While Kansas City's rate of killing continues at a horrific pace and locals remain concerned about the dangerous level of local municipal debt . . . Mayor Sly James is mostly focused on social media opposition to Prez Trump immigration policies.

Even better . . . His twitter storm hasn't been so carefully crafted.

A curious message last night . . .

He blames "fat fingers" and hitting send too soon . . . But then engages in a bit of a battle with Kansas City comic artist Bryan Stalder over the prospect of drunk tweeting . . . Which the Mayor later denies.

Here's the final draft of his first message . . .

This week Kansas City's Mayor has been a constant immigration advocate . . .

Dead Tree Media picks up his sentiments on the topic days after our blog community discussed it:

A mayor’s thanks for peace amid polarizing politics

And while the crusade for social justice is nice . . . There are a great many denizens of our blog community who might argue that the problems confronting KCMO are far too important for any of these distractions that Mayor James can't directly impact except by way of tweet.

Developing . . .


  1. Two drunks engaging in a war of tweets?

    LMAO whats next

  2. Lyin SLie James!

  3. So now Sly's going to be the philosopher king?
    Meddling in education, reading programs, minimum wage issues, national policies, immigration issues, and all the other distractions may be fun for him, but most residents would very much prefer that he and others elected to govern KCMO focus a whole lot more on their actually responsibilities.
    A good start would be the homicide rate, which has started the new year at an even worse level than in 2016.
    The rest of the list is long, but since it's been ignored for the prior six years, there's really not much sense of being specific.
    This city administration has sadly morphed from tragedy to farce.

  4. noble-sounding rhetoric, but mayors are supposed to get things done.

    like stopping the carnage.

  5. Stalder needs to fight for higher property taxes in his neighborhood. Take some of the stress of the rest of us.

    I could move there though if it is inevitable we'll be property taxed out of our own neighborhood.

  6. He's no Jack Kennedy with his efforts to dound clever. Give me a break.

  7. The danger we face is black

  8. Get rid of that ugly beard and the stupid shades. You look ridiculous!

  9. OMG the Mayor won this battle! KO!!!

    So happy I moved to Kansas City just to support our rock star Mayor!!!!

  10. Sorry Mayor but the danger we face is from hundreds if not thousands of our own citizens - something you seem to care little about.

  11. The Mayor is full of Hot air.
    Remember when he was going to lose weight.
    Never happened.
    The guy cannot even control his weight much less the city.


  12. Sly James your comment makes no sense. Exactly who do we want to be???? Like your criminal son???

    Your ignorance is overwhelming, and as you can see you are the cause of the fear, and the rise in crime. You go around the city with your thugs and your hand made cardboard official vehicle sign, with that chip on your shoulder. You have a mental problem and a huge complex. Start acting like a professional before you lose even more business from the city, or haven't you noticed the decline.

    And while you're at it get some class, you act like trash. Your bow tie speaks volumes too. I'm so embarrassed of you.

  13. Should the Mayor disclose what meds he takes to combat obesity? Is he on blood pressure medicine? Has he submitted to drug tests as required by people who want to have full disclosure. Does he Tweet out of boredom?

    Does he have a 6 point plan for lowering the KC murder rate? Does he have ANY plan? If so- is it secret? If no plan... should he be Mayor?

    If he had a plan last year- what was it? Why didn't it work?

    Will this year be different? Do criminal minds read Twitter?

    The "1%" are not the rich people- they are the citizens living in KC that pay 1% earnings tax for... for... umm.. better schools? Lower crime? Trash bags? Lower water rates?

    Ask yourself this: Am I better off now than I was before Sly?

  14. This city administration has sadly morphed from tragedy to farce. The bow tie speaks volumes too. I'm so embarrassed for KC. You've fucked the city and its employees.

  15. Poor Mayor Bullhorn. Look at that blue photo. It captures him in his usual pose, struggling with choices on the menu.

    Sly, you're a clown, and your recent attempts to look like something else seem like part of the act.

    Just sit back and be a good boy, obey your masters, and try not to think too hard. There are so many menus and so little time!

  16. Find it amazing that people in this town will organize and come out in droves to protest problems facing people from THOUSANDS of miles away yet when it comes to organizing and taking a stand against local governmental corruption and rampant abuse of our taxes...crickets...We have enough of our own problems here in this messed up town to be worrying about the problems of refugees. I know that may come across as cold and un-American. But you gotta take care of your own house before you start worrying about someone else's. And our house is FUCKED as it is thanks to officials like S'lie James.

  17. If bullshit was gold, Mayor James wouldn't need this 800 million dollar bond to pass. He could pass it weekly on his own.

  18. Is that James Earl Jones in the picture writing.

  19. I hope the Mayor was drunk when he composed that tweet. Because it makes no sense at all. If that's how he thinks when stone cold sober, then we could end up with a $100 million streetcar or something.

  20. Keep track of the number of crime committed by undocumented bad bandits if no wall send more border patrol and national guard training at the border they won't even attempt to cross if they'll get caught

  21. By Mayor Sly James
    Special to TKC
    There is simply no getting around the fact that we are in the midst of polarizing times. Because of this, I want to use the opportunity to pander to my core constituency: the ignorant, the weak-minded, the Democrats.
    People who want a better life for their kids and families should not live in most parts of KCMO.
    Whether it’s a ToyTrain that targets a certain taxpaying group under the guise of economic development, proposing a taxpayer-funded convention center hotel for non-residents, or a single-terminal airport to keep tourists spoiled, these actions question the very foundation of our character as a people and a democracy.
    Protecting our country is a priority every elected official shares in every town, city and state. But, in KCMO, we know that our city is made weaker by my secrecy, exclusivity, and intolerance. So when our community in Kansas City stands up for what it believes is right or stands up against policies that do not reflect its character, I squash it wholeheartedly.
    We have a lot to be ashamed of in our city right now, with longstanding fiscal mismanagement, record homicide count, huge inventory of abandoned homes, and still struggling public schools.
    Mayors are a reflection of the values of the cities they serve. That’s why I told people gathered at the airport this weekend to quit their bitching and go home. This is about me, telling you, what's best.
    We cannot realize my vision for a better future through citizen participation.
    We must never compromise my leadership. We must agree on and protect my dignity, to the exclusion of all our neighbors.
    As long as I can hold onto power as this city's mayor, I will do all that I can to extend my political career and shill for the business/development community of this great city.


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