Check the MOST IMPORTANT EDITORIAL THIS WEEK IN KANSAS CITY featuring tragic irony of the local protest movement that doesn't both to do any research on their targets.


Northeast News: Precious Snowflakes

Money line . . .

"The very people who claim to be more tolerant than us “evil” conservatives are the ones burning the flag and destroying public property in response to a gay immigrant speaking at a public university. Tell me again how Conservatives are the Fascists?

Which brings us to this lovely example of liberal tolerance painted on a building in the Pendleton Heights neighborhood . . . The building is owned by a Middle Eastern immigrant and the businesses housed therein are immigrant-owned, as well. The tag went up last week and was painted over by the weekend. Then, almost by magic the tag reappeared and the vandalism was actually celebrated on social media. Some are even predicting tags like this will become the norm as a public statement of resistance against the current administration."

You decide . . .


  1. Are you not entertained?2/8/17, 7:44 AM

    Could be a horse hitting chick with a dick behind this.

  2. "...burning the flag and destroying public property in response to a gay immigrant speaking at a public university... ."

    Would that be the gay immigrant from Great Britain with the Greek last name?

    There's no excuse for not letting him speak, but let's not put him in the same category as immigrants who come here as refugees from repressive governments as opposed to those who come here to merely escape bad food and a soggy climate.

  3. Workers with the resettlement group Della Lamb Community Services joined Country Club Christian Church volunteers Tuesday in preparing a northeast Kansas City house slated to be home for a family of nine Somali refugees. The Star

    EeeeeeeeYeah and just who it is that will be paying their bills?

  4. I didn't celebrate the graffiti , I merely said I liked the font.

  5. Illiberal liberals, fighting fascism with fascist tactics. Makes perfect sense.

  6. Gotta love a party that thinks if you don't sign on to their twisted bullshit you are not an American and should have no rights as a citizen. The Nazis must have been Democrats too!

  7. Trump = Snowflake-in-Chief

  8. promoting chaos is not persuasive, even if it's fun.

  9. 8:25

    No shit.

    Refugee organizations fuck us out of billions.

    And THEN, refugees go on the dole.

    What a fucked deal.

  10. Hillkiary = Shitflake and swiss cheeze

  11. Democrats are now the party of hate.

    They hate America. They are unforgiving and protest to feel whole... like it helps something.

    8 years of Obamatics and no real protests from Republicans in the street... even though his policies made no sense to conservatives.

    Just a lot of planning to make sure no one like Obama is ever elected again and his policies are erased forever.

    Continue to watch as protesters of the liberal Democratic Party continue to burn, destroy and engage in destructive self-behaviors that no amount of psychological help could fix.

    Please dear protesters... get out of the way so we can help MAKEAMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

  12. These demonstrations must be having an effect on the population. People don't give a shit about these assholes who have to much time on their hands. As this kind of bullshit gets worst more and more people will be joining our ranks. The working class American has no time for this shit. Most people are working two jobs just to make ends meet (humans, since negroes don't work and are a drain on society).

    Meanwhile the the FSA (Free Shit Army) spends all their time bitching and moaning about all us "Nazis" and "Bigots" (aka....taxpayers) who are being over taxed so these leeches and bottomfeeders can live without working a day in their life.

    Hey protestors.....Keep it up. Everybody is watching.

  13. Good in, bad out. Write it down.
    Leave it to your humble MotorCity Madman Czar of Shitkickers to offer the surefire cure for homelessness and to solve the immigration issue in America in 1 fellswoop: the liberal snowflakes who believe Mr. Trump is a racist, bigot, xenophobe & meanie should show America just how inclusive and hip they are by immediately driving down to their local homeless shelter and picking up one or two of the homeless and allowing them to move in with them at their apartment, home, or with them into their parent's basement.
    The very delicate snowflakes who are protesting how America should essentially have open borders are the very snowflakes who wouldn’t allow a total stranger to come into their apartments or homes, sleep in their spare bedrooms, eat food from their refrigerators, or randomly rifle through their medicine cabinets. I’m right because none of the fragile flower power petals hypocrites are begging to adopt an immigrant family or homeless person.
    The goofball judge who blocked President Trump’s executive order to block immigration for 90 days from a handful of America hating Middle East countries also hasn’t adopted an immigrant or homeless stranger into his home, which makes him the perfect personification of an anti-common sense, out-of-touch, supreme dufus judge from planet Bizzarro. He obviously thinks The Planet of the Apes was a documentary.
    America has every right to xtremely vet every immigrant as we see fit. I vet strangers very carefully. So do you. So should America. That’s what us old timers used to call “common sense.”

  14. Just shoot the faggot cocksuckers. They contribute NOTHING TO THIS WORLD!


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