Kansas City Congressman Cleaver Against 'Trumpcare' ACA Replacement Plan

The so-called Trumpcare plan is taking heat on both sides of the aisle as the current Administration learns the complexities of taking on the medical industrial complex.

Meanwhile, Kansas City's top ranking elected official offers this perspective:

“This latest proposal by the Republicans guts the Affordable Care Act and ends access to health care as we know it. This isn’t replacement, this is an elimination - snatching healthcare away from millions of Americans. This plan would cut Medicaid and force older Americans to pay more out of pocket. The only people who will benefit from this plan are the big insurance companies and the wealthy with extreme tax breaks. The purpose of the ACA was to ensure that all Americans regardless of income, age, or health status would be able to receive health care. This plan defeats that purpose, making our country sicker.”

Congressman Emanuel Cleaver, II
Missouri’s 5th District
U.S. House of Representatives
Developing . . .


  1. Got a better plan? Obamacare is worse.

  2. Obamacare is WORSE? Are you sure about that?

    Do you use it?

  3. throw out what doesn't work, then that will clear the air to start on something better.

  4. What kind of healthcare plan is Cleaver providing for his employees at the car wash? I'm curious to see what kind of example this mouthpiece is setting.

  5. the problem is using the failed plan as a starting point.

  6. 4:19: Obama care is worse than what?

  7. The purpose of obamacare was to nationalize health insurance companies
    Not health care
    After it was passed Vice President Biden gleefully boasted "now were going after the life insurance companies"
    That's communist nentality

  8. Under Obamacare, my health insurance costs tripled even though I never used it once. I had to increase my deductible to $2,500 to hold it there.
    My insurance company even sent me a letter saying the increases were due to Obamacare taxes and fees. Middle class folks like myself are the ones paying for other people to get free or heavily subsidized health insurance. Guess what? I can't afford to pay for someone else's insurance. Many of the Obamacare supporters like Cleaver don't have to pay for their own insurance so it's easy for them to support it.
    Cleaver can't even run a small car wash so why should we listen to him
    on anything involving money? Plus, most of the insurance companies have been dropping out of Obamacare. Also, let's not forget that the democrats lied to get Obamacare passed. First, they said if you like your insurance company, you can keep your insurance company. Second, they said the savings would be $2,500 per family per year when it was really a $2,500 increase.

  9. Clever is set for life, so why should he care about the "little people"? The only time he says "I Care" is when he's up for re-election.

  10. Cleaver is screwed. He doesn't have a bro president to mooch off of and without tossing entitlements and freebies to his boon constituents winning an election becomes harder. Democrats can not win elections on merit. They win by buying them.


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