. Don't fuck with the Chuck Conspiracy Theorist. He's a deranged little bitch that makes Byron Funkhouser look like Einstein.

  24. Gonna go way south and have some fried tacos...

    Go fuck yourself you pos.

  25. And just who gives a fuck where you're going to eat at Chucky squatty little bitch. Jesus Christ dude I forgot all about your fucking goofy ass go get some of them greezy goddamn tacos and sober the fuck up. You're making a goddamn fool out of yourself more than usual I mean. Go fuck yourself short squat fat man drunk hang belly no ass reprobate

  26. By the way loser if I didn't now live an hour north of Liberty I'd head on down south right to where them greasy tacos are at and you'd shit your pants and that be the end of the story, loser don't get a DUI or kill somebody. .. you fuckin degenerate.

  27. The Jackson County dummocrats can't let the KC dummocrats be more corrupt. Remember Cindy Circo's junket to Italy on her way out. When will Jackson County quit electing these dummocrats?

  28. The story about Canada is 100% correct.

    As for all this bullshit attacking Chuck. It's obvious that snowflake liberals can't take any criticism whatsoever. That's why they keep losing votes.

  29. CHUCK is great.

    When we sought to attract racists to Tony's Kansas City, chuck was already here.

    When we sought to attract white supremacists, chuck was already here.

    And he helps us every day to make Tony's Kansas City the shithole it is by pouring gasoline on the fire.

    Go chuck go. Don't ever change.

  30. The fucking Chuck Conspiracy Theorist is a goddamn bad ass mofo. Don't fuck with him, you goddamn goofy little fuckers. Goddamn Byron Funkhouser is God, so go fuck yourselves if you don't agree assholes.

  31. All of Jackson County is corrupt, it's time to clean house and get rid of some of these lifers in the courthouse.

  32. Byron will soon be praying for a God he doesn't believe in.

  33. Actually, we need a lot more racists in Kansas City. The racists are also the realists. We have a huge problem with the behavior of black people here and the only way to fix it is by violent punishment. It is the only thing they understand.

  34. Your town has been run by grifters, scammers and mobsters since forever. You'd expect you people to be used to it by now. Sheesh.


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