Even his fiercest critics were forced to acknowledge that last night Prez Trump seemed "Presidential" for the first time and did a lot to win back hearts and minds despite a turbulent start to his tenure.

The reference to an Olathe deadly triple shooting was a big deal and silenced critics across the nation . . . And a more reasoned and professional tone helped to assure skeptics from both left and right about the policy aims of the Trump Administration - Even amid ongoing disagreements.

Check the round-up . . .

NPR: In Emotional Moment Of Speech, Trump Addresses Navy SEAL's Widow

Politico: How Trump's disciplined speech came together

USA: Trump to Congress: 'The time for trivial fights is behind us'

Fox News: Trump, in speech to Congress, calls to 'restart the engine' of US economy

BBC: Trump speech to Congress promises 'renewal of American spirit'

CNN: 7 in 10 Speech-Watchers Say Trump Boosted Optimism

TIME: Donald Trump Finally Sounded Like a President

You decide . . .


  1. To all the "Critics"

    Hillary lost.

    Deal with it.

  2. The dummocrats worse nightmare a responsible Trump. Goodbye Claire 2018.

  3. It's all talk. Guys seen that wall being built yet? Now he's talking about an immigration compromise so there's a broken campaign promise. Obamacare wasn't repealed day one, another broken promise. He hasn't accomplished a fucking thing, it's all bluster, just like his campaign was. And you rubes fell for it. Maybe he'll let your water and air be poisoned, though you don't seem to have a problem with that for some reason.

  4. Honest question Trump voters, how do you feel now that Trump has broken one of the very tenets of his campaign concerning immigration? Was there a bigger one? He wants to allow amnesty to millions of immigrants. How do you feel about that? There really isn't a bigger lie he told. There really is no other way to put it, he told a gigantic lie to us.

    1. "You can keep your doctor."

  5. There has been no president in modern history, who, actually initiated efforts to enforce his campaign promises on day one.

    Obamacare was and is a pathogen introduced into the bloodstream of middle class Americans by Democrats who, as always, were interested in wealth redistribution based on demographics, with the knowledge of what their base needs and wants. What their base, needs and wants, is free shit from the makers, shifter to them, the takers. This Obamination killed the recovery and jobs.

    the TRUTH about unemployment, not the lies you heard again and again about 5% etc. is, as the President admitted on national TV, is that there are 94 million people OUT of the work force, which is NOT what the lying, lickspittle Main Stream Media, who is nothing more than a PR Bureau for failed Democrat policies has been telling us.

    Obamacare, will be repealed, but it can't as any reasonable human being knows, be repealed with the "Pen and Phone" capriciousness of an idiot ideologue who thinks that if he just clicks his Diverse Ruby Red Slippers together, and says three times, "We will read it, find out what's in it and it will be ok".

    We had a president, who never collected a check from a for profit company and despises the middle class. He fucked us with premeditated lies about doctors, health care, premiums and with again, the help of a somnambulant and obsequies press, inflicted the greatest fraud in American History on the American people.

    It's gonna take a fuckin minute to fix what the Democrat/Black-Nationalist/Progressive/Marxist did.

    Until then, you fuckheads can all wail and gnash your teeth while waiting for your next scheduled EBT windfall.

  6. Best speech yet? That's not saying much. Maybe more accurate would be "Speech didn't suck as much as most."

  7. Deplorable Joe3/1/17, 7:16 AM

    7:03 nailed it. The libtards who fell for Barack Hussein's oratory skills still can't accept that they LOST... Enjoy the next 8 years...

  8. 6:25-Your are absolutely correct. He has not done a damn thing-and he never will. his first month in office has been a train wreck. What you saw last night was a man coming to terms with record low approval ratings and the fact that the majority of Americans despise him. His immigration back-track was a slap to the face of his supporters. I know the racists and Nazis who comment on this blog had to be disappointed by that and his rebuke of anti-semitisim.

    1. Oh, the bitterness of progressive tears. Delicious. :)

  9. You know the KC Hillary dummocrats think they will get bailed by Trumps infrastructure plan. Hopefully he doesn't give them a penny.

  10. Hey Chuck tell us more about the defacto Obama Brownshirts but first, make sure your tin-foil hat is strapped on real tight. Check your facts those who are unemployed in this economy(You). They are never going to find work because they don't want to(you). They are poorly educated(you), lazy(you) and making too much off the government dole(you). I'm sorry your $10 an hour job got shipped to China, but hate to break it to you snowflake..you are responsible for your own pathetic life.

  11. I'm not a democrat by any means, but I know crazy when I see it...and Trump is bat-shit crazy. It's obvious the democrats will oppose him but if you think that the republicans are going to support a border tax, repeal of Obamabcare, 25 billion dollar wall, and rampant deficit spending..your crazier then he is.

  12. Never forget-the big orange cheeto lost the popular vote. Dead man walking!

    1. Please report to grade school so you can better understand elections. Clinton lost the popular vote twice and was still President. Mind blown????

  13. Burp...fart...sniff..libtard!...gurggle...choke...Hildabeast...giggle...belch..sniff...lock her up!!!

  14. 7:16 said "libtards" heh...heh..heh..ha ha ha..5:50 am said "dummocrats" heh...heh..heh..and then he repeated it at 7:28..heh..hehe.heh...burp..fart..sniff

  15. 7:32

    Call me all the names you want. It won't change the facts. This President has initiated (It's been 40 days folks and he is fighting on all fronts, the media, the Progressive/Socialist/Democrats, the Deep State, average salary $122,000.00 per year Federal Employees, who will slow roll, obfuscate and delay at every opportunity, new initiatives and even Republican/War-Party idiots like McCain and Graham.

    In fierce tempest, Daddy is coming home, in thunder and in earthquake like a Jove he will compel and bid the media, the left and the traitors in government to bend to his will.

    Breathe deep the gathering gloom you Big Government Gollums, Daddy is taking your "Precious" and shoving it up the Democrat-Doom's ass.

  16. Byron Funkhouser3/1/17, 8:12 AM

    It was a campaign speech, full of sound & fury signifying nothing. Der Fuhrer made promises he can't keep. He's now a politician. As time passes, more & more will see that he can't magically bring back jobs.

    But, he & The Rethuglicans will have fun destroying the country & the economy.

  17. Hillary is a DEMON that fucks children at pizza places!?

  18. Byron Funkhouser3/1/17, 8:18 AM

    The Democratic response was one of the best speeches that I ever heard.

    The former Kentucky Governor called Der Fuhrer on his bullshit, beautifully.

    He, not Der Fuhrer, was Presidential.

  19. I think that it is weird, if not crazy, to NOT want a wall and security for the country. It is as if, preventing unknown and possibly, no likely, people with criminal intent from coming into the country to murder, steal or sell drugs is a bad thing.


    Americans should just open the borders and let anyone from all over the world, wonder in and take government money provided by tax payers with no, zero oversight, because, you know, we are all Racist.

    Everyone of those people, from Hollywood movie stars, big time government officials, to even the Pope, live behind walls, with guards and you can't even get them on the phone, much less wander into their houses with out being shot or jailed.

    But, no, lets just leave the borders open so regular folks, like Zucherberg, Streep, Obama, Bezos, and the whole bunch of hypocrits can feel good an parties where we wouldn't even be allowed to work at.

    They are such phonys

  20. Meh - the guy read a prepared speech, so what?

    More tellingly is the fact it took over a month for him to get used to the bit in his mouth; he's still a dim-witted loose cannon.

    However, if he keeps saying/doing what President Bannon wants, he'll be fine.

    1. Ha ha ha. Even Anderson Cooper is saying he was 'moved' in parts. So, so bitter. It's funny.

  21. the populist rhetoric aside, the result of his approach will, hopefully, be basic common-sense solutions.

  22. The contrast between the last administration and this administration is dramatically stark, as represented by the slatternly and malevolent Michelle Obama, who was "Never proud of America" and the Regal and Gracious Melania Trump, restrained, respectful and circumspect, even in the face of the calumny and lies from the media, attacking her family and children.

    Imagine, the firestorm of hatred from the Left, if ANY of the insults and slander directed at Melania were in the past directed at Michelle Obama.

    Fuck the Press and Fuck robotic, puppet parasites like Byron Fuckhowser who live on the dole and hate the middle class Americans burdened with supporting them.

  23. Dow 21k! During a friggin papered over depression much less! Nothing is attached to reality anymore.

  24. B'lieRON @8:18, Norah O'Donnell at CBS said having the old hasbeen Beshear flapping his yapper wasn't such a good look for the dying off party of the DEMOCRIMS. Usually an "up and coming" currently serving DUMMOCRAP spews response, she said. Scott Pelley agreed that the DEMONKKKRATS (they're the realz RAYCISS party) are damaged goods and this proves it. Gayle "GirrrrrrlWannaBeOprah" King gushed about POTUS Trump reaching out to the DEMWITS for their chance to actually work with him and the GOP for America's GREATNESS!!!

  25. You have to love some dip stick asking if the wall is being built 5 weeks into a presidency. Guess what clown! The wall IS being built. I guess when the libtard press gets done whining over their fake news they will do a story ... or maybe at least if an illegal stumps his toes on a fence post and has to be medivac'd to a regional trama center.

  26. I see Tony's alter egos are posting the official libtard responses.....LOL

  27. Weez gunna need Warren Beatty'z analyziz of diz zpeech!

  28. the response was pitiful.

    wonder why they couldn't agree on somebody attractive.

  29. N' Bette Midler!

  30. 900, i think you're right but i hope we're both wrong.

  31. Could the Democrats have picked a worse person to give the rebuttal?
    They are a joke.
    2018 will see them relegated to scrubbing the toilets in Congress.
    There will be about 10 Democrats left after the midterm.

  32. It's actually entertaining to to read the above comments of the Progressives. Such a level of denial and spin is pretty amazing.

  33. Hey Chuck..I think you forgot to mention the Illuminati overlords..don't forget them!

  34. Hookers!...where are the Russian hookers! daddy Drumpf wants to get wet!

    1. All you've got is a dumb tabloid story that was discredited immediately? Sad, but typical.

  35. Typical right-wing cucks. Daddy Trump was full of Thorazine last night and judging by the responses on here, you would have thought he cured cancer. God this dumpster fire has set a really low bar.

    1. You're a nation of one, weirdo. Almost universal agreement that it was good to great. Safe space is calling you, dear.

  36. Claire is going down in 2018. Wonder if she'll figure it out and go to a lobbying firm or do-gooder group voluntarily.

  37. Hey 8:59, where in the hell have you been? Michelle Obama was called every name in the book! Everything from an ape to the n word. She handled it all with grace, class and integrity. Melania Trump on the other hand, married for money and to get a green card. She is a "model" in the loosest sense of the word. She copied Michelle's speech word for word at the RNC and hasn't had an original thought or idea in her life. She married a short-fingered vulgarian who can't fuck. She is trapped in a loveless marriage to a buffoon whom she can't stand looking at, let alone touching. Buy a clue shit-stain.

    1. Gosh, you really can't handle that the country voted the left out, and that President Trump is presidential. It's only going to get worse for ya. :)

  38. 9:27 - Dirty ol' Dems went for "pizza" with Podesta Molesta, Pelosi Grossy, Past Prez Impeached Creep with his drag-along Pantsuit Heap. Heard they took the plane-load to Convicted Pedo Pal's parasite, er, paradise island playground for pervs.

  39. Daddy Trump whipped it out last night and the majority of the commentators on here went down on it full throat. When you come up for air, turn around and assume the position. Get used to it cucks, your daddy is going to be doing to you till he's impeached.

    1. Awww. Run and hide! You've been reduced to vulgar fantasies which say WAY more about you than about Trump. Think on it. :)

  40. Hey, 9:55, you forgot MICHAEL. They called her, Michael LaVaughn Robinson.

  41. Oh, sure, 10:12, you enjoyed watching every second last night, and shot stains on that blue dress you wore while buttplugged with your cigar.

  42. 10:12 is still trying to find something to be right about. You lost cry baby. Get over it.

  43. Democrats not only lost the national election, but pretty much got their ass handed to them in most of the state elections and you libtards have the nads to talk about what the conservatives do wrong? WAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

  44. Every time he tries to emphsize a point and cocks his right wrist and nods his head side to side and up and down he looks exactly like Benito Mussolini.

  45. Who were those stupid looking snarky bitches wearing white last night; A packs of fat, sore thumbed, wannabe nuns the Pope kicked out of the church for being over their abortion quotas? Jesus I haven't seen so many ugly bitches in one place since the Miss Gay Leprosy pageant.

  46. 9:55 +1

    Short memories here. ADD much?

  47. Ladybird Johnson was an exemplary FLOTUS.

    Make Highways Beautiful Again.

  48. BathHouse Barry was really trying to say, "If ya like playing doctor, we can put BOYZ in the GIRLZ bathrooms at schoolz!"

    Sorta like those times he called his "wife", MICHAEL, in public and msm played it to the whole world ON PURPOSE! Still with Wright's Down Low, huh? All the net noise about "Michael/Michelle" AND THEY AIN'T SUIING OR DENYING.

  49. 10:55, they all had a cough fit together. Nasties all caught something from Huma's Hilly! Yuk!

    Their vicious thumb thrusts showed us what they use on each other when the the "short circuits" urges cum around.

  50. Trump's speech was really good, but missing something. He didn't say "I, I, I, I," -- "and, and ,and, and" -- if, if, if, if" -- "okie doke".

  51. I wrote the 6:59 A.M. question this morning asking Trump voters what they thought about their man doing a complete 180 concerning illegal immigrants,one of his two biggest promises in his campaign and not one person in 80 comments answered it. So you Trump supporters are totally fine with being lied to about his biggest promise? That is astounding to me, I can't even put into words that you don't care about it. Just absolutely unbelievable.

    1. Yes, the nutty left is, like you, in total freefall about the success of the speech. How was it a 180 exactly? That would mean Trump has suddenly become an advocate of lawless, open borders.

    2. You still didn't answer. I am genuinely interested in the fact Trump is willing to let millions of illegals now stay. Up until yesterday he's stated he's going to throw them out but now they can stay here legally and you don't care? Not one person is pissed? I find this unbelievable.

    3. So in your world, Presidents never moderate positions, never compromise, and always act 100% in line with their campaign agenda, fulfilling all their promises.

      Do they often let you outside on your own?

  52. 5:09 If Trump voters want a wall and it's not built fast enough, like RIGHT NOW, THIS MINUTE, well, then guess crybaby Demwit dirty deeds are in order. Hired hooligans will protest march--pout and shout--wave some signs--and leave filthy litter---for the first hour. Then, the burnin', lootin', and shootin' DEMOCRIMS-styled meltdown begins. Yeah, that's it, a thuggy tantrum.

    1. Trump is now open to granting amnesty to the millions of illegals here right now, so long as they haven't been convicted of a violent crime. Amnesty to millions! And you don't care? The bedrock of his campaign and now you don't care he's going to let them all stay? Not a peep out of any of you? I can't get my head around it. He said it right on TV last night, amnesty to illegals already here, and you don't care. Boggles my mind. The very premise he was elected on, just gone. Seriously, someone explain how this is ok? You guys have raised hell about illegals for eight years and now it's cool? I would think you would be burning up your representatives phone and Trumps twitter, you know he reads it. Just fucking unfathomable.

    2. So, strawman argument. Yes, Trump appears to be moderating his position. This is a good and Presidential thing. But it's far, far from the only reason people voted for him. It's not even the main one.

      Since you continue to state your bogglement, let me help. Trump was elected as a final and authoritative rebuke of leftist social policy in general. To a lesser degree it was a rebuke of Obama's administration and all that came with it. But for the most part, people in the working heartland felt left out of the discussion.

      The patriotism, mistaken for nationalism, felt by these people cannot be overstated. They wanted, and still want, a return to consideration of their issues; not endless meditations on diversity.

      Anyway, breathe easy. And buckle up. If you can't handle a policy shift by an American president, stay in kindergarten.

  53. Hey Tony have you ever thought about doing a podcast the comments would make a great show and you can sell advertising

  54. ^^^ it's not the main one?!?! That and repealing Obamacare were the two foundations of his campaign! Now he's going to let the illegals stay and Obamacare might not be going anywhere. I guess if you walked in on your girlfriend or wife fucking someone and she told she wasn't you would believe her. Trump was right, if he shot somebody on 5th Avenue you wouldn't care. I've never seen people with the ability to lie to themselves more.

    1. Then you aren't acquainted with the left, specifically the democrats, who lied to themselves constantly in order to support the disappointing Obama or the hideous Clintons.

      But you fail, again, to understand that policy positions change in any presidency. Voters support Trump for far more reasons than your amazed mind can fathom. Obviously, or they would have deserted him.

      Strawman argument, again. You're hyperventilating about a position no one holds.


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