Kansas City Blogging Against Upcoming Missouri GOP Workplace Rights Crackdown

GOP hegemony in Jeff City inspired politicos to work on rolling back a great many workplace protections. Here's a perspective on that move along with an important question about its motivation.

Take a look:

Uncommon Courage: "The Missouri Legislature is on the verge of gutting civil rights statutes. The majority party has been trying to look out only for the "big" guy ( read: corporations)!instead of the "little" guy for ten years. Lower verdicts, higher standards of proof, anything to protect businesses that discriminate. This year, chances for a veto are slim. Sigh. When did it become popular to be mean and heartless?"

Developing . . . 


  1. Another reason why Trump won- idiot snowflakes who actually believe that labor unions exist to protect their members while in reality the union bosses get rich by lining their pockets and making backroom deals w/dem politicos.

    1. 659 she didn't say anything about unions. The story is about making the plaintiff prove in a lawsuit that discrimination was the main factor, and not just a contributing factor to their termination, in order to sue.

  2. It became popular to be mean and heartless when trial lawyers became rich by suing businesses that are too small to hire a huge HR department to dot all the i's and cross the t's that are required these days.

  3. Your right 7:09, 6:59 didn't even bother to read the article. He was in such a hurry to say "snowflakes". Like his daddy Trump, he was too stupid to read and actually comprehend what was written. Typical Trump-dumpster.

  4. Heh...heh...heh..he said snowflakes...heh...heh...heh. Burp..fart..sniff.

  5. Lynne said it, so who cares what was said. She is only pissy because this might hurt her ability to drum up any any scam cases like what Byron has going. And why shouldn't she be required to prove something beyond all reasonable doubt. This practice of allowing hearsay evidence being used is plain ole fucking bullshit. To many shysters like Lynne and Byron getting huge paydays based on false unprovable events ans statements.

  6. I expect that "main factor" or similar was the original intent of the law, but it was not explicit enough to keep courts from mucking it up. Another way to fix it would be to require the jury to determine how large the "contributing factor" was (e.g. 10%) and apply that percentage to the total damages and attorneys fees awards.

  7. I've been on a non-profit board for 20 years. In that time we have been sued twice for racial discrimination in cases where we had to fire an employee for not showing up for work and they claimed it was based on race. I support the MO legislature.

  8. Democrat special-interest identity groups wanting to keep their "must-hire, can't fire --gotta promote" quota scams going.

  9. Damn democrats and their-special interest identity groups. If they aren't pushing liberal judges to release criminals who killed six firefighters, they are messing up sex trafficking. They are also keeping their must-hire, can't fire-gotta promote quota scams going. Don't forget they are also responsible for all the violence in Chicago by defacto Obama Brownshirts, and they have also wire-tapped Trump Tower. Their nefarious agenda casts a wide net.

  10. Since most labor related lawsuits are tried in Federal Courts this whining is a mute point.

  11. Wealthy Democrat greedy weasel trial lawyers waving the "rich guys" card...LOL

  12. Amazing how when the libtard shitflakes are in charge they don't get a damn thing accomplished, but when they are bitch slapped into impotence and insignificance they are experts at what everyone else ought to be doing. Like their entitlement addicted constituents actually have jobs!

  13. ^^^You said libtards!...burp...fart...sniff..gurgle...choke...

  14. So many butt-hurt conservatives on this blog. Jeez quit your damn whining.

  15. 1:16 Check in with your mommy. It's time for a diaper change kah kah frijole breath.


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