Kansas City Fears Losing Obamacare

The upcoming repeal has healthcare providers scared about the future and more local po'folk seniors and students without coverage. Take a look: American Health Care Act has some Kansas Citians worried they may lose insurance


  1. Welcome to the real world lady, while the rest of us have been supporting your ass you thought it was great, now that you have to help support losers like you, all you want to do is whine about it. Get a grip, STFU and get to work.

  2. I love what Trump is doing here. He's throwing the people who voted for him off healthcare. They are the ones whom this repeal will affect the most...and it's a beautiful thing. Screw the elderly and all those people with pre-existing conditions. Kid got cancer and you need the insurance for meds?? STFU and die. I'm tired of supporting losers like you. You voted for this. Trump is just helping with natural selection that's all. Go Donnie go!

  3. 7:42 another liberal loser pissed they no longer have a free ride

  4. ^^^Your mother was a liberal loser who gave out free rides^^^


  5. 7:42 Yes we voted for Trump and to get rid of Obama Care. Obama Care killed small business and made people like me pay for slutty women to kill their babies when we oppose it. I'm a commercial landlord and it has killed a business that has been around for over 100 yrs, it also killed a young guy and his brother's business when he stated a school for people to learn and serve an apprenticeship.
    It has caused my insurance to go up with less coverage.

    For Trump to fix the mess Obama left him is not easy, and he is trying to get costs down. What part of that do you not understand?

    You liberals are not supporting us, It's us who are supporting liberals who fell for LBJ's war against poverty, which was a huge scam!

    So why don't you quit listening to the MSM and research the cause and effect yourself.

  6. ^^^^^^No that was your mother, you only dream and wish it was my mother while ignoring the truth like a typical libertard.

  7. ^^^It's not "libertard" you dumb ass, it's libtard! You can't even get your insults right. Also just to clarify; you want people to wish your mother gave out free rides???? Oedipus complex much? (you probably have to look that up big fella).

  8. People above,
    Just hope to god you do not get laid off, which you will, and have to get health care.

  9. According to the CBO there will be 24 million Americans without healthcare if the law is repealed in the next year. Who cares? They are mostly elderly and the poor, but who gives a shit about them. I ain't no bleedin' heart pussy libtard! Screw those poor bastards. I am tired of givin' free rides to libtards. If Paul Ryan and Donald Trump say this is what we gonna do, dammit we gonna do it. It's down-right un-American to care about others, feed the poor, aid the sick. I want my tax-break! I'm the 1% the rest of you bastards are the takers.

  10. Recently I saw a woman on TV talking about how she's living from paycheck to paycheck. People sent her thousands of dollars because of her plea to help her 'kid'z'. Apparently these people didn't see the 3 inch painted fingernails, the multiple visible tat's on her chest, her hair did, nice clothes and figures covered with jewelry.

    We'll join the freaking club. We pay 1/3 of our retirement income on healthcare. Working a combined 65 years and now we're expected to provide healthcare, education and feed people who can't put their 'kid'z' first?

    No one is saying not to help the sick, disabled, and elderly. Is destroying the middle class the answer here? What we're trying to say is that we're sick to death of paying for people who expect us to pay for their life style. This includes politians.

  11. Lets all panic and piss and moan before anything is even close to be finalized. I'm sure that when it is all said and done you'll have to be a registered Republican to get any benefits at all = DUH!

  12. ^^^Hell yea ^^^ Your damn right^^^ I'm tired of paying for that libtard who is dumb enough to want that insurance for his kid with cancer, who if we repeal it, will probably lose it and the kids life, but we can't be expected to pay for that can we? We have worked our whole damn lives, I agree with you..if we portray this as "those" kinds of people with 3 inch nails losing the insurance, (that they are paying for, but whatever) it's easier than facing the facts that it's the elderly and sick people who will really pay. We have to make America Great again and this is how we do it!!

  13. Just call it what it is: welfare

    Instead of orovuding insurance to the poor, obamacare destroyed insurance for everyone
    It would have cost 38 billion to buy insurance for all the uninsured. But instead we got this wholesale takeover by Obama
    And you wonder why it's a mess today

  14. ^^let O-care crush and burn only to prove once again that Socialism doesn't work. Those kind of people are the ones who have their hands in our bank accounts. We don't like it. I'm going to object to paying for people who can't control their urges or pay for mani pedi's with my life savings, not without a fight. You fools go for it and see where it leads.

    Losing insurance? Who has lost anything? Just trying paying $7,500 a month for care facility for an elderly mother you Libtards R-US, Inc. I would love a free mani/pedi. Where can I sign up for a free ride?

    I've watched people die painful deaths of all ages this past year. People with all the insurance and money one could accumulate in a life time. We all pay you dumb ass 12:08.

  15. ^^^First what the fuck is "orovuding" Second, it's not just insurance for the poor, all kinds of people use it-do your homework. Third, where in the fuck did you get that 38 billion dollar number from?? Fourth, my insurance didn't get destroyed-what the fuck are you talking about? Lastly, why did Obama want to "wholesale takeover healthcare for? What did he get out of it? Jeez dude if your just gonna crib Fox News talking points, at least be smart enough to be coherent about it so you don't post crap like that. God your lazy and dumb as shit.

    1. It's a typo you dip shit

    2. First. I misspelled "providing" sorry
      Second. All throughout the obamacare debate it was sold as a way to give insurance to the millions if people who couldn't afford insurance. At that time congress did a study and found that by simply spending 38 billion would over ten years would have done just that without the total disruption that happened
      Third. Government control of health care has been a democrat goal since Franklin Roosevelt proposed it in an academic thesis when he was in college in the late 1800's
      Vice President Biden himself stated that now that they control health insurance companies, the next target, his words, would be the life insurance companies
      If you can't see the correlation between government control of insurance and how people are pissed off about how it has cost them more money than before, then I can't help you

  16. Hey 12:49 PM, you can sign up for that free ride outside your mom's bedroom but you have to wait you turn though.

  17. I was diagnosed with cancer a month ago so obviously I'm interested in this. I was thinking of moving from Missouri to the (better) Kansas side but if they throw most of the insurance issues back to the states, not sure I trust Brownback with preexisting conditions.

  18. Never trust brownback son...

  19. WaaaaaaaaH!!!! If I had known it was my responsibility to survive I would have never been born. WAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHA!

  20. I'd like to know what rocket scientest came up with that 24 million figure?

    Is it the same person who comes up with all the street car numbers?

    Or is it the person who came up with the figure for the number of people at the Royal's shindig a couple of years ago?

    1. The same people who have been saying there is only eleven million illegals in the country for the last thirty years

  21. To the person who whined about 24 million sick and elderly no longer covered, the CBO estimated most of those no longer covered simply will not buy insurance. That means mostly young and healthy people, not the sick and the elderly, who most likely will not need insurance and in the absence of coercion through federal fines , er, taxes, will elect not to purchase coverage.

  22. Gabe Mantooth3/14/17, 4:43 PM

    I can't wait until the Republicans finalize the detail of the health saving accounts, so folks can start saving up for their $50K heart attacks.

  23. 8:34 how many people did your company that went under employ? I am genuinely curious. I hear something much different stuff about ACA I'm still trying to figure it out.


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