Sweeping changes hit small town local economies hard as this Red State gets another harsh lesson in the global economy. Take a look:

'Terrifying for all of us': Farmers in Kansas Trump country fear their workforce being deported

"The threat of deportation and the potential loss of our workforce has been very terrifying for all of us businesses here," Trista Priest, chief strategy office for Cattle Empire, a massive cattle operation that overwhelmingly employs Latinos.


  1. They voted for the pain, time for them to feel the pain.

  2. Small price to pay for having less Mexicans. Yes we voted. At least 11 million less Mexicans.

  3. No one loves cheap labor like a country fuck.

  4. Blacks continuously complain there are no job opportunities. Here you go. Step up and become employed.

  5. 6:40

    Cut off the free bennies and they will. Tax Payers pay for the indolence, violence and dysfunction in hard cold cash at the behest of politicians who need black votes to maintain office.

    We are forced to pay for our own destruction.

  6. Put the thugs in jail where they belong then the farmers could hire cheap labor in the form of a chain gang.

  7. Black peoples already have jobs: stealing, selling dope, welfare

  8. Here's the deal. Kansas will talk tough anti-immigration publicly, then employ them privately. It's standard Repubtard behavior. Do one thing in public, then do the opposite in private. They deserve to lose their workforce. Here's the ugly truth no one wants to admit...American's are too lazy to do those jobs, and the employers are too cheap to pay a fair wage. It's the employers who are the real criminals.


  9. This article is bogus, these farmers knew what Trump was going to do he spoke loud and clear about it more than once.


  10. 8:11 BULLSHIT it's the democraps who want our borders wide open and it's you people who exploit them and take jobs away from Americans to get votes.

  11. You can't be a pimp and prostitute...bitches.

  12. The funniest part about this article is that this part of Kansas is so racist against Hispanics, it serves them right. You hear old fuckers and their racist kin at every store, bar, and coffee shop complain every day that all the workers are Mexican. One has to smile that there are no young white people sitting around blurting the same opinions, they've all left. And most will have brown grandbabies one day.

  13. History, repeating itself. America, give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free...

  14. Middle West American citizens, being the poorly educated conformists most of them are, are happy to work for shit wages and no benefits as long as it is easy, indoor, air-conditioned work, like stores and eateries. They are not willing to do hard physical labor in the hot sun and cold wind, not even for better pay. Fact of life. Every year, we get dumber and dumber as the smart kids flee to places with opportunities, leaving behind the dumb ones to flip burgers, greet people at Walmart, become fat tattooed drug addicts and make babies. This is our reality now. Get used to it.

  15. somebody should organize getting unemployed urban youth to work.

    take a mcdonalds uniformity training approach. bus groups to sites, provide basic housing, pay some amount in cash cash to teach the young people the very tangible results of hard work

    ps pay a fair wage.

    pps have the housing be where there's nothing to do urban-like but maybe rodeos and churches. have foremen who are good role models.

    Please send this idea to Brownback.

    1. Oh, I believe you may be a bit nostalgic for when the vast majority of Americans had an actual work ethic, community pride, and self-respect. Those "Lassie" days are long gone for many. Now, young "Timmys" don't wanna do 4H and get deep debt burdened for a lifetime of 24/7 kick-butt family farming.

      Spreading metroplexes, corporate agriculture, and imported products has shifted our farm economies. Urban and local market gardens are gaining in popularity, for incentives of health, business, and pleasure.

  16. Like Ben Carson said those slaves knew in five generations their children would be free.

  17. 8:22AM You have zero grasp on reality. Not everything in this world is the fault of "democraps" despite how desperately you want it to be. I know from your response your aged, and quite likely heard that word and now want to use it all day-everyday, but pick your battles dude. You're over your head on this. Go do the research pops. Now bounce, adults are talking and you have nothing to add.

  18. It is easy to hire Mexican's, even non-citizens, legally. You (business owner) help them with the paperwork, meet them at the border, and bring them up here during the working season. We did this for about 4 mexicans. Took a little vacation in the Spring, met them at the border, signed our stuff, got ID numbers for them, payroll taxed, all that junk. Took em back before Thanksgiving for the winter. They were happy, lived in a tiny arse house while working and stockpiled their money. Lived like kings south of the border, oldest one retired at 55.

  19. I have zero sympathy.

    No workers to exploit?


  20. Geezer Hater is in the house. STFU and listen to his lecture, you old bastards (and everyone else).

  21. If they pay a living wage thereally will be a line to fill applications. Business them in from WITCHATA,AND TOPEKA.

  22. Love the geezer hater! Somebody has to check these morons on the ignorance they spout on the daily. Go geezer hater go!

  23. Lets send some of those dreamer 15.00 an hour burger flippers to the farms. Then maybe someone will get their moneys worth and the dregs will develop a work ethic.

  24. Earlier this year and map was released by the Trump administration defining what they claimed to be sanctuary cities. Finney County in Kansas was on there. The largest employer in Finney County is Tyson Chicken. Guess what? LoOK at a current sanctuary city map and somehow Finney County got themselves removed from the list. Gee, I wonder if someone high up at Tyson made a phone call or two, got a hold of Brownback, and Brownback made a call or two to someone in D.C. and viola, Finney County is off the list. All of you pissed about immigrants need to put your anger where it belongs: the employers and states that allow it to happen. And I got news for you. The red border states have been allowing and encouraging it for decades.

  25. No white fucks know how to ride a fucking horse these days. They can't even get a rope over it's neck. Most don't know which end of the horse to put a saddle on.

  26. ^^^ I know, we're so stupid we use things like cars.

  27. 1:47 = Geezer Hater, kissing his own ass.


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