As always, we want to keep our blog community up-to-date all the important cultural events even amid so much crime and divisive political discourse.

To wit . . .


Check the description for an event championed by the Greater Kansas City Women's Political Caucus:

"Fact or Fiction? How do you know if what you're reading is real or fake news? Join a panel discussion featuring Dave Helling (KC Star), Dan Margolies (KCUR), Mary Sanchez (KC Star Editorial Board) and Bonyen Lee Gilmore, Marketing & Communications Director for Planned Parenthood of Great Plains. We'll learn about news cycles, what stories make the news and Trump's rise of the fake news discussion."

With respect to all of these local news leaders . . . Three journalists along with an abortion enthusiast doesn't seem like a balanced view of the new Administration or the future of journalism that mostly involves the mobile phone.

Still . . . FAKE NEWS HEROES in Kansas City have a great many complaints that might be worth a listen even if they didn't bother to extend an invitation our way after TKC BLOG COMMUNITY BREAKING NEWS of their building up for sale amid their fading fortunes.

You decide . . .


  1. Will there be a free buffet or some of those free vagina hats?

    That would be worth the price of admission.

    1. Sounds like a great time. I'm sure they will be fair toward the new President just like they were in their coverage of Donald Trump's candidacy. Too bad 3/4ths of them were always wrong.

    2. Another Hillary Clinton Pity Party.

      NO Thanks.

      At least this is before their GO Bond forum where they will give their support with a kiss. I won't call the GKCWPC a group of nasty women because they would get off on that. Instead, they are much worse, they are ineffective.

  2. It's all so fuckin comme il faut to pretend you're in a "special" club and get together with your friends and make fun of Middle America and Trump. Keep clicking the heels of your ruby slippers..., er..., purple tennis shoes together and waiting for Hale-Bop to save you from facts.

    Your idiot, post racial president purloined 1/6th of the economy and injected a cancer into America's Economic Body. Now, the fuckin Chemo is going to hurt and be a pain in the ass for everyone, while, of course, the very scumbag lying fucks that made us all so sick and kept the economy on life support while energy prices plumented, will whine and complain every step of the way as we try to get healthy. You liberals are worse than the worst crack dealer in history. With any luck, you fucks will start killing each other off, just as fast as your electoral base is killing each other off here in 64131.

    The Media IS the enemy of the American People.

  3. Jim nailed it this morning.

    The Democrats reduced themselves to a gang of sadistic neo-Maoists seeking to eradicate anything that resembles free expression across the land in the name of social justice. Coercion has been their coin of the realm, and especially in the realm of ideas where “diversity” means stepping on your opponent’s neck until he pretends to agree with your Newspeak brand of grad school neologisms and “inclusion” means welcome if you’re just like us.

  4. Move to fuckin California Mary. The land where damns fail and the state goes broke for MS 13.


    Interesting that the LA Times did this. Lou Dobbs reported this on CNN and it cost him his job. The only network we would see this on would be FOX. All the others are staying away from it. Whether you are a Democrat or Republican, this should be of great interest to you!

    Just One State - be sure and read the last part... try for 3 times.

    This is only one State... If this doesn't open your eyes, nothing will!

    From the L.A. Times. RE: Illegal Workers and a man named Lumpy

    1. 40% of all workers in LA County (10.2 million people) are working for cash; and not paying taxes. This is because they are predominantly illegal immigrants, working without a green card.

    (Donald Trump was right)

    2. 95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.

    3. 75% of people on the most wanted list in Los Angeles are illegal aliens.

    4. Over 2/3 of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal, whose births were paid for by taxpayers.

    5. Nearly 35% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals; they are here illegally.

    6. Over 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles County are living in garages.

    7. The FBI reports half of all gang members in Los Angeles are most likely illegal aliens from south of the border.

    8. Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD properties are illegal.
    9 21 radio stations in LA are Spanish- speaking.

    10. In LA County, 5.1 million people speak English; 3.9 million, speak Spanish. (There are 10.2 million people, in LA County.

    (All 10 of the above facts were published in the Los Angeles Times)

    Less than 2% of illegal aliens are picking our crops, but 29% are on welfare. Over 70% of the United States' annual population growth, (and over 90% of California, Florida and New York), results from immigration. Also, 29% of inmates in federal prisons are illegal aliens.

    If you see Ramos, punch that irredentist fuck in the face.

  5. I detect the odor of 30-day-old carp in the first tastings of the dish.

  6. The Star editorial board has become the squalling midgets of our time.

  7. HA HA HA HA

    This group is going to lecture us about fake news?

    HA HA HA HA!

  8. Do I need to bring my Mao Red book?

  9. so the generators of fake news and non-truth seeking reporting are going to reveal their methodologies?

    they shouldn't bother because the public already understands.

    they'll be talking to each other in an echo chamber and it will make them happy, however.

    also, they don't have anything better to do with thrir lives.

  10. Claire should be there to cap off the holier-than-thou rhetoric.

  11. This story is a joke, right?

  12. Deez zpeakerz are goin to zpeak bazed on dere ZCIENTIFIC media and market rezearch power and expert analyziz.

  13. Hillary 2024!

    Get in on the ground floor at the meeting.

  14. I got a retweet of a EX-Star Reporter Deann Smith tweet last night where she was talking about her mammogram. Deann always liked to call attention to her boobies. At one time they were spectacular!

  15. It's good that you used the past tense @ 346

  16. These local yocal fake news journalists don't even comprehend that the more they raise the question of fake news, the more the public turns the mirror on them and the legacy media. They hurt themselves in the end.

    What a farce.

  17. Why did they leave out Yael?

  18. Fake news? You mean like the whole Fourth Estate in our country blatantly abandoning even the pretense of impartiality?

  19. methinks thou doth protest too much

  20. Psychological projection is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against their own unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others.[1] For example, a person who is habitually rude may constantly accuse other people of being rude. It incorporates blame shifting. Wikipedia.

  21. WTF is the deal with the story KCTV 5 has about the man trying to pull down a 2 year olds diaper in a KCMO park and rape the baby? WTF I have to get out of KCMO.

  22. Deplorable Joe3/13/17, 6:07 PM

    Another reason why Trump won- Dirty Sanchez and these idiot libtards just don't get it...

  23. The smell in that room.... Yaack!

  24. is mary snatchez at it again?

  25. Narly Virgin Mary Snatcheeze3/13/17, 7:00 PM

    Tony thank you. I love how you try to act like I am a silly old bitty, but give me free publicity at every turn. if you weren't suck a fat ass I come over the your shack for a threesome with Bolonzo. Us Latinos have to stick together sweetie

  26. Hillary still won the popular vote.

  27. 6:07 said libtard!...burp...fart...sniff...gurgle...choke...puke.

  28. Deplorable Joe is a repubtard shit-flake.

  29. I thank TKC for pointing out the OBVIOUS:

    "With respect to all of these local news leaders . . . Three journalists along with an abortion enthusiast doesn't seem like a balanced view of the new Administration or the future of journalism that mostly involves the mobile phone."


    Join a panel discussion featuring Dave Helling (KC Star), Dan Margolies (KCUR), Mary Sanchez (KC Star Editorial Board) and Bonyen Lee Gilmore, Marketing & Communications Director for Planned Parenthood of Great Plains.

    This is an important point that Liberal Democrats repeatedly FAIL to comprehend. When you surround yourself with other mentally-impaired Liberal Democrats to discuss issues, you'll only reinforce your own hallucinatory delusions of reality. If you've ever read the Star editorial board comments, listened to KCUR's Up-To-Date, or most news on NPR, you'll immediately recognize the constant barrage of Left-bank propaganda which is streamed forth from a bevy of logic-deprived, identity-politics indoctrinated, nodding-head know-nothings who yap after President Trump like a pack of neutered chihuahuas looking for a leg to hump.

  30. they're talking in an echo chamber and now exposed as not the majority.

  31. What does the Star know about news anyway? Pathetic rag. There's better content in Highlights magazine for kids.


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