For denizens of our TKC Blog Community . . . Most days are "a day without women" . . . HAR!!!

However . . . In much the same way that Lucy Collett is all woman . . . We wanted to go straight to the source of most lady protesting as of late in the aftermath of Hillary Clinton's EPIC defeat . . .

And so . . .


To be fair, even Prez Trump has acknowledged this day in hopes of grabbing hold of the ongoing rebellion of middle-class women and the struggle of the working poor which they have adopted.

Checkit . . .

GKWPC: For those of you asking how YOU can participate in this monumental day, the answer is anyone, anywhere, can join by making March 8th A Day Without a Woman, in one or all of the following ways:

-Women take the day off, from paid and unpaid labor

-Avoid shopping for one day (with exceptions for small, women- and minority-owned businesses).

-Wear RED in solidarity with A Day Without A Woman

Links . . .

NBC News: Women's Strike: 'A Day Without Women' Events Take Place Worldwide

Fortune: A Brief But Fascinating History of International Women's Day

Mashable: While you were out striking on International Women's Day, China asked people to go shopping

Developing . . .


  1. Day without a woman is a great idea but there are a lot of ladies who don't buy into this stuff.

    Don't forget that most middle class white women voted for our President Trump.

  2. ^^^ non college graduates.

    Explains a lot.

    1. College graduate with a huge student debt living at home with their parents

  3. For one marginal self-proclaimed group or another , EVERY DAY is "monumental".
    And accomplishing what, exactly?
    ME, Me, look at ME.
    Tomorrow the sun will come up and even the selfies will have disappeared.

  4. Identity Politics is the lubrication of the inchoate, unholy Progressive/Marxist/Democrat machine, that injected the Obamacare cancer into our bloodstream, violently opposes Free Speech and the Right To Assemble, parasitically ingests an ever increasing amount of tax payer dollars in entitlements, supports the infusion of radical terrorists into the country under the guise of "refugees" who support Sharia Law and work towards the destruction of our country, insists that securing borders and enforcing the law is RACIST and of course, believe that a movie was responsible for Benghazi, that the IRS is unbiased, just like the MSM, think they can "Keep their doctor, Health Plan, think premiums went down, insists that white people, especially white men are evil descendants of slave holders and want to bring back the Anti-Bellum South.

    Repeat the agitprop again and again and again with the help of the MSM/Ministry Of Truth so the plebes will acquiesce to "The Narrative" and hold these now sacred 'truths' to be self evident.

    Take the rest of your fuckin lives off.

    Somehow, those folks who want to work, produce and independently achieve a self sustaining life for their families will do just fine.

  5. Until their uteruses fall out.

  6. Lynne Stewart Died. Ashcroft it her in put her in prison illegally. She got a guy off in Brooklyn who killed 7 cops who busted into the wrong house. 1 survived, it was a 45 cal with one in the chamber. good shoot.

  7. Don't forget the gold diggers. They should be honored today also.

  8. Going to be another fun and funny day here on TKC.

    The best fake newz that can be cut and pasted.

  9. Lynne Stewart Obituary NYT

  10. Could have been worse. And we'd have had Lucy Collett as our new first lady.

  11. She looks like a walking emergency.

  12. Whats that fish smell

  13. Byron Funkhouser3/8/17, 8:56 AM

    Chuck said, "Identity politics, blah, blah, blah" said the angry white man, who thinks he's in some kind of coalition with other white men.

    His wife is just the woman that needs this ...

  14. Last month, there was a national "Day Without a Latino." This week, the demonstration du jour shutting down schools and shops is a "Day Without Women." Here's my question for all the virtue-signaling protesters who pay lip service to better jobs and wages:

    Where's your awareness-raising event for untold thousands of our country's high-skilled men and women victimized by H-1B visa havoc? Thanks to cheap labor-hungry big businesses and money-grubbing politicians in both parties, every day has become a "Day Without American Tech Workers."

    Disney, New York Life, Southern California Edison and now the University of California at San Francisco have all laid of thousands of workers and forced employees to train their lower cost replacements from India.

    Look, I got no fuckin truck with folks from India. Nice people, non violent and I like the food. but gimme a fuckin break, if there is a "Day Without youfillintheblank" than now, before too much more time goes by, there should be a day without American Workers while it still means something.

    Republicans, Democrats and elitists in the 4th estate, Hollywood and Deep State Government offices are replacing what they think, are expensive American workers, who actually are highly trained and effective, with lower cost foreigners.

    Our culture, our nation and our families are under attack from elites in every walk of life, in both parties, who, for the most part, are unelected and powerful tools of STATEIST scum.

  15. Byron, my wife went to work today.

    You remember "work" right?

    Long, long, long ago, before you became an insolent, entitled, myopically, mendacious Marxist, stay-at-home-wanna-be soldier for the Symbionese Liberation Army that is still killing white cops in your mind, you MUST have had a job, cleaning a sneeze shield at some local pizza joint.

    1. So chuck stays home and rants on the Internet while his wife slaves blowjobs for $5 somewhere no doubt.

      What a great life for her.

  16. To celebrate/protest, a group of women at UMKC will be stripping naked and chaining themselves to the large deck outside the student dormitory off Oak Street.

    The protest is called "Women Who Love Big Decks!"

  17. America's Women Go On Strike, Pledge To "Avoid Spending Money" (Men Celebrate)

  18. Chuck...the election was over FOUR MONTHS AGO!!! Last time I checked, we had a republican president, the house and the senate were both GOP controlled...Missouri and Kansas both have GOP governors and the democratic machine that powerful that they are still controlling things??? Why are you always whining? Take off the tin-foil hat dude. I know you get a lot of the kooky shit you post from the microwave and sometimes the stove if the frequencies are right, but jeez dude give it a rest. There is no progressive bogyman coming for you.

  19. If you don't show up to work, YOU ARE FIRED. Take accountability for your actions. That's all.

  20. Millions of men celebrate a day without women as the biggest pain in the asses on the face of the earth go finds someone else to bitch at! Take your time getting home ladies. While you are gone ponder how little you bring to the party and adjust your ass accordingly.

  21. Anti-Bellum? That is some funny shit.

    P.S. Condemning identity politics by engaging in identity politics? Strange way to try and make a point.

  22. 9:16

    Good points, but my belief, is that Trump will fail, precisely because of the overpowering and omnipresent forces of the 4th Estate, the self aggrandizing needs of Big Business for cheap labor, the dramatic increase of the entitled and indolent masses that now subsist on Government entitlements and vote for and to increase those same entitlements at the expense of the middle class, the hypnotized graduates our colleges send out into the world (Millions of Manchurian Candidates, infused with the Progressive/Marxist Narrative.) and the omniscient Hollywood presence that no longer passes for entertainment, but is a primary source for agitprop.

    Many conservatives want to gloss over the fact that Trump lost the popular vote. While I don't think that matters in this last election in terms of his ascendency to the office, it does, categorically point to the direction that this country is heading.

    Trump's win, was only a temporary set back for Progressive/Marxists who got a little too cocky over the last 18 months.

    The cultural, Overton Window is an ever moving, to the left, sign of the coming Venezuelan Apocalypse.

    I wish Trump could stop it, but demographics are demographics.

    Only force of arms will stop it.

  23. Avoid shopping for one day

    HA HA HA!

  24. And Weez gunna get zmashed and tanked az zhit to celebrate our Zavior on Zt Pattyz day!

  25. Woman bring damn little to the table. They know it. This day without women will be absolutely pointless.

  26. Modern women can't cook, clean. iron shirts, do laundry, fuck worth a shit, swallow, keep their asses under the size of a freight train, get along, save money, take out their own damn trash, put oil in their own damn cars, mow the lawn, go a day without trying to supervise or even grasp what men actually want and need. they are barely life support systems for vaginas. If they ever put pussy in a box those bitches are finished. Men have pretty much been doing without real women for a couple of decades. Fuck 'em they don't show us jack shit.

  27. Don't forget the defacto Obama Brownshirts!!! It's always the Brownshirts!!!

  28. Chuck can you tune back into the microwave and let us all know when the civil war will be?

  29. What does Toni Bones have to say about Int'l Women's Day? How about a guest editorial?

  30. The Irish are like Europe's niggers. Why have a parade about that?

  31. Stay home bitches.
    I want your men all to myself. I have ways to make them forget your sorry pussy.

  32. "Chuck" tells us that demographics are demographics, and that "only force of arms will stop it."

    Dude finally admits what we've all known the whole time: he is a Nazi. Generally, I think comparisons to Nazis are terrible, as doing so tends to trivialize the crimes committed by the Nazis. However, straight up calling for mass murder in order to change the "demographics" of the nation is, fundamentally, what Nazism was all about.

    Congrats, you asshole, on being the lowest of the low.

  33. ^^^ Fucking Tony Funkenshyster the shit eating dog

  34. +1 Larry. Everyone knows Chuck is a Nazi, he has always been one. What bothers me most about him other than his asinine calls for civil war, is that he is a wanna-be Nazi. He also writes for KCC and those ramblings are a lot different in texture and tone. He lacks the courage of his convictions and that just makes him a worthless, spineless piece of shit in my book.

  35. How bout a day without protests

  36. Mrs. Chuck: "What did you do today, honey?"


    Mrs. Chuck: "Oh that's wonderful dear. Ready for your diaper change?"

  37. Rumour has it one lady here where I work is getting fired for not showing up for work today. Has a decent job and pay as well but she is black and has said for two weeks she was taking day off and company had better not burn one of her vacation days if she did. Stupid twit thinks this is some sort of holiday. LOL guess they will show her.

    1. Oh she's black, eh 1:54?

      Well you obviously won't miss her as she did no work anyway, right?

  38. They will also avoid looking at their Smart phones?

  39. The Retro ROCKER is out and about I see all types of women spending money It won't affect the Kansas City economy It's spring break the coffee beer and wine is flowing there is 50 women standing in line for coffee as I write this going back to work now everyone have a good spring

  40. Chuck rules this blog. Most of the dumb fucks that cried today work for the Shitty. Byron notwithstanding. He just goes crazy after the drugs run out.

  41. Chuck is the cum dump of this blog, I think that's what you meant.


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