Better than prediction . . . One of the BRIGHTEST KANSAS CITY INSIDERS DOES THE MATH on an upcoming vote and comes away with some rather shocking numbers along with just a bit of celebration of our blog community. And the research we've done INDEPENDENTLY AND AWESOMELY on this tax.


Fake News or an 84% Lie??? YOU DECIDE!!!

The numbers on Tony's Kansas City around City's $800,000,000 bonds have been called into question. People have accuse Tony of "fake-news" and incorrect numbers only meant to harm the effort of the City's much needed improvement project.

Take the Challenge

So who do you trust? Since we all know the KC Star is in the pocket of City Hall, we must discount anything they say. We're left with a City notorious for lying to us and Tony's KC that has been accused of FAKE NEWS.

So I challenged myself to see if I could, using Tony's KC information, and the city's website, either verify the allegations that the City is deliberately misleading us . . .

We'll use the City's $12 advertised total tax increase for a 200k home with the 35k car?

I'll illustrate here exactly how to do the math so you can take the challenge right along with me and calculate how much your taxes are going to SKY ROCKET.

Remember, the City's website, as highlighted by Tony's KC's article, shows that the total increase year one is $12. (

Here goes:

First - Determine TAX INCREASE required to be raised. 4 easy steps.

Step 1) The city's assessed valuation in 2016 is $7,199,431,000 (which can be found in the City's audit).

Step 2). How much annually will $40,000,000 cost, over 20 years? That answer is given by the city's own numbers and is $3,209,703 (a year, every year, for 20 years).

So far, these numbers are brought to you by the City.

Step 3) Divide the payment by the assessed value ($3,209,703 / $7,199,431,000 = 0.00045) gives us 0.00045.

Step 4) Now since we're not tax on each $1 of assessed value, but on each $100 of Assessed value, we have to multiply step 3's answer (0.00045) by 100 which gives us 0.045 levy needed to be raised. (0.00045 x 100 = .045).

Now, the numbers are 100% the city, plus your own division and multiplication. NOTHING AT THIS POINT IS SUBJECTIVE-- PURE TONY'S KANSAS CITY FACTS AND CITY NUMBERS.

Second - Determine the "Assessed Value" of your project that's going to be taxed.
The tax will be applied to almost EVERYTHING you own that the city can find, but the most common stuff will be real estate and personal property. Home and auto.

Step 1. Determine How much is my property worth? Remember, we're using the City's example so they chose a $200k home and a $35k auto. HOWEVER, you're not tax on the market value of your home or car, but the assessed value (AV).

Step 2. Determine the AV of your property. MISSOURI LAW says real property is to be taxed at 19% of it's acutal value and personal property at 33-1/3rd % of it's market value. Get your trusty calculator and multiply $200,000 by 19% and $35,000 time 33.3%. (200k x 19% = 38,000 & 35k x 33.33% = 11,665.50).

Step 3. Now you're not assessed on each dollar, but each $100 of AV accord to Missouri law. You'll need to divide the answers in Step 2 by 100. This produces 380 for the home and 50 for the auto. (38,000 / 100 = 380 av & 11,665.50 / 100 = 116.65 av).

Step 4 . This is where things get fun. Take the answers in Step 3 and multiply by the 0.045 TAX INCREASE found in Step 4 of the first section. So (drum roll please), the $200,000 home has an assessed value of 38,000 and the tax increase will be $17.1. (380 x .045 tax = $17.10). BUT WAIT... we can't forget the lovely $35,000 vehicle in the driveway. We need to tax 0.045 to each $100 of the assessed value of $11,665.50 (116.56 x 0.045 = ) by our levy and we get $ $5.25. So you get a grand combined total your first year of $17.10 for your home and $5.25 for your car or $22.34 for your first years tax.


The City has advertised on their site $12 the first year. TONY'S KANSAS CITY, articles showed the tax increase to be substantially higher. The same car and home at $22.34.

The results are in and THE FACTS are that there is no fake news here and TKC is correct our increase will be 84% higher than our mayor, "Lying-Sly's", numbers.

Chalk another Win up for Tony's KC NEWS.

You decide . . .


  1. Reminds me of how KC promised an NBA or an NHL team with the Sprint Center. We're still waiting but there's nothing. Steve Glorioso was running that campaign, too.

    1. Jacknowledge2/6/17, 11:03 AM

      Still think we're better than St. Louis? Get over it!

    2. We're better than St. Louis for now. But that won't last long at this rate.

  2. In all fairness who is this?


    1. Someone who doesn't grasp the math they dole out daily in sixth grade. That's who it is.


      How much longer are you going to run this flawed premise up the flagpole? Until somebody salutes?

      Chalk another loss up for facts.

    2. 3:21, Mayor Bullhorn's shoeshine expert. Wax em good! ;)))

  3. It sez some insider. Stop asking stupid questions!

  4. Brilliant work, Tony.

    This is a new low for the city.

  5. Mayor Bullhorn will be happy to get back to you after his latest feeding. Perhaps then a bit of entertainment! Dance for your masters, Bowtie! This is all about making sure they're kept as fat as you. :)

  6. You always get under estimates from people who eat too much. The mayor definitely fits that category. Over eats by twice and reports on how he will spend your money under half. Small brain with big mouth.

  7. How do you know when a politician is lying? Their lips are moving.

  8. 12:32, what if the politician is a ventriloquist?

  9. Politicians could never be a ventriloquist because they are the dummies.

  10. Lying Sly. I like it.

  11. The state legislature needs to be studying exactly what local municipalities should be allowed to legislate and tax. These cities have gone so far beyond local governance to the point of dictating the future of, and competing with, its own citizens and businesses. The idea that a property owner or citizen should have to pay for the taxes a hotel of\r large business does not wish to pay is insane. To further brag about the revenue these deals generate for the city when the citizen benefit little from the collection of this revenue is even more insane.This needs to stop.

  12. Tony math. Next up easy Spanish lessons.

  13. good stuff--thks TKC!!

  14. I can only get it add up to $12 the first year. But then I understand math.

  15. your math is wrong. everything was right up until the last addition. you say the tax on the car is $2.25, but then it magically gets added as $5.25. So answer should be $19.35. but your point is still correct.

  16. thanks for looking for the truth.

  17. haha, facts indeed.

    But the three errors your experts are making still remain. They were there over the weekend and they're there today.

    Give this a look. It'll be a big help.

    It's got to be great to be a luddite or whatever.

    1. The main error was electing Mayor Bullhorn the Dancin' Grifter. Wasn't he a regular on the Gong Show?

  18. Don't forget the E-Tax we are paying for that lousy crime fighting police department.

  19. Amazing how $17.10 plus $5.25 adds up to $22.34

    It's $22.35, see

    So that makes FOUR errors!

    When you "experts" can't even add two numbers together correctly, it's obvious you're using your shitty math skills to further your agenda, TONY.


    p.s. hahaha

  20. So 0+5=4 now, big deal. It's not like math is an exact science or anything

    Oh wait sorry. It pretty much is.

    And the DECEPTIVE TACTICS of the so-called opposition are laid to waste! All because of their lack of basic math skills! All because 0+5=4!

  21. No you see in some cases 0+5 does equal 4

    Everyone who reads here all agree Byron should get ZERO from the government.

    But he has this I can't work scam going and some liberal idiot gives him FIVE thousand dollars a month.

    Then Byron comes along and says Trump aka Hitler tweaked the figures and he only gets Four dollars a month.

    Please fill out your comment cards when leaving and place your donation for the send Byron where ever fund in the giant "We Love TKC" brandy sniffer so when the rat admits what country he thinks is better to live in than here we can then ship his butt to it. If we have any cash left over after deporting him, we will use it to have a wonderful party.

  22. Here's my math:

    I don't want to give a dime more to KC until they start cleaning up trash and lowering crime numbers.

    I'm not going to debate over pennies. The fact that this mayor LIED and broken nearly all of this promises to help our city should be the main argument.

  23. Remember Troy was the Budget Director. This is Troy's math....voodooo City budget. Sly is not a math guy...just spouts the numbers Troy gives him to keep the corruption machine going.

  24. VoTE NO and talk it up to every person you meet. VOTE NO


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