Kansas City's airport has once again become the target of criticism and outrage following a confrontation this morning.

To wit . . .


To be fair, nobody got shot so this whole thing might blow over . . . But for the moment, this is another embarrassment for the airport that a new single-terminal WILL NOT solve.

This word, that'll soon make the local TV news, comes from a former Kansas City school teacher who is now a media player. Checkit:


Here I was. Being dropped off by my mother at the airport for an international trip. It's still early, dark outside, and raining. As I'm being dropped off, an airport police officer pulls up behind us & honks his horn. So, we move up & over. As we move over, he stays behind us and sits. I then exit the car to get my luggage. The officer then turns his lights on. As I ask him what's going on & that I'm being dropped off, he gets out of the car & begins to yell.

Officer: *yells* You're in the wrong lane!! Move over, sir- get on the side walk & up against the wall now!
Me: 😳😳 Uh? Excuse me? Against the wall??

Officer: Yes, do it now! **the officer then touches his gun as if he's gonna pull it out!**

[-- my mother gets out of the car out of panic & asks what's going on. He's still yelling at me & asks her for her license / info. She asks "what's wrong," and he begins to demand even more. ]

Me: Sir. Why are you yelling? No one is being a threat. I'm an educator & counselor with schools- I'm trying to talk to you to gain an understanding. I'm also in the "helping profession"

Officer: I don't care WHO YOU ARE!! I don't care if you work for the president! Get against the wall!!
**Officer reaches for weapon a second time & unlocks it.** 😳😳

-- my mother then rushes up to me to put her HANDS on my mouth- to keep me from talking. Instantly, I could see her eyes get large & swell- as if she thought I was in danger or that this could be another case like Phillando Castille or Tamir Rice or Alton or Sandra.

Officer: This isn't harassment! And this isn't about race- don't you dare say it's about race!!
Me: I never said it was about race; I just have an international flight for a conference- can you let me go now?

Officer: No! Don't you open the car at all! *officer touches his weapon as a threat to me for the 3rd time!*
- he then ignores me for a while and questions my mother about her front license plate being damaged. He runs her name & comes back to lecture us.

Officer: you only interact with us when you've done something wrong!
Me: 😳Sir.. I have bags to check. I'm asking for GRACE. Will you let me go?? (Why should I have to beg??)

Him: You need to keep your mouth shut! That's your problem- you talk too much!! You don't know how to close your mouth!!

-So he gets to reprimand me for asking questions??

- I then call 911 to ask for a supervisor / watch commander.
Officer: and I don't care who you're on the phone with! You can be talking to the mayor and I don't care!"

--As I'm on the phone with dispatcher, I then ask the officer for a 4th time if I can get my bags because I have to go & I have done nothing wrong.

Officer: *throws his hands in the air* FINE! Just go! Forget about it! You're so disrespectful! That's what's wrong with you & society now! No respect....

So much more happened and I'm still processing this whole experience. I'm utterly flummoxed. It was scandalous. Shameful. Having ppl walk by with such pity. Tears were in my eyes, y'all. My "Boujee" clothes couldn't protect me. My expensive education or my dialect didn't protect me. This officer saw a black man who was questioning him as a threat. Moreover, this type of hyper-sensitivity and hyper aggression from some officers is what causes chaos. Yes, there are GOOD officers with hard / dangerous jobs; and there are also ones that are OUT of order & misuse authority!! This could have ended up so much worse. He touched / unlocked his weapon 3 times and threatened to ARREST me! For what crime?! I didn't pose a threat. And the things that a black mother has to do to protect her black son- the fear that I saw in my mother's eyes. Unbelievable. But, this was minor compared to SOO many experiences of others we see. Yet it was totally unacceptable.

Even while I type this, I get a sense of frustration & fatigue all over again. I weeped on the plane. Thank God for grace. *heavy sigh*

Update: so I'm in the process of doing a formal complaint & the *airport * chief of police is aware. That's "privilege." 😩 Yet, I still weep for the ppl who have these disheartening experiences...yet have no one to tell or to advocate for them.

You decide . . .


  1. Tough call here.

    I've seen some people really take advantage of the convenient parking at the airport and act like they're in their drive way.

    Maybe the guy should have parked in the lot?

  2. media player?

    So now the airport is racist and that's why we need a new one? Sounds like an argument from team Sly.

  3. I believe him. Tensions are high at airports ACROSS THE COUNTRY. KC is no different. I wouldn't mess around with TSA or the airport security. The smart thing to do is to do what they tell you and try to get out of there without any hassle.

  4. Good God, what a drama queen. Shut up, park in the right area, and go about your business.

  5. Airport police do not treat white unloading passengers in such a manner. One can video tape the differential treatment.

  6. Demand the video. There are close to 1k cameras covering the airport. Surely there is at least one covering the drop off area. Let's see what happened.

  7. The sheer narcissism is astounding. A stressed out cop working in one of the highest security areas possible attempts to enforce the regulations. Cross words with a cop because you're an asshole doesn't make you Emmett Till.

  8. This officer saw a black man who was questioning him as a threat.

    And rightfully so, my little subhuman negro! You are a threat to civilized people eveywhere.

    No debate about it. NONE.

  9. Black Privilege: being able to make any personal act of stupidity and selfishness, particularly with law enforcement, into a personal justice mission. And the louder the better.

  10. My bullshit meter is going off on this account. I guarantee if an officer with any department tells you to get up against the wall he is going to make sure it happens and you are going to get a pat down. The idea that the officer just threw his hands in the air and gave up sounds like bad fiction. Cops just don't get paid to give up.

  11. There's a lot of NO PARKING signs there ! DUMBASS , PARK in the parking lot for like $4.50 , what a bunch of LIBERAL Democrat Snowflake metrosexual TRANNY BITCHES ¡!¡!

  12. The colored's shouldn't be so uppity.
    "I gots me an ejumacashun."

  13. 3:04 - I also am skeptical about this account. There may have been an incident, and from my own experience I know that airport cops are forceful and by-the-book, but much of the story seems unlikely.

    "One can video tape the differential treatment." You can do that only if there is a video of this incident. That would be great, because without one I doubt it happened as advertised.

  14. The other day while at a Home Depot I saw a man park in the middles of the drive right outside the main entrance in his tricked out Camero and start loading his shopping items into the trunk of the car. His cart was blocking the only way around his car and he was well aware of what he was doing. He was pulling items one at a time from the cart and placing them in the back of the car. This guy was buffed no doubt and could have carried the cart to the parking lot it appeared. He knew what he was doing and there was no doubt in my mind he was trying to bait someone into saying something. There was no doubt in my mind he would have then turned it into a race issue.

    Watch it out there people, there's no doubt those just trying to get you to respond to them so they can try and turn it around on you and probably have someone hiding in the parking ready to start filming when the time is right to make you look bad.

    Race Baiting is alive and working to screw you over!

  15. If he wasn't a airport police officer he would be in jail he can't find a job doing anything else he don't no how to deal with people I read a report the police departments will not hire people with a higher IQ

  16. I learned many years ago you just don't jack with the airport cops. Heard to many stories from friends who tried to push the park and drop issue and it backfired on them. With all the federal rules at airports that most of us probably don't understand and what not, why risk ruining your trip over just being to lazy or a tight ass to properly park.

  17. If it's true,especially the touching his gun part,then this fuck wad needs his walking papers.

  18. I'm calling the BS card. 3:04 is correct. I weeped on the plane... Educator and counselor? More like a Drama Queen

  19. Its a loading/unloading zone. Airport cop is on a power trip harassing people for no reason.

  20. I've been pulled out for bag inspections twice at two different airports in the last 12 months. While it was irritating, I go along with it to avoid more trouble. I'm an elderly white woman. My white companion has also been forced to completely empty his luggage while they paw through it, looking for whatever. So much for privilege.

  21. TAKE ME SERIOUSLY!!! I USED �� !!!

  22. (stupid emoticons)

  23. Airport police lives matter ?

  24. I once crapped my pants shortly after takeoff from kci to Detroit..Wheew doggies that was unpleasant for all.

  25. Diz dude iz gonna git rich and famouz once diz shit goes viral.

  26. That fancy education didn't teach you to move over BEFORE you parked white being dropped off at the airport...or how to handle an encounter with a stressed out armed guy guarding the airport. You might want to see about a refund from that higher education.

  27. parked *while*... of course you aren't white.

  28. not saying sometimes or even generally the airport police aren't rude, but the particulars of this story need verification, if possible.

    if those details are true, sounds like a civil rights violation.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Yep that "deleted" comment was a classic piece from the Bear but seeing how Taco Fart deletes most of my posts, I beat the beaner to it.

    I have to agree with @ 3:04 and call bullshit. But the "weeping" was a Aunt Bee moment. Maybe next time the "black traveler" should change out of the "witch doctor outfit" before getting out at the curb at the Killa City airport.

  31. What a joke , panzies should just pay to park in the douchebag lot , don't be a dunbshit and mouth Bitch off to any cop . Thanks for what you are awesome doing , all the cops , don't take shit from the liberals Boyz bangers tranny's dickheads trying to jack with you , they're just a lot of hairy snowflake metrosrexual tranny's dickheads trying to make you l?¿¡!

  32. Sounds just like another Degenerate Commie SJW Black Racist, trying to make herself known,,,

    typical,, of those COMMIE SJW Bullshit artists !!!

    and NOW how much MONEY is she gonna want, and that's really what its all about - PAY ME the Degenerate SJW Racist FREAK !!!!

  33. I got buttfucked this morning by an airportress police woman with a strap on and I liked it. When she was done she threw up her hands and told me she didn't like my attitude, but my ass was hers. I then picked my butt cheeks up off the pavement and hauled ass. If I hadn't worked for the TSA I just would not understand what happened. I am a sex educator and cried my ass back on..

  34. ^ Did your momma tell you that she still loved you, after she got done buttfucking you?

  35. I think the lying coon is exaggerating a little bit. Right... Like a coon would ever be going to an international conference. Second of all, if the coon had a one-way ticket, any cop in America would have gladly helped him get to the gate.


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