The Kansas City Morning Link Look

Hailey Clauson hotness put on blast by SI starts our morning glimpse at some of the more important Kansas City mainstream media links.

Take a peek:

Learn How To Outsmart La Migra @ The Kansas City Public Library
Kansas City Public Library has team dedicated to helping immigrants become citizens
Tragic JoCo Crash
Woman dead in Overland Park following wreck
South Kansas City Education Rage
Hickman Mills Superintendent Criticizes Charter School Plan
The Smiling Cowtown Suspect
Kansas City man charged with 17 felony counts including rape, kidnapping, and robbery
Dead Tree Media Hard Rock Embarrassment
Editorial: Rockfest will never die. It will, however, move to Wyandotte County
Making New Rock Chalk Phone Friends
Kansas governor confirms office calls intercepted by feds
East Side Game Nobody Plays In Trouble
Proposed animal shelter could affect disc golf course in Swope Park
And then . . .

And this is the OPEN THREAD for right now . . .


  1. No worries, that smiley faced rapist will melt the hearts of the liberal Jackson County judges and he will get a stiff term of probation. Hey, a big FUCK YOU to the idiots that repeatedly vote to retain those judges.

  2. For once I agree with Carpetbagger. Charter schools aren't going to fix Hickman Mills Schools - and even though he did a silly job using the blueberry analogy it goes without saying charters would pick and choose who could be admitted. Carpetbagger has wasted a lot of tax payer money on is cockamamie ideas, his pet projects and his "resume building" initiatives, with the Board's rubber stamp but at lest he spoke against charter. I was a little confused when he said "his" district - if he meant HM it's the first time he's acted like he cared about the district and community, so maybe he meant LS - his greener pasture (for now).


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